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freedom mat that's what it's all about [Music] [Laughter] [Music] welcome you are listening - what on earth is happening this show will discuss the topics of human consciousness mind control natural law the occult and all issues that affect the freedom of the people of Earth what on earth is happening will endeavor to shine light upon the darkness of our world and to offer empowering solutions to the problems we face as humanity approaches it's critical moment of choice and now here is your host Mark Pascoe [Music] welcome one and all you are listening to what on earth is happening right here on the Oracle broadcasting radio network I'm your host mark passio my website what on earth is happening dot-com the network's website is Oracle broadcasting dot-com today is Sunday September 4th 2011 we have a good show lined up for you here today we are going to be continuing our ongoing discussion about the general principles of natural law right here on what on earth is happening today last week we began the breakdown of the hermetic principles or what I am terming the general principles of natural law these are ancient principles which come down to us over centuries in the mystical traditions of all lands and they embody the underlying factors that we really need to develop a deep education of if we are going to transcend the current human condition that we are in right now and have been trapped in for thousands of years last week on the show we looked at three of the seven general principles of natural law we took a look at the principle of mentalism which basically states that the universe and everything within it is derived from mind mind is all the universe is a mental construct it is a spiritual construct we're talking about mind capital m ok so everything is a spiritual construct for experience we took a look at the principle of Correspondence that everything is connected and interrelated that the universe is self-similar across all scales of creation that the very very small or the microcosm is a sim is a reflection of the very very large the macrocosm where the term that which is above is like to that which is below comes from or that which is within is like to that which is without as we are individually within so we are creating the external experience that we call the manifested reality in which we live and we have to actually live in and experience that reality that we generated from within ourselves we took a look at the third general principle of natural law which is the principle of vibration that everything that exists is ultimately vibratory energy in different states of vibration that there is no solidity solid matter as such per se if there is simply different states of residents of vibratory resonating energy so we're going to continue to look into the principles the general principles of natural law over this show we'll be looking at the principle of polarity and the principle of rhythm the principle of cause and effect and the principle of gender that's coming up on this edition of what on earth is happening don't go anywhere folks we'll be right back [Music] made of stone [Music] [Music] we are back folks we listening to what on earth is happening I'm your host mark passio my website is what on earth is happening calm there you'll find a couple of images that basically outline what we're going to be talking about here today it's the same for poor images that I had posted here last week and it's they're just there to give people a general outline of the general principles of natural law so we're going to jump right in and start talking about the fourth general principle which is known as the principle of polarity and actually before we do that I'll give the call-in number I'm not gonna take calls until the second hour I'm gonna stay focused on really getting this information out there but if there's time in the second hour I'll take calls toward the the I guess the second half hour of the second hour of the show so here's the calling number for those who want to get in the queue calling number for the show is eight six six eight four one one zero six five once again the calling number eight six six eight four one one zero six five hopefully we'll have some time to get to a few calls and we I am going to ask people to limit the topic of discussion to natural law principles please that's what we're talking about here today and have been for the last couple of weeks and we'll be continuing to talk about this as the first major overall underlying solution to the problems that we're facing as a species so if you are going to call in please ask some questions or make some comments about the general principles of natural law or anything else that is related to natural law so here we go principle number four and the text that I'm going to be reading some excerpts from is known as the Chi ba Lian and we talked about this last week and the week before this is a general hermetic text that talks about the principles that underlie everything that's basically what this text is all about it's very simple it's not very long it's probably about 50 pages in digital format something to that effect if you own it in a hard hardback copy maybe about a hundred pages so this is not anything that's an extremely long or drawn-out discussion it's there to act as a primer for those who want to begin to grasp the principles that are always at work these are general principles that underlie natural law that are always at work whether we believe in them whether we understand them whether we accept them whether we want them to be in place or not they're in place they are inherent to creation so we are bound by these laws whether we like them or not that's completely irrelevant I'm attempting to explain how these laws function and operate so that if we want to get out of the levels of self-inflicted suffering that we are in as a species we can do this by bringing our actions into harmony with these principles if we decide to not do that we're going to continue to suffer and things are going to continue to become extraordinarily chaotic here on planet Earth and in coming weeks I'll be getting into how the expressions of natural law function and essentially what that part of this discussion is all about is really delving deeply into the principle of polarity as it is connected with the principle of cause and effect these are probably the two overarching lis the two most powerful and critical to understand in in the seven okay and if we don't understand how the basic polarities function and how us choosing them and embodying them ultimately gets us the result that we want through the law of cause and effect we generally understand nothing all right so the understanding the expressions of natural law really goes a long way to helping us understand how these two principles work in conjunction with each other and it's very interesting to note that there a lot of people who are interested particularly in the principle of polarity an interesting side note is that the number one search term that gets people to my website at what on earth is happening calm you know the traffic to my site if you look at some of the analytics about it aren't generated by people linking to the site they're generated by people searching for certain concepts and ideas that are contained in the material that's on the site and then finding it that way and the number one search term that drives people to the what on earth is happening website is polarity I was as surprised as anyone else to learn this but it shows you that people have an idea that these principles and laws actually do govern what's really going on here and understanding them is the utmost thing that we can do to towards bringing about a resolution a solution to the problems that we're facing so let's jump into principle number four and the readings when I read quotes are from the Hermetic text known as the Cavalli on which is actually posted to my website I believe it's under podcast number 73 you can find a PDF copy of the Cavalli on so principle number four the principle of polarity quote everything is dual everything has poles everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same opposites are identical in nature but different in degree extremes meet all truths are but half-truths all paradoxes may be reconciled the Chi ba Lian now I'm quoting from the Chi ba Lian once again and this is their the initiative out this book this is their assessment of this general principle this principle embodies the truth that quote everything is dual everything has two poles everything has its pair of opposites all of which were old hermetic axioms it explains the old paradoxes that have perplexed so many which have been stated as follows quote thesis and antithesis are identical in nature but different in degree opposites are the same differing only in degree the pairs of opposites may be reconciled extremes meet everything is and isn't at the same time all truths are but half-truths every truth is half false there are two sides to everything etc etc etc it explains that in everything there are two poles or opposite aspects and that quote opposites are really only the two extremes of the same thing with many varying degrees between them to illustrate heat and cold although quote opposites are really the same thing the difference is consisting merely of degrees of the same thing look at your thumb thermometer and see if you can discover where heat terminates and cold begins with C there is no such thing as absolute heat or absolute cold the two terms heat and cold simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing we'll pick this up on the other side of this break you're listening to what on earth is happening right here on the Oracle Broadcasting Network don't go anywhere folks [Music] stay asleep oh babe what do you look civic with his eyes it's what we see when he looks at it sunglasses we speak the same things all the way through the subliminal sympathy courtesy of a no offense [Music] welcome back folks this is what on earth is happening and I'm your host mark passier we're talking about the general principles of natural law we were reading from the Kavali on on the principle of polarity I'm going to pick up the reading they were talking about the fact that opposites are really only two extremes of the same thing and they have varying degrees in between them and we left off talking about they were giving an example of temperature heat and cold so it said look at the thermometer and see if you can discover where he terminates and cold begins there is no such thing as quote absolute heat or quote absolute cold the two terms heat and cold simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing and that same thing which manifests as heat and cold is merely a form variety and rate of vibration so heat and cold are simply the two poles of that which we call heat and the phenomenon the phenomenon attendant there upon are manifestations of the principle of polarity the same principle manifests itself in the case of light and darkness which are the same thing the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena where does darkness leave off and light begin what is the difference between large and small between hard and soft between black and white between sharp and dull between noise and quiet between high and low between positive and negative the principle of polarity explains these paradoxes and no other principle can supersede it the same principle operates on the mantel plane let us take a radical and extreme example that of love and hate two mental states apparently totally different and yet there are degrees of hate and degrees of love and a middle point in which we use the terms like or dislike which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a loss to know whether we like or dislike or neither and all are simply degrees of the same thing as you will see if you will but think a moment and more than this and considered of more importance by the her medicines it is possible to change the vibrations of hate to the vibrations of love in one's own mind and in the minds of others many of you who read these lines have had personal experiences in the involuntary rapid transition from love to hate and the reverse in your own case and that of others and you will therefore realize the possibility of this being accomplished by the use of will by means of the hermetic formulas good and evil are but the poles of the same thing and the Hermit assist understands the art of transmitting transmuting evil into good by means of an application of the principle of polarity in short the act of polarization becomes a phase of mental alchemy known and practiced by the ancient and modern hermetic masters an understanding of the principle will enable one to change his own polarity as well as that of others if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art so that is the principle of polarity and what I would add to this my comment would be is that there is most certainly only one thing and degrees of it we can take light and darkness as an example as they did here and there's really no such thing as the dark there is only light or its absence it's the removal of the presence of light from a particular place is all that darkness is light is still all that exists there is no actual such thing as darkness it is an illusion based on the non presence of light energy in a particular space so the illusory quality is what I would add is that we only see polarities in place but really there's only one thing love and fear I've talked about as the two basic polarities but really there is only love there is only consciousness and its expansion in an illusory state of mind there is the presence of fear this is an illusion that needs to be recognized as such and that's a tall order saying that and doing that are two extremely different things talk about extremes saying and doing can be looked at as two opposite polarities extremes because it's really easy to say that fear is an illusion but actually removing it from your life such that you do not live in fear can be a tall order especially in a world like this that people who have bought into this illusory identification the world that they've made as a result of it can certainly make that a tall order but we need to understand really there is only the the absolute or the one thing and then there's just degrees from it that extend down from it okay knowledge and ignorance we can look at as another polarity well total knowledge is the mind of God which of course we aspire to we're probably not going to achieve that in human form all right but so we're all at different degrees of ignorance extreme ignorance the total refusal of truth and the total willingness to even acknowledge that there is any such thing as natural law principles that are in effect the total refusal to acknowledge that there is any such thing as the the underlying basis of matter being vibratory energy and these different differing degrees that we call polarities this is extreme ignorant okay it's just a degree of it but really there is only supreme knowledge that's all there really is everything else is just a veil over top of that and that's put there through different layers of fear different expressions of fear we're gonna look at those expressions on a future show because if we understand how the two ultimate polarities love and fear work and how one is basically an illusion and what we create by choosing one or the other of those two polarities even though one is illusory it goes a long way toward understand toward helping us understand why we have created that which we have created here collectively again not as an individual this is this is a completely erroneous view of the law of attraction one individual does not make the collective reality we all make it together that's why it's a shared experience of what this world is just one person changing their thoughts isn't going to get the entire external manifested reality to change if anybody thinks that's how the law of attraction works the law of cause and effect works you're delusional enough Minds need to be changed this is why it's called a quantum effect quanta after the Latin word meaning amount quantum means amount in Latin or a degree okay so they're talking about transmuting evil into good by means of the application of the principle of polarity we can only do that once we truly deeply understand how this works we're gonna look at that when we look at the expressions of natural law and I've put that chart of the expressions up on the site week after week even though I'm not directly have not directly been talking about it for a reason I want people to continue to look at that to understand this is ultimately how it works and it's a one-way street folks you can only ever create good or order by using the true polarity which is love which is higher consciousness the expansive force of consciousness and you can only create chaos or what we term what we see as evil by falling into the illusion of fear we'll pick this up on the other side this is what on earth is happening this is the or [Music] okay everyone we're back this is what on earth is happening under host mark passio we're talking about the general principles of natural law over the last few weeks here and we just took a look at the principle of polarity believe it or not the number one search term that drives people to the what on earth is happening website is polarity and it shows that there are people who are looking for answers who do understand that we live in a seemingly dualistic realm its dualistic at the level of manifestation but when you understand that behind all of that the dualism is illusory and it's illusory because people are falling away from an understanding and a deep introspection of the true self and in two different states of fear-based consciousness this is what all of the flagrant violations of natural law that we see around us are under lied by it underlying all of it at whatever level these violations of natural law happening there is fear always you'll hear the person who is breaking that natural law principle giving a justification saying but but what if but this but that and making projections into the future about what could happen if this were to be continued continuing to it be allowed to go to a car it's all fear based all fear the same thing for people who are okay with the kind of police state that we're moving into who think that this is for their protection or their safety all fear based consciousness because you have to be thinking about protection from what do you imagine the things that the imagination can bring up that can happen to you and in that dwelling that mind state of dwelling in fear that's how you give up your true self and ultimately how you give up your freedom which is why I continue to emphasize ultimately fear has to be overcome otherwise we can't create a better future it's not possible and that has to be done on a one-to-one basis that's an internal struggle that's internal warfare if you will because that battle takes place within the heart of each individual the heart and mind someone can show someone through example how to live good mental practices good emotional States a thirst for knowledge but ultimately they can't make them be like that someone has to make that decision to be in the world like that on their own so there's a one-to-one battle that takes place with fear within the hearts and minds of each individual and that's where that battle is won or lost so let's get back to the Chi ba Lian and it's breaking down of some of these general principles of natural law we're going to look at right now we're going to look at principle number five which is called the principle of rhythm so here we go quote everything flows out and in everything has its tides all things rise and fall the pendulum swing manifests in everything the measure of the swing to the right is a measure of the swing to the left rhythm compensates this principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion two and four a flow and inflow a swing backward and forward a pendulum like movement a tide like Evan flow a high tide and low tide between the two poles which exist in accordance with the principle of polarity described a moment ago there is always an action and a reaction an advance and a retreat arising and a sinking this is in the affairs of the universe sons worlds men animals mind energy and matter this law is manifest in the creation and destruction of worlds in the rise and fall of Nations in the life of all things and finally in the mental states of men and it is with this latter that the Hermit assists find the her medicines find the understanding of the principle most important the her medicines have grasped grasped this principle finding its universal application and have also discovered certain means to overcome its effects in themselves by the use of the appropriate formulas and methods they apply the mental law of neutralization they cannot annul the principle or cause it to cease its operation but they have learned how to escape its effects upon themselves to a certain degree by depending upon the mastery of the principle they have learned how to use it instead of being used by it in this and similar methods consist the art of the Hermit assists the master of hermetics polarizes himself at the point at which he desires to rest and then neutralizes the rhythmic swing of the pendulum which would tend to carry him to the other pole all individuals who have attained any degree of self mastery do this to a certain degree more or less unconsciously but the master does this consciously and by the use of his will and attains a degree of poise and mental firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of the masses who are swung backward and forward like a pendulum this principle and that of polarity have been closely studied by the her medicines and the methods of counteracting neutralizing and using them for an important part of the part of the Hermetic mental alchemy okay so this is the principle of polarity everything has a rib sorry the principle of rhythm everything has a swing to it like the swing of a pendulum like tides on the ocean on the shore okay there is a back and forth and ebb and flow movement to everything so everything moves in what we could call cycles in cyclical movement in wave functions okay and high-level physics will also tell you this everything is basically a wave function and embedded within this principle we could get into looking at cycles of time which also have their ab and flow and this is what they were talking about when it says that this principle very much applies to the mental states of man so it says with it is with this latter principle that the her medicines find the understanding of the principle of rhythm the most important in in the in the aspect of the mental states of men hey in the ancient Indian mystical systems they talked about the UGA's okay these great time cycles these period of time when the consciousness of humanity would be much much more elevated than it is now and then over time it gradually fell into these illusory states which we see today and once again it will swing back up and people will become very much enlightened again and the true master depending on the level of mastery that they have attained over self ok mastery of self is the degree which they can counteract this AB and flow and remain in certain states of consciousness in other words you're not subject to this principle alright it's still in effect and there will still be a tendency for it to flow in a certain direction but if you have a certain degree of mastery over self in other words you can truly apply the will because you know the self well enough you can tend to overcome those tendencies toward one polarity or another I hope I'm making that clear doesn't mean the law is not still in effect it just means we can help ourselves to I guess you could say be free of its most harsh aspects okay so we'll look at this we'll continue look at the principle of rhythm on the other side of this break you're listening to what on earth is happening here on the oracle Broadcasting Network I'm your host mark passio we'll be right back after these messages don't go anywhere folks [Music] I was born a shotgun in my hands behind the girl I'll make my fire [Music] we're back folks this is what on earth is happening [Music] we're talking about the general principles of natural law you just finished covering in the last segment the principle of rhythm there's a couple more things I want to say about that principle specifically related to time you know this is one of the biggest applications of this principle that time is a wavefunction and it moves in seemingly cyclical patterns or at least something that's akin to a sine wave okay so it isn't necessarily that history repeats itself it's that the same I wouldn't say the same but similar circumstances present themselves at opportune moments throughout history and if we've we have the consciousness to recognize these patterns and say oh I recognize that we've been here before because we can study the wisdom of the past and that helps us navigate this wave function much better than we could if we did know looking into the past and learning about what people experienced hundreds or thousands of years ago and understand that the same I guess you could say opportunities are presenting themselves now just like they did at past times we shouldn't look at it like it's an endlessly repeating prison a cycle the same thing happening over and over again it's an opportunity for growth and learning something that maybe we didn't do as well with in the past and now a new lesson in a similar way as being presented and it's an opportunity to learn and grow so that's about all I really want to say about that and I could recommend a very good book on the topic there's a book call fractal time by gregg braden and I think it does a phenomenal job of explaining how time is a fractal wavefunction and how it is completely works it completely works according to this general principle of natural law known as the principle of rhythm so definitely check it out fractal time by Gregg Braden great book with that having been said will like to move on to principle number six so if we could get through the principle of cause and effect and the principle of gender we'll move on and take a few phone calls okay here we go principle number six from the Hermetic text known as the Chi ba Lian is known as the principle of cause and effect quote every cause has its effect every effect has its cause everything happens according to law chance is but a name for law not recognized there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the law now that's so important folks that I just want to read that quote one more time okay and they're capitalizing the L because this is not the laws of man as they scribble them down in their little law books this is natural law okay the law of cause and effect arguably the most important of the general principles of natural law okay quote every cause has its effect every effect has its cause everything happens according to the law chance is but a name for law not there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the law continuing this principle embodies the fact that there is a cause for every effect an effect from every cause it explains that everything happens according to law that nothing ever quote merely happens that there is no such thing as chance that while there are various planes of cause and effect the higher dominating the lower planes still nothing ever entirely escapes the law capital L the her medicine understand the art and methods of rising above the ordinary plane of cause and effect to a certain degree and by mentally rising to a higher plane they become causers instead of effects the masses of people are carried along obediently to environment the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves heredity suggestion and other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the chessboard of life but the Masters rising to the plane above dominate their moods characters qualities and powers as well as the environment surrounding them and become movers instead of pawns they help to play the game of life instead of being played and moving about by other wills and environment they use the principle instead of being its tools the Masters obey the causation of the higher planes but they help to rule on their own plane in this statement there is a condensed there is condensed a wealth of hermetic knowledge let him read who can and that's all they say on the principle of law and effect at least in this chapter it goes on to explain this in further detail later on in the book this is the crux of all of it folks this is it if we don't understand this general principle we are lost we are played as they say okay it's it's explaining that everything is bound according to natural law principles everything either we understand how these laws operate or we suffer the end there is no in-between we learn how to work with these laws we learn how to operate within them and we do that through self mastery not the attempted ownership or mastery of others it is accomplished through self mastery that's what they're talking about when they say masters here they rise to the planes of consciousness above they dominate their moods characters qualities and powers this doesn't mean domination of other people it means coming into dominion with oneself not being in opposition or dualistic consciousness with the self thinking acting and feeling thinking feeling and acting as one no contradiction internally no internal Anarchy internal monarchy self rulership being the ruler of the self of the kingdom of self and we've talked about these concepts many times when we looked the qualities of the self and we looked at the general polarities the basic polarities this knowledge ties back into information that we talked about early on in these podcasts over a year ago so it's critical to understand that the people who do not understand natural law will always be pawns will always be slaves will always be played by others who do know how these laws of cause and effect work because they understand that natural law is always in effect an our behavior in the actual field of natural law creates the effects that we must experience that's a good place to leave it we'll be right back after these messages where we'll pick up with the final general principle of natural law the principle of gender you're listening to what on earth is happening here on the Oracle Broadcasting Network stick around folks [Music] we're back folks this is what on earth is happening and I'm your host mark passio my website what on earth is happening calm you can listen they're right on the radio listen page there's a chatroom discussion always going on in there during the show the show is live every Sunday from 5 to 7 p.m. Eastern Time that's 4 to 6 p.m. central here on Oracle broadcasting and today we have been discussing the general principles of natural law and we just finished what is arguably one of the most central and pressing issues to understand and to really deeply gain a deep deep understanding of ok if we if we don't understand the law of cause and effect we are navigating blind there is no compass in hand we are wandering in darkness without the understanding of the principle of cause and effect and that is what the general expressions the expressions of natural law these are the principles that we're talking about now the first things that need to really be understood that we're working with then we can look at how do these principles manifest themselves how do are they expressed in the real world we're going to be doing that over the next many weeks if we don't understand the cause and effect we can never under the law of the principle of cause and effect we can never understand how the expressions manifest themselves and again this is totally tied in with the principle of polarity because the polarities are what we're working with and how we work with them what we do with those polarities is governed by the principle of cause and effect and therefore when we work with this polarity we're always going to get this manifestation when we work with a different polarity we're always going to get an opposite manifestation it's just the way the law of cause and effect works so the last and final general principle of natural law is known as the principle of gender so going back to the reading from the Chi ba Lian we'll look at the principle of gender and then I'll make a statement on it and then I'll turn the discussion toward the audience and maybe take some calls and see what the pulse is at this point in time and what questions or concerns or comments people may have about what we're covering so here we go the principle of gender this is the seventh and final of the general principles of natural law quote gender is in everything everything has its masculine and feminine principles gender manifests on all planes the principle of gender this principle embodies the truth that there is gender manifested in everything the masculine and feminine principles ever at work this is true not only of the physical plane but of the mental and even the spiritual planes on the physical plane the principle manifests as sex on the higher planes it takes higher forms but the principle is ever the same no creation physical mental or spiritual is possible without this principle an understanding of its laws will throw light on many a subject that has perplexed the minds of men the principle of gender works ever in the direction of generation load regeneration and creation it's tied in with the generative principle folks will pick this up on the other side of this break you're listening to what on earth is happening we're we're discussing the general principles of natural law today don't go anywhere folks we'll be right back [Music] we're back folks this is what on earth is happening on your host mark passio thanks for tuning in today we're talking about the general principles of natural law we are in the middle of discussing the seventh and final principle in our discussion over the last couple of weeks this is known as the principle of gender I was reading from the Hermetic texts known as the Cabal Eon penned by quote three initiates again an allegory an allegory for the three components of consciousness being unified thought emotion and action also a symbolic reference to the quote founder of the Hermetic tradition Hermes Trismegistus also known in the Egyptian or Commission tradition has Thoth the scribe of the gods the thrice great one the great greatest of the greats one who had attained one of the highest levels of self mastery that's all it really means race great he unified his thoughts his emotions and his actions such that they were one and were not in a state of polarization anymore and not in a state of dualism so let's get back to the principle of gender because this is all about polarity as well this is about seeming opposite states that can be reconciled within the individual indeed which we've talked about many many times that needs to be reconciled within the individual in what is known as the the chemical wedding the blending in perfect equilibrium of the masculine and feminine forces within each one of us so continuing to read from the Kabbalah on quote the principle of gender works ever in the direction of generation regeneration and creation everything and every person contains the two elements or principles or this great principle within it him or her every male thing has the element the female elements also every female contains also the male principle if you would understand the philosophy of mental and spiritual creation generation and regeneration you must understand and study this hermetic principle it contains the solution of many mysteries of life we caution you that this principle has no reference to the many base pernicious and degrading lustful theories teachings and practices which are taught under fanciful titles and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of gender such base revivals of the ancient infamous forms of phallus ism tend to ruin mind body and soul and the hermetic philosophy has ever sounded the warning note against these degraded teachings which tends toward lust licentiousness and perversion of nature's principles if you seek such things you must go elsewhere for them Hermeticism contains nothing for you along these lines to the pure all things are pure to the base all things are base and what he's talking about here is vile sex magic okay he's talking about what could be considered dark sex magic the the author and this is because people have tended to think of the principle of gender as something that needs an external eyes expression just like they think that the Christ consciousness needs this external eyes expression as a physical man that we need to worship okay religion okay it's another way of creating religion something which holds us back from the real deep understanding the actual esoteric meaning embodied by the symbol so the principle or symbol of masculine energy and feminine energy in dwell within each one of us and indeed within everything within creation we have a masculine component and a feminine component regardless of whether we are male or female we're that's talking about physical gender this is talking about mental gender in other words mental and spiritual gender you could look at it as okay we have internal inward dwelling essences these are called our emotions these are feminine principles and these are our guidance system that help us feel the result of our behaviors our actions which are masculine principles the things that we externally do in the world so the object is to unite our emotions and our action such that there is no contradiction and we say well we don't say well I know that this might not be exactly the right thing to do but I'm gonna do this anyway this is internal contradiction it's knowing and feeling internally with the feminine principle that this action I'm about to take may not be the right thing to do and yet with the male principle you're going and doing it anyway that's what is called Satan okay the opposer the adversary the one who destroys the one who tears apart because that destruction and tearing apart is happening within every time we choose to to drive a wedge between the masculine and feminine principles as opposed to uniting them so this principle is of critical importance as well and of course we have a left and a right brain which we've talked ad nauseam about the hemispheres of the brain and how these need to be brought into equilibrium the more they become imbalanced through what we put in our body and through the things that we take into our mind the more our emotions and behaviors become out of balance and we're going to be talking about as one of the solutions brain balancing techniques the modalities of thought to balance the brain and as well we'll be getting into very long and deep discussions about food the kind of energy we fuel our body with as a solution to the problems in consciousness that we experience because of how degraded our food has become and if you're feeding the body horrible fuel it's going to manifest with a horribly imbalanced brain and then that's going to manifest horribly imbalanced behaviors I mean this only follows logically folks this is we're not even getting esoteric or deep here this is just logical thought processes you know we are what we eat essentially and again I battle with the whole toxic emotion thing that I get into from time to time people who know me will know that as well I get angry I experience anger because I see how dark other people are in the world and they continue to act in folly and never wanting to acknowledge things like these principles things like natural law and certainly never wanting to look into anything about the occult because they don't believe in that stuff you know therefore it doesn't exist how could you not get angry at people like that if you know well we'll leave it right there pick yourself up the side of the break and if you're going we're calling if anybody wants to call and I'll get me on a number on the other side you have one person holding on we'll be right back after these messages folks don't go anywhere [Music] ok everyone we're back on America's happening the postmark capacity of my website what on earth is happening calm this is the show where we attempt to get down to the fundamental causal factors of the human condition because without a deep understanding of those we are navigating in the dark and the understanding of natural law is paramount paramount if we're ever going to reclaim the compass for direction and turn this great ship around and set it into the right direction critical the understanding of natural law we need to understand its basic principles and then we need to understand actually how it works its effects its causes and effects its expressions as I term it and I keep a chart there's a chart up on the website of the general principles you could download the kabali on which we've been reading from over the last couple of weeks in episode number 73 I believe I posted a link to the Chi ba Lian in PDF format and I've been posting this chart of the expressions of natural law over the past couple of weeks because just for people to look at and have in their mind as we go forward because this is what the topic of discussion is going to be for next week the expressions of natural law let me give the call-in number once again we do have a caller waiting on the line I'm gonna get to you in just a moment caller I do want to ask that people discuss natural law its general principles and anything else related to natural law okay this is the topic of discussion we are following an actual theme now so it's not like just going anywhere okay we're trying to stay focused so the call-in number is eight six six eight four one one zero six five once again call-in number is eight six six eight four one one zero six five the topic for discussion is natural law in general specifically if you want to address anything that we've been discussing about the general principles of natural law that would be even more focused but anything related to natural law is fine so here we go let's go to the phones caller you are live on what on earth is happening well hi mark thanks thanks for taking my call um I had a question you know these dark Luciferians that are that have all the Satanists working for them doing all these bad things sure um how do they have how do they avoid the sort of karma of doing that I mean it seems like that's a pretty big violation of natural law that is correct and I've been asked this question before on a previous show and I answered it and I believe the answer is fairly thorough and for people who have heard the answer to the question they understand what I and what I mean by this when I say that they are not bearing the brunt of the karmic repercussions of breaking natural law because they are not actually taking the actions through their behaviors they are influencing the actions through suggestion conditioning and mind control the people who will bear the deepest brunt of the natural law repercussions are those who actually take the actions who actually do the bidding of these sick twisted psychopathic individuals they are actually shielding themselves by getting someone else to do the action for them so I call they're the agents of the state in every you know every single country that has ever committed atrocities the agents of the state in every single region that has ever done incredible bloodshed and mass murder and wiped out significant portions of their populations the people who are ultimately responsible and will bear the incredible karmic weight of those actions that are in total contravention to natural law are the ones the actual individuals who are doing those behaviors so in effect the answer to your question is they're actually really shielded from it quite well they're still going to experience karmic repercussions but those repercussions are going to be significantly dampened significantly dampened in comparison to the people who actually take the actions I really want people to deeply deeply think about what I'd have just said here they are the ones who are going to have to deal with the major karmic repercussions of those actions so you know I'm sure Hitler probably had has shot people in his lifetime but I guarantee you he didn't shoot as many people as certain German soldiers or certain people in the Schutzstaffel or certain people in the Luftwaffe who dropped bombs on people I guarantee you they killed way more people than he ever did or Himmler for that matter and the people who are actually going out and raping other people's inherent natural law rights are the ones who are actually going to have to answer to those actions for those actions that is the answer to that question in this lifetime or the next or both probably in the physical reality that we live in and then in whatever spiritual domain they happen to pass to when they relinquish the physical body both domains thank you very much you got it that's a great question it has been asked before but I don't think it could ever really be understated the answer that question cannot be understated and I think it's something that people really deeply need to consider because and this is this is actually a perfect segue I want to thank the caller for calling in and actually asking this question again because this is a perfect segue to something that I do want to talk about that has everything to do with natural law and it has exactly to do with this and in the meantime while I'm telling this story if other people want to call in you have the calling number and the lines are open so if you call in I'll go right to you so there was this big issue going on and I very rarely talk about current events as you know I mean I didn't even mention the earthquake or hurricane that we had over the last couple of weeks because I I don't talk about specific events so much 9/11 is of course an exception to that rule but I'm not this isn't a news show okay this is something where we again try to get down to the causal factors about what we're experiencing in life and there was a really big you know semi big story going on about how police were busting children's lemonade stands just out on their lawns okay just outside their homes setting up a lemonade stand which has been a tradition in this country since its founding and cops were going over to them and saying they're operating without a license you're operating a business without a license to a child okay regardless of whether it was an adult or not you know you don't need a license to do something that you have a natural law right to do so and that you're not harming anyone out as a result of that action so you you you heard about this going on bus were being made which is utterly ridiculous completely against natural law the cops should be utterly ashamed of themselves it's a perfect Nazi is what they are perfect you would have been wonderful wonderful accessories at Sobibor or at Treblinka or at Dachau or at Auschwitz you would have been wonderful okay because it's the same mentality it's the same mentality that people died fighting when we fought the British died fighting when we fought the Nazis and you're acting in the same way okay wonderful example for your own children but anyway after one of these cops made one of these busts he was asked a question that had everything to do with natural law now tell you what that question was on the other side of this break and then I'll tell you what the answer that he gave to that question was and I'll make a challenge on this show that anybody who knows this person for this person himself call into this show of course they won't do it but I'll put that out there any change for drawtite radio [Music] we're back folks this is what on earth is happening we're talking about natural law it's general principles and it's expressions on the show today and we took a call before in the last segment in which the caller asked the mind controllers the d'arco cultists the so-called elite the powers that shouldn't be as people refer to them as how do they insulate themselves from all of the karmic debt that is going to be built up from doing all the horrible things that go on in this world that they're ultimately quote responsible for and I've answered this question before by saying they're not going to bear the brunt of all of that karma Kuwait the people who actually take the actions that they're telling them to take are going to take the brunt of it and that means the military and the police who are actually pulling the triggers dropping the bombs raping people's rights doesn't matter whether they think they're doing the right thing it does not matter this is a this is a New Age lie quite frankly in plainest terms it's the only way I could put it the fact people try to say that it's fact that if you don't know you're doing the wrong thing and you do the action anyway you're going to have less karmic repercussions as a result of taking that action and that's absolute BS absolute BS and this is a deliberate lie injected into the New Age movement by dark occult ISM because they know the truth that the people who actually do the action whether they are in understanding of the principles of natural law or not we'll have that karmic repercussion come down upon their mind body and soul it does not matter whether they understand this or whether they think they are doing the right thing matters 0-0 if you took the action you and you alone are responsible for it now telling someone to go and do something that is knowing that they know is evil that the person who's telling them knows is an evil act is quite a bad thing in and of itself and there will be karmic repercussions for that but I guarantee you they will not be as severe as the person who took the action guaranteed so I was telling a an anecdotal story about the lemonade crackdowns that these police have nothing better to do but then go serve their corporate masters as whores for their corporatist overlords and go and serve their biddings and shut down this unregulated commerce without a license which equates to destroying a little girl's lemonade stand okay so people set up protests about this and they put they set up lemonade stands in different areas in public areas in the in a bunch of different cities and a cop went over to a couple of cops shut down one in Washington DC which they were protesting this activity and to a couple of the cops that went over to these girls and shut down their stand and who put them in cuffs and took them off wore black okay and this isn't a racial issue but you're going what it is is it's a moral issue okay it's a moral issue that has everything to do with natural law it has everything to do with principle it has everything to do with morality okay an interviewer after filming the events the person filmed these horrible events said to one of the cops how aren't you totally disgusted with yourself how do you even sleep how do you even how do you live with yourself how do you look at yourself in a mirror and one of them they were both black one of them answered and that's again it's not a race thing this is it's irrelevant they could have been Indian police they could have been Japanese police it doesn't make a difference they could have been Native American they could have been white irrelevant okay I'm trying to highlight the amoral psychopathic mindset that these people are in and they think that they're moral they think they're doing something good and yet they're completely amoral have no principles they're their parents did not raise them I would I'd like an opportunity to say that to one of their faces because I would say that to one of their faces and you can if anybody knows who that person is that I'm going to talk to you because many people will know this video tell them that I'll say it right to their face because I'm not afraid of them and I know that they're immoral it's not my opinion I understand how natural law works I understand how they broke it and they don't care as long as they're getting paid that's their God that's their God they don't have any God their God is the dollar bill so he was asked the question if you were a cop in the 1950s during segregation would you have enforced the segregation laws and he tries to escape the question by saying wow I would have been a cop yeah you wouldn't have because you wouldn't have been allowed to be back then okay but he says he says okay it's a hypothetical you you know hypothetically and he says proudly yes I would have enforced the segregation laws if I was a cop in the 1950s a black man said this and what I want to know is where was the moral outrage about the answer to this question first of all it was wrong no matter what color you were but it's almost like you can see you can understand how it's like doubly insane and doubly wrong in some ways that he's basically saying I have no affinity with my Peet my own people okay I'm saying I have always said you shouldn't be identifying with a race at all with race race is an illusion we are all human beings here we are all people who are it's at some level or another suffering and as one suffers all suffer but just imagine that's like saying I wouldn't care if they oppressed members of my own family if members of my own family we're being told get to the back of the bus and they resisted that I would lock them up put him in handcuffs and haul him off to jail because my owners told me that that's what my job is and I don't get paid unless I do that and another guy said hey man I'm not gonna rock the boat I'm making six figures at my job you know you must be a captain or whatever because that's all that is of value to this individual truth is meaningless rights are meaningless as long as they're being paid they will do whatever they are being paid to do that's it whatever their owner is paying them to do and telling them to do they will do and then he steps back and tries to say your issue is not with me mean a police officer a cop your issue is with the lawmakers and you know what I'll say to that person absolutely not wrong wrong and get it clear the issue is not with the people scribbling down things in a book someplace you're the issue let's make that real clear and I'm deliberately raising my voice because the people who think that these aren't the people to point a finger at and there is a time to point a finger there is such a thing as blame it exists when people are doing things that are overtly wrong and against conscience yeah you can say hey you you doing this action you're wrong and then you want to step back and raise up your hands and say I'm absolved of this don't look at me you're the one doing it who are we supposed to hold accountable somebody who told you to go and do an action that's clearly wrong and you say well as long as I get a paycheck yeah sure I'll go and do whatever you're right you asked me to do as long if it's wrong I I don't I don't consider the notion of right or wrong I don't consider natural law rights have no meaning to me I don't consider rights I consider a paycheck and this clearly folks you can hear this riles me up especially because the person tried to say that he's not the one who should be held accountable for it that really riles me up and it should rile you up too because again that is the mentality of someone that would have exterminated mass groups of people in Stalinist Russia that is the mentality that would have gone along with hoarding people into gas chambers or other forms of prison and work and detention camps that's the mentality that will continue to go along with this new world order agenda of total enslavement of the people and it's completely the antithesis of all of the principles of freedom that this country was founded upon and that person should be ashamed of themselves and more than that their parents should be ashamed of themselves we'll be right back [Music] all right folks final segment of what on earth is happening for this edition today we've got a little fired up in the last segment I tend to do that when I talk about people who have no conscience and that's what we're talking about when we talk about a cop who will answer a question about a black cop no less the law answer a question about whether he will enforce would have enforced segregation laws that means if they reinforce them today he'd be locking up black black people for getting on buses sitting up in the front of a bus that's what he's basically saying and I want to know where is the outrage from everyone it doesn't matter what color you are but particularly where's the outrage from the black community on this and again this isn't a racial issue this is a moral issue where's the outrage from that person's own parents oh no they'll probably praise him because he's got such a wonderful job and he brings home six figures because that's all that's all any value right well I'll lay out a challenge I don't even want to hear from that Nazi I want to hear from his parents because you raised a Nazi and if anybody can find out who the parents of that person are in the video that I'm talking about maybe I'll post that video with this podcast so people can look at it find the person's parents and have them call into this show there's a challenge for folks out there thirty he obviously lives in the Washington DC area because this is where this happened I'd like to talk to that person's parents and tell them they didn't raise a human being with a conscience they raised a Nazi so let's go back to the phones to take out the show in this last segment here we go Chris in Canada you are live on what on earth is happening calm what do you have for us hey buddy you're talking about your natural law I thought you were talking the second person earlier come but I really don't like these divide and conquer issues that you're discussing find it distracts from the real issues and the real issues back up natural laws not one of the real issues no natural law is one of the real issues but the blathers only people who understand natural law and attempt to live in harmony with it and people who just completely disregard it and think that they can do whatever they want with no repercussions and no effects outwardly in society that degrade the quality of life for all that's what there is it's not a divide and conquer issue it's reality that that that's how you can actually look at the consciousness of humanity see that this is the idea that New Age movements try to put out there that there's no such thing as different levels in consciousness that there's no such thing as different levels in understanding that everybody is at the same place that's not true it's not a divide and conquer strategy I'm speaking the truth there are people at extraordinary extraordinarily low states of consciousness through fear this person is one of the most fearful human beings on the planet you think that Nazis who did the atrocities that they did or the the the secret police of Russia who did the atrocities that they did under Stalin you think that they weren't fearful people do you think they were high consciousness individuals do you think they had any real deep understanding of morality and natural law none none of those things applied and you want to look to who actually did those things don't look at the people who were directing it that's the distraction sir that's the distraction the distraction is that people want to always blame somebody above them and that history then records that Hitler did these atrocities yeah was he one of the puppets that that basically trickled down the orders of the Masters down to all of the other foot soldiers absolutely and he was violent evil just like Himmler was and and and Goebbels and all of the other ones but it doesn't happen without the people willing to carry out those orders because they don't care about right or wrong that's the bottom line and that's the truth next caller Edie in Louisiana you're live on what on earth is happening mark thank you taking my call it's okay buddy I understand look I first of all I just want to say this is a beautiful analysis of natural law and I would like to say also that there are those who are aware of natural law and they would use and pervert those natural laws to their favor I stand within the let within the last century and a half that between the two world wars the genocides that have taken place and all the different atrocities throughout the world Africa Europe Russia here on this continent people are I think my personal opinion I think karma has brought back all through history those that would do those type things to other people to have it done to them in other words they are being reincarnated into the ones who are being abused so that they can see what they've done to other people and my opinion I dismissed that for a minute and that's what quite likely very possible that's very possible what you just said and I didn't I'd ask people to actually consider that that's that's a pretty astute observation and I've thought about that myself on more than one occasion it is very quite possible that people who either did these things or or stood by and watch them being done are coming back to actually experience that happen to themselves absolutely that's possible okay and I just wanted to tell you that my daughter she started college this year and before she left I made sure she sat down and watched your presentation on whatever what on earth is happening and it was beautiful analysis and I'm and I'm very I wanted to make sure she understood that before she went to college now sick the next I want to say is all these cops that are running around and doing the bidding of these corporate masters these cops they wear a shield that shield protects them from any repercussion from a karmic repercussion from what they're doing to innocent and just just people that don't deserve to be done the way they're done well does it really it's a symbol that in their mind they're trying they're trying to associate in their mind that that's a form of protection against that higher force it doesn't really do that but they're giving it to them to wear as a symbol to make them think that they can continue to do this unscathed that's right that's right and and and there's old saying that the door Dark Lord protects the rich and powerful so that they can perpetuate themselves but these these all these people this this whole thing with what's going on in the world today what on earth is happening and and you are one of the the troopers in the movement to help people wake up to to see that what's going on is being done under the guise of it's for the greater good that's where everybody everybody's lose inside of right and wrong because they think they're doing something under the guise of it's for the greater good so I just wanted to call in and thank you mark because I've been checking out your soul the show's since you've been on Oracle it's a great show and I just want to say thank you again have a good day and thanks so much great call and you absolutely bring up the point that people are dissuaded from looking within and really understanding is the action that I am about to take in this moment right or wrong because they're always thinking in the future this is what real present moment awareness is about which is another solution we're going to talk about okay they have you thinking in the future all the time well what if with this we let this go and then this will happen and this will happen and then and then and but but but then then then this is all future projection and this is all justification for one's immoral actions the one is taking in the present moment and never wanting to look at themselves never wanting to turn the finger inward and say I need to take a look at my own actions what I am actually doing to other people that's what the force of darkness for lack of a better term is always trying to get people to ignore to never to look at that never to look at the fact that they are doing something immoral in the present moment the ego wants to rationalize it wants to justify it wants to scapegoat it wants to point the finger outward it wants absolution for one's own immoral behaviors it wants to say no someone else was in control of my actions someone else was in control of my mind it has nothing to do with me even though I'm the one actually doing this thing that's wrong you see how that works folks and we'll be really getting into this when we talk about the expressions of natural law next week that's the show you're not going to want to miss thanks for tuning in today you've been listening to what on earth is happening right here on the oracle broadcasting radio network see you next week folks