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(Created page with "Freedom man that's what it's all about [Music] you've got the groove on freedom [Music] welcome you are listening to what on Earth is happening this show will discuss the topi...")
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Latest revision as of 21:07, 6 May 2023

Freedom man that's what it's all about [Music] you've got the groove on freedom [Music] welcome you are listening to what on Earth is happening this show will discuss the topics of human consciousness mind control natural law the occult and all issues that affect the freedom of the people of Earth what on Earth is happening will endeavor to shine light upon the darkness of our world and to offer empowering solutions to the problems we face as Humanity approaches its critical moment of choice and now here is your host mark passio [Music] welcome one and all you're watching what on Earth is happening I'm your host mark passio my website what on Earth is happening.com ladies and gentlemen government is slavery always has been is now always will be until we decide to end it and on this program we are ending slavery one mind at a time thank you for joining us today we are live on limited platforms uh for the third week in a row we've started with technical difficulties and this week has been the roughest of all we're starting almost a full half an hour late we are broadcasting on what on Earth is happening on looks like Facebook Twitter and possibly one great work Network uh and YouTube so I apologize for the technical difficulties but I have to let people know that um you know there's there's problems going on you know I I have to move to some a better workflows and ways of doing things and most of all I really need some assistance here uh um especially after I move and reset up my network I really need some in-house assistance and I deserve that I'm going to talk about it briefly once we get into the show here today uh I have a very special guest coming up from one great work Network Catherine Waters content creator extraordinaire who's been uh is one of the ogs in all of this and has been involved in this work forever uh and um you know we're going to be be interviewing her as a content creator and getting some of her Insight that's coming up on the show today let me jump over to my slides and see how uh well this is working today give me a moment all right great at least that seems to be working well um so you know again today we uh got off to a rocky start because of computer crashes uh I'm using a 20 uh a a an early 2018 or mid-2018 model uh desktop computer and that's starting to get long in the tooth already um again in the past I think computers would give you a decent six seven maybe even eight years now if you get four or five you're lucky and this machine is now going on five years old and I think it's time to retire it or to at least move it to a different task uh and I I'm just gonna have to get a real powerhouse in here uh and with all of the uh cutting into resources that have been done as a result of trying to fight to stay in the actual physical location where I'm at and then losing uh it was it was brutal this last year has been brutal and uh I haven't even really made public truly what went on uh and maybe I'll even do that today I don't know but let's jump in this is show number 262. today is January 22nd 2023 and this show is a tapestry of information so if you're not if you're a new listener you shouldn't start here I'm going to say this every single week at the uh you know at the risk of belaboring it and just you know acting as a complete broken record of repetition I'm going to say it every single week you should listen to this podcast series starting from number one in order and not skip around because if you try to start listening now like a jackass and I'm not I'm not trying to frighten all new people away I'm saying listen to this episode after you've listened to the previous 261 episodes if you've listened and watched those episodes that's when you're ready to hear what's being said today you don't have a frame of reference even if you think you do no you're not that intelligent no you don't just get it like that you need the prerequisite knowledge that's contained in the earlier episodes get over yourself and your [ __ ] ego you need the prerequisite knowledge you cannot truly understand it from this place you got to go back to number one you can't you're you're not that good that you can skip to the end chapter of every book and know what's instantly going on especially the most complicated textbook get the [ __ ] over yourself and your ego you need to go back to episode number one if you're a new listener and start from there then you'll build the prerequisite knowledge to truly understand some of the context of what we're talking about in the later episodes especially the anger that we may come at people with for not doing anything even after having listened to all previous episodes and say you understand or say you want freedom or say you want to be somehow involved and you're sitting on your ass with your thumb up that's what most people are doing folks sadly unfortunately that's what most people are doing sitting there with their thumb up their ass doing nothing and that's a big part of what the show is going to be about it's going to be about what are you doing here's here's people who are an example of what needs to be done what the hell are you doing okay so my special guest cat Waters has a a she has an attitude like mine about this she's a little upset just like I am and rightfully and justifiably so for having done it for as long as she's been doing it with his little assistance and his little overall in the overall wider sense of the movement the little assistance that we all get the the piss-poor amount of actual help and actual support and actual doing the thing that we've been explaining to people that you gotta do which is lend your voice to the truth and speak out courageously not be an anonymous [ __ ] coward you understand what we're saying most people are Anonymous [ __ ] cowards and that's the problem of why we're still enslaved so let's move forward we're on a new show format two hours on a six-month schedule from January through June my band.video channel is finally up it is in the channel listing and I have one video up there I uploaded the documentary the natural law documentary Mark passion the science of natural law the shirt that I'm wearing right now is the cover of the documentary and I think it's probably the most important documentary film ever created in human history let me let me just say it like that and no I'm Not tooting my own horn and no I'm not just just proud of myself I'm proud of the people that helped work on it no it's actually the most important documentary film that has ever been created in human history let me just put it like that unequivocally factually stated that if Humanity does not understand what is contained in this documentary it doesn't really have a true chance for survival that is how important the information in the documentary Mark passio and the science of natural law actually is so it's now up on bandop video and I want to tell everybody push people to that video let's let that video be the place people go and watch it go to my channel on band.video band.video slash Channel slash mark Dash passio I know it's a complicated URL you can click on me in the channel listing of band.video and the first video again is my documentary go and watch it and send other people to it because it's the most important documentary ever made in the history of our species and again if the information in that documentary is not fully and completely understood Humanity has no chance to free itself zero that is how important and factual the information is and if you don't think so you're just [ __ ] wrong that's all it comes down to I'm tired of [ __ ] telling me they know what's going on you you haven't studied it to the level that I have believe me you haven't you haven't totally sacrificed every other single aspect of your life and completely sacrificed it took fully take in the total systems level dynamics of what it requires required in knowledge to fully grasp what the real problem and the real solution is and there's only one solution as I'm going to talk about when it comes to my presentation coming up early next month in anarchopoco so visit myband on video channel the how to become the True Media seminar is going to be coming at us in July of this year this is one of the things people have to learn to get up off their lazy asses and build some skills this is the problem is we're a bunch of lazy toddlers fumbling around stumbling around all in in a lazy toddler mindset a two-year-old three-year-old mindset of I don't need any skills to to actually free Humanity I can just sit here and watch stuff I can just see here and hope I can just sit here and pray I can just sit here and meditate the people I'm telling you the the thought processes of people they sound like such [ __ ] [ __ ] jackasses that it's unbelievable it's unbelievable to me it's unfathomable and I'm fired up for a number of reasons you don't know the week that I've had you don't know all I've done I tried to get to slides every day to making slides I've I have two seminars coming up this year I have I'm going to be speaking at seed five which I'll talk about probably next week and all of the work that lies ahead for me plus a physical move to another home which isn't even set up yet you know I have to go do all the legwork for that and get a get a mortgage loan and go move all my stuff and reset my whole network up you don't think that's stressful enough I have three major presentations two seminars and a conference presentation and I haven't been able to get to one slide I have some outlines drawn up but I haven't been able to get to creating a slide yet because all I'm doing is putting out technical fires all day and I've been begging people to come for assistance in helping me here in office and I've been asking that for 10 years and not one I'm not going to say not one a couple of people showed up and either looked at the operation and ran in the other direction and said [ __ ] you I can't be bothered this this is way too out of my league and I can't be bothered to deal with the aggravation that you deal with on a daily basis and secondly then people have showed up and unfortunately they simply just haven't really had the skill set you know and I I'll still help people I'll put them onto some other things delegate some other things but it's like I need a really truly competent Tech person in here so I can just do the Creative work that I need to do and not deal with putting out Tech fires all day you know if I if I need to print a DVD cover for an order that came in and my printer isn't working for whatever [ __ ] reason I don't want to come off the creative work that I'm trying to do to make slides and to educate people to go [ __ ] with a printer for six hours I need somebody here to put those Tech fires out while I work not remotely do you understand morons do you understand morons I don't need remote help I need a [ __ ] person in here in here helping side by side working with me one-on-one in [ __ ] person here do you grasp that morons I don't want to say it again I should have this already I shouldn't have to [ __ ] ask like this I should have this already I've been asking for 10 [ __ ] years and oh honey so all you selfish folks do is ask for more content more content go [ __ ] yourself you go make more content [ __ ] [ __ ] losers you go make more don't tell me to do [ __ ] anything I've done more than what people will do in a billion [ __ ] lifetimes [ __ ] a billion [ __ ] lifetimes and I'm gonna rant today if you don't like it shut it the [ __ ] off because you people are the [ __ ] problem you're the problem sit with your thumb up your ass doing nothing like a loser that you are then I got other [ __ ] morons why don't you turn on comments on your YouTube because you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I don't want your [ __ ] ill-informed unread opinion jerk off that's why because you would pollute my work instead of contribute to it because you have a [ __ ] for brain's mind do you get it that's why I don't want your [ __ ] sewage [ __ ] drivel on my [ __ ] Channel I'm not interested in your garbage thoughts because you have a garbage mind loser that's the answer plus it it's mine it belongs to me I'll do what I want with it [ __ ] off and then people go why do you even respond to these people because this is the bulk of humanity the other [ __ ] who say that you don't understand this is the bulk of loser dumb Humanity that that we are chained to we are chained by you don't get that yet that that's the dynamic the very dynamic in Consciousness that needs to be changed that's the problem how to become the True Media coming up this July July 10th to December 11th total of 23 classes it's a technological seminar to get you up off your lazy ass and teach you what you need to do to reach people on the medium that we call the internet which in case you haven't noticed is how modern information is disseminated in case you're a tech [ __ ] [ __ ] you're a tech illiterate [ __ ] you know and that's the problem is we have a bunch of tech illiterate morons you're illiterate in the modern age that's what people don't understand you're not a literate human being you're Tech illiterate literacy is no longer reading and writing folks literacy is literacy with technology in case you haven't figured that out in case you're still that [ __ ] dumb modern literacy is not being able to read and write with a pen and paper if you think that that's the case you're you're so [ __ ] delusional you have the delusion of a [ __ ] child still in the [ __ ] cradle that is how often Dreamland you are if you don't understand modern literacy means you know what you're doing with the computer and you could publish and Reach people on the internet not just through social media but you can actually formalize your thoughts in the ways that you want whether in video in audio in writing Etc and you could publish to a platform that ultimately you're largely in charge of you know how to create that space and you know how to publish on that space and that's the problem is that most [ __ ] loser morons today don't and I don't give a [ __ ] if it insults you don't take the [ __ ] course I don't need you to take anything loser if you want to remain a [ __ ] loser don't take anything sit with on your lazy ass with your thumb up it we go the [ __ ] around and sit there what and and do nothing but complain and act like you're actually concerned about freedom because you're not you're a [ __ ] liar but if you want to stop being a [ __ ] loser and you want to get your [ __ ] skills underneath you so you could actually reach other people's [ __ ] minds and not be a loser sitting on their [ __ ] couch with their thumb up their ass then you might want to look into the how to become the True Media seminar if that offends you go [ __ ] yourself okay I'm out here to make money I'm not here to make friends I'm here to build [ __ ] soldiers in the war that we're in that's what I'm here to do I'm here to build strong competent [ __ ] soldiers know what the [ __ ] they're doing and have skill sets under their belt not I don't need [ __ ] draws losers because that's what most of you are your loser dross go look up the [ __ ] word I'm not going to tell you what it means again go look it up it's in the former [ __ ] podcast or go look it up yourself somewhere else but that's what you are most of the people out there listening are loser Dross okay if you don't want to be loser Dross join how to become the True Media seminar this year and actually build up some [ __ ] skill slots like a competent [ __ ] adult instead of remaining loser droths watch the one great work Network ending slavery one mind at a time at onegreatworknetwork.com 72 fantastic content creators that are not loser dross that are actually people who are doing something they're not they're not sitting on their ass with their thumbs up it they're actually engaged in the battle they're the men and women in the arena they're the soldiers that we need unlike most of you listening out there most of you watching out there you're not soldiers you're dumb stumbling toddlers and that's the point we don't need dumb stumbling toddlers with no skills we need active human Warriors is what we need and that's the problem is we don't have them and the satanists do and that's why they're kicking our [ __ ] ass all up and down the joint and if you don't think that that's true again you're [ __ ] delusional look one thing that did go really well and this is part of the problem folks and look I'll do an extra whole hour with cat and add that as an addendum in the podcast if we need to I need to talk about what is going on here at what on Earth is happening as well and here's part of the problem folks we need better technology because as this operation ramps up I can't keep using five old five-year-old computers I gotta swap out computers every three four years tops laughs and one of the computers that we need to roll out for some technical reasons is was we needed a Mac Studio to replace the Windows machine that we're using for a video storage and streaming server I am very pleased to say we raised the money for that Mac Studio in 10 days now apparently this is what most people want to do they'd rather contribute money than stop being an anonymous coward see they're okay with giving of resources but God forbid if you ask him to contribute their voice and put their face on something you see and I'm not complaining folks I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart because you raise the money for us to get a Mac Studio in-house here at my home office at the headquarters of what on Earth is happening to act as a video streaming server and a storage for videos a storage server for videos and let me tell you this you raise that money in 10 days and the computer is ordered it will be here in a couple weeks I ordered a custom configuration that is actually even a little bit better than the one that I showed on the page and put some of my money into that as well so I was even able to get a better configuration than what I listed believe it or not so this is great news and the computer will be here in a few weeks probably sometime in mid February hopefully early February but definitely by mid February and I will be setting it up to replace the existing server that we're running now that being said I still probably need two to three other computers definitely two the third one I might be able to get away with we're continuing to use for a little while but I need absolutely two other computers the computer I'm talking to you right now on it crashed three times upon attempting to start this broadcast and guess what folks I'm not afraid to air out dirty laundry and tell you when things go bad because here's what it means it means I'm pushing what I'm doing to my limit and now I'm hitting a technical limitation a technical wall in the form of a very aging computer by today's standards should this computer last three four five more years yeah it should but guess what they don't make them like they used to as that old saying goes and I'm going to have to rotate my technology cycle more frequently I don't want to have to do that but it's unfortunately just the way that it is this is the problem with everybody folks in their mind they keep saying I don't want it to work that way and that doesn't mean it's not going to work that way just because you don't want it to work that way that doesn't mean we can't change things but some things are just the way that they are some things can be changed this is what people people need to ask for the discernment to know to know the difference of what can we change by an act of our will and what is just the way that it is it's the nature of the thing it's the nature of the item and it can't really be changed so it's not up to me how a particular computer manufacturer the actual quality that they put into the whole manufacturing process and the components and when those start to age when those start to fail I don't know why my show document on the software I'm using that I've been using for years to stream the show when I hit start throws a kernel panic on my machine I don't know who knows that could be a million different things in hardware and software I'm not a programmer I'm not a reverse engineer I'm not going to reverse the whole process in some disassembler and then go track down the machine code that tells me exactly why Colonel Panic got thrown I don't have time for that anyway even if I did know how to do it the point is at some point you just accept your machine's getting too old and you gotta upgraded that's it and then you do it you don't sit around with your thumb up your ass saying oh I wish I had an upgraded computer you just go out and raise the resources and you do it this is where I'm at with a few systems that I'm unfortunately still working on the machine I'm speaking to you on it needs to be upgraded to a high-end Mac Studio I need to go to a maxed out Mac Studio at the very least or I have to get a new Mac Pro when they come out with the Apple silicon series chips so if an M2 Ultra Mac uh Pro comes out I might look at something like that but I absolutely at least got to go with an M1 Ultra or if they when they come out an M2 Ultra Max studio and it's got to be a high-end configuration it can't be a baseline model so again I went with a Mac Studio M1 Ultra with a 128 gigabytes of RAM and a two terabyte solid state drive for the new server that we needed uh I'm gonna require something similar along those lines for myself to just to continue to do this show if we don't want to just make this a pre-recorded podcast Series where I just record it and then we release it later and we don't go live again I was able to at least successfully it looks like go live on a few limited platforms however one of the other new computers that I'm going to require this year is a new laptop I'm working on a on now what I would consider beginning to age uh Intel series laptop and I'm going to need an apple silicon laptop for the presentations that I have coming up later this year so the M2 series laptop just came out and I want to show you once again in what on Earth is happening donation gifts right here you can click technology donations in the gift categories or if you go to the categories page which is depicted here you can see technology donations and what this is is an ability to crowdsource expensive items that we require for What on earth is happening efforts so what on Earth is happening donation gifts crowdsource funding many hands make light work the technology donation section of what on Earth is happening donation gifts makes it possible for supporters of what on Earth is happening to help fund the purchase of Technology items required for both what on Earth is happening and one great work Network specifically items considered too expensive for a single individual to donate via our Amazon technology wish list so sorry I wanted to step out of the presentation there I hit the wrong button I want to briefly show you what this looks like live in live time so let me go to donation gifts so this is the web page in real time I'm going to click categories here and then at the very top of the categories page you'll see technology donations if you click this again I want to say thank you to everybody who donated for the Mac Studio you're really helping us out it'll be a much smoother experience for us uh you'll see here that there's a donation for a MacBook Pro and then the the title is cut off but here it is right here I'll make this larger there we go it's a donation toward a MacBook Pro for Mark passio's presentation laptop this will be the laptop that I will personally present on during the course of at least the next year obviously uh 2023 again I have three major presentations two of them are definitely in person uh two of them are all day seminars I've told you about one of them already I have not told you the big news about the other seminar I'm going to wait a little bit before I make another huge announcement for this year to um let you know some developments that are going on behind the scenes and about another huge in-person event coming up that I'll just hint at it uh it will be in person it will be all day and it will be on natural law it will be natural law revealed and Revisited it's going to be a Revisited natural law presentation that goes more in depth and clarifies some people's questions about natural law and uh it's gonna really act as an addendum and a clarification uh as an all-day seminar to the existing natural law seminar so it's going to be called the actual working title is the secret of Secrets natural law revealed and Revisited so that's coming up in 2023 and it's going to be part of a huge announcement that I'm going to make but I'm going to wait until we do some more leg work to definitely start securing the venue and uh you know the logistics until I announce that but for that all day seminar and my all day seminar entitled two masks same face the dark occult origins of Nazism and communism which we do know is going to take place in Hightstown New Jersey we are pretty locked in to that General vicinity but we don't have a locked in venue as of yet stay tuned for that announcement but I'll be talking about that presentation in a moment for these live in person all-day seminars I am going to require a better laptop than what I'm working on right now and this is the one that I'm choosing it's a Mac uh Book Pro M2 Series so Apple silicon M2 and you see here that on the page you can make a donation ranging from fifty dollars to five hundred dollars and anything that you donate from this page will go directly to the purchase of a new Macbook Pro that will act as my own presentation laptop for the in-person seminars that I have coming up this year and probably any in-person events I have coming up in the next three to five years hopefully um so uh that being said uh I put also a small progress bar this is not updated in real time I will generally update this once a day at the end of the day I'll tabulate any donations that came in for that day and I do a manual update on this bar I don't have it you know automated through programming to the point where I can just uh have that auto populate the figure maybe some programmer can help me out doing that but as of right now it's a manual process so at the end of each day I generally update that bar to show people what we've raised okay to date right now we have zero in for the MacBook Pro because I'm just announcing it but um you know we got all of the donations raised and the computer ordered in 10 days thank you to everyone for contributing in through your resources okay so that being said I'll jump back over to my slides cat I know you're standing by on uh the telegram calling room thank you for being patient with me I'm going to wrap up I have a few other quick announcements I'll be interviewed by Foster gamble on February 4th at 11 A.M Pacific time so I believe that is what twelve one two two PM or what is it 2 P.M yeah 2 p.m uh Eastern Time February 4th uh Foster gamble is known for the great documentary Thrive what on Earth will it take and the addendum uh second Thrive documentary this is what it takes both of them are fantastic documentaries with powerful information he did a phenomenal job with both of those documentaries and with the Thrive movement in general very much looking forward to being interviewed by Foster gamble coming up on his worldview Pioneer series the title of the show truth and natural law show the way out so again that's coming up February 4th that's Saturday February 4th 2 p.m Eastern 11 A.M Pacific next week on what on Earth is happening I will be interviewing Max Egan of the crow house and we'll be talking about Max's live in-person appearance at anarchopoco 2023 resist so coming up next week the great Max Eagan on what on Earth is happening we're really looking forward to speaking with Max next week and then I believe the week after that I'll be bringing on more likely than not will Keller we're going to be doing a good interview Series this season and what on Earth is happening speaking of Anna kapoco I'll be a featured speaker virtually I will not be there in person but I will be sending them a video I have sent them a video they will be playing it they informed me on February 6 which is the first day of the event I told them that they can feel free to repeat it whenever they want during the event but it will definitely be played in their live stream on February 6 2023 so do look for that uh join up uh with uh Anna kapoco for their streaming annarcopoco.com my presentation is entitled Anarchy and the Occult part three adding a third addendum onto the Anarchy and the Occult series I get I go in very hard on the anarchists folks folks when people know more I believe that they should be held to a higher moral standard and a higher standard of activity and behavior and contribution to the effort and when I see that not really being done and when I see people just going off on tangents when it comes to what the real solution is and when they're just going off on tangents of of behavior and effort that aren't going to really ultimately long term lead to the solution I just I went in very hard on them in this presentation I have to say Okay uh to the point where we've even introduced a new character into the what on Earth is happening uh character the pantheon of characters okay you know we have the we got Bobo the Clown right we have uh the the vomit puppet right and now we have a new character that's being debuted at anakapoco 2023 resist uh had to do it uh he's a very cute character but uh he's also a very scathing and insulting character if you understand what the character represents which uh I make abundantly clear in my presentation Anarchy and the Occult part three the only solution to slavery yes there's only one everybody's saying there's nothing new there's nothing new what are you saying that's new jackass jerk off [ __ ] who hasn't been listening who thinks that you know what I've been saying but you're a jackass who hasn't listened from episode one there's only one solution to slavery and there's nothing new Under the Sun it will never change it will never be anything different if you've heard the teachings of what on Earth is happening and you've gone into some of the resources that I've pointed people toward you don't need to ask if there's anything new you know it's all been said and if you think that's an arrogant statement go [ __ ] yourself you don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about because I'm not talking about knowing everything in the universe I'm talking about everything we know we need to know to end slavery on this planet in the Here and Now not in some Dreamland not in some fantasy [ __ ] world not in the totality of the mind of God if that's what you're aspiring to go off in some trance and go do that and go go go dwell in some [ __ ] mental landscape that you want to live in instead of living in the real world of the Here and Now this is the problem in the Here and Now slavery is still taking place in the here now ignorance is still taking place that is contributing to the slavery and embolding it and enacting it and what most people are in this whole movement are as an anonymous cowards who don't know what the solution really is they don't agree they think somehow I'm incorrect no I've been giving you the answer since day one and you'll find that out whether you find that out in a body or whether you find that out when you're not no longer in a body everyone's going to find that out I'll be Vindicated I will be ultimately proven to be correct and I'm not saying that because I have a big ego I'm saying that because I understand the Trivium process and most of the losers out there don't so they can't check their assessments and assertations against the Trivium whereas I do know how to use it effectively efficiently and correctly and I have have checked what I say that I've come to understand what I've come to know because as I was talking with cat pre-interview here today I'm not a conspiracy theorist I'm not someone snatching at the wind for Solutions I'm a systems analyst let me say that again what Mark passio is and does I'm a systems level analyst so if you don't know what that job description is or what it entails go look at the [ __ ] up and you understand what I really do I'm like an actuary for what's really going on on this planet I'm a high level systems analyst where I'm taking in all of the data that needs to be taken in from an unimaginably vast eclectic variety of sources that most people haven't looked into for a second of their lives and I'm aggregating all of that and I'm sifting through it continually until I actually come to a correct true and accurate understanding of what it all means and then I'm proposing the solution I'm seeing the problem clearly and I'm coming very clearly and accurately to what the real solution is and recognizing that that solution is absolute it is singular and absolute just as the truth is singular and absolute the truth is singular and absolute and that is Humanity's greatest fear it is cause for anxiety's greatest if it is caused for cause for Humanity's greatest anxieties about itself the biggest internal anxieties that Humanity that individuals within Humanity ever really truly have is that the truth is completely singular and absolute and that is why the ego wants to invent things that it reasons why it is not there is no my truth there is no Your Truth there is the truth the truth is singular the truth is absolute the solution is part of the truth the solution is to slavery is singular and it is absolute if you don't understand that you haven't learned enough you haven't figured it out yet and you're incorrect and you need to do the work through the Trivium and Through The Eclectic Gathering of information that constitutes the grammar stage of the Trivium process and you need to gather that data and go through it effectively weeding out logical Inc inconsistencies and coming to an accurate understanding of what it means then you'll see the solution and you'll see that if you're the one sitting on your ass with your thumb up your ass you'll realize you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem and when I say that I mean do you actually understand the physical steps in skill sets that are required to actually reach a large audience online of people who that where the information is formalized and immortalized and then you can spread it to other people in a wide fashion people are not hearing this they're not hearing it they don't understand it they barely understand what I'm saying formalize and immortalize that means you create something that has a structure for your material then you immortalize it by putting it on the internet in a place where someone can't just hit a switch and take it down you uploaded some place where it's going to reside permanently and you can link to it and send people links to it or embed it in your page from a place where it will not get censored you formalize and you immortalize and the problem is most people don't have the technological skill sets to do it and I talk about that in this presentation this is what it's largely about it's about that the solution is spiritual it's a spiritual solution to learn what the fact of the matter of the truth about the human condition is and speak out about it that's a spiritual solution but there is a technological component to the only spiritual solution and that is learning how to build up your skill sets to speak to people through the medium called the internet in a formalized and immortalized way and this is the problem is that hardly anybody is doing that largely because they're ignorant of the technical skills that are required to do it and two because in addition to that the overwhelming vast majority of them are Anonymous cowards and don't want to do that they don't want to lend their voice to the chorus of Truth they want to remain anonymous cowards they want to say that's somebody else's job to speak out that's not my job and this is the problem this is a moral dilemma of human slavery is only ever solved without bloodshed yeah it can be solved through Bloodshed but it's only ever solved without Bloodshed once there is enough speech out into the world where the majority of people are saying we will not accept this immoral condition and we have all put our voice out into the universe we have put our voice out into the universe and we have put our foot down as a result of putting our voice out have we done that no we've tacitly accepted what's going on this is my title card for my Anarchy in the occult part three presentation the only solution to slavery it's about seeing another world envisioning an entirely different reality and taking our part in it through action and that's the problem we haven't we're still staying in the head cage we're still staying in the the covert prison because we haven't learned the courage to speak out we haven't learned the tech skill set that's required to truly speak out in a wide way and this is the problem people believe that we can stay as a population as illiterate as we are when it comes to understanding any aspect of technology and the ability of sending our voice widely and freely to tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands possibly millions of people people believe we can remain willfully ignorant of that and not exercising The Willpower to actually do that and simultaneously we can be victorious that is not possible that cannot be done simultaneously you cannot stay in a state of illiteracy like that and you cannot stay in a state of an action like that and actually win what that will drive to us is the suffering that's going to be entailed in the a physical confrontation that will be coming that we're also not going to be in a very good position which human beings will probably still be able to win that conflict but it's going to be a pyrrhic victory it's going to involve so much Bloodshed and so much trauma that we're not solving anything by doing that ultimately long term would we be justified in doing that absolutely we would we'd be justified in doing that right now if we took up arms immediately it would be a 100 percent just War however it would be a horrifically bloody and costly event which I don't want to see have to happen I want this to be done the right way through Consciousness expansion and the only way that can happen is if people learn the truth and then speak the truth to others and again to all the loser morons out there who can't comprehend the English language I am not saying I want to know nothing [ __ ] idiot who doesn't understand what's really going on to just spout whatever verbal diarrhea they want to spout in content through content creation that's not what I've ever said dunce dumbass I've said I want people who already understand the material who already understand objective morality who already understand natural law to speak out on it and people through my work constantly tell me thank you so much for what you did it changed my life well what the [ __ ] are you doing why don't you go out and shame somebody else's why don't you go out and stop being an anonymous coward I don't need thanks and praise in case you haven't figured out I don't give a [ __ ] about having friends I don't have any [ __ ] friends hardly I'm not interested in friends I'm not interested in popularity I'm not interested in making money you want to thank me you want to pay it back to me go out and teach other [ __ ] people lazy [ __ ] that's all I require I don't require any praise or even money I I need people to go out and fulfill the requirement for Freedom which is lending your voice to it it won't defend itself freedom and Truth do not defend themselves they are defended through our voice and all you got to do again is ask yourself the question how much of the LIE is spoken every day to people's minds versus how much of the truth is spoken every day to people's minds that's all the only Dynamic you need to understand and if you're not contributing to the positive aspect of that Dynamic you're part of the problem the end coming up later this year uh and I'm you know honestly I have to say location to be determined and even date to be determined it may it may get pushed back into October or or later I don't know with the way things are going right now and the the the tiny bit of help that I have and the amount of work that lies ahead for me this year I don't want to say anything is going to be set in stone but I will be delivering two masks same face the dark occult origins of Nazism communism sometime this year with everything that's going on I'm going to say more likely than not this will be delivered probably in October of 2023 and probably in Hightstown New Jersey which is central New Jersey just outside of Trenton so look for that coming up in the fall of 2023. as a matter of fact I mean I really should just change this I'm not going to do it right now I'll do it another time but next week this will say fall 20 Heights Town New Jersey fall 2023. that's what it really should say on this slide I didn't get a chance to update it from last week but that is when two masks same face will be being delivered uh here in this region of the country stay tuned again for another big announcement about another all-day seminar on natural law called The Secret Of Secrets that I'll also be delivering this year don't tread on Philly meet up happens the second Wednesday of every month second Wednesday happy hour at the dive on the second floor 947 East Passyunk Avenue in South Philadelphia we call this a social Meetup for people concerned about the loss of freedom for more information visit don't tread onphilly.com and hopefully we'll see a lot of people there every second Wednesday the meetups there so far have been jumping that's all I have to say it's been a fantastic meet up thank you to everybody who's been showing up we hope that you continue to show up socialize and network amongst like Minds it's been a really awesome meet up thank you to everybody involved uh and for uh everybody uh showing up and making that event uh a big success let's keep that energy going the water on Earth is happening ipfs project is still ongoing for more information visit water on earthishappening.com ipfs I told people if we don't get five what on Earth is happening ipfs nodes up the way that I want them to get to go up by the end of this year I will not come back on the air next year sorry that I have to make an ultimatum like an [ __ ] like that but oh well um if the only thing that I can tell people is uh I will take something away from the effort that I'm putting out because somebody else will not return effort then that's how it'll have to be but either five ipfs nodes go up live by the end of this year the way I want them online on my terms if they don't go up by the end of this year I take a Hiatus until five nodes are live next year so keep that in mind and if people can't be bothered to get a sub 1 000 computer and put it in their home to make my information permanently censorship proof and you say you care about my work you care about me you care about the great work you care about ending slavery I say you're a [ __ ] liar by the bandwidth here's the thing if people go oh but I don't have that much bandwidth it's available unto you in most places in this country buy it suffer take the hit on your finances buy less that month go out less that over the next several months I'm serious I'm not joking I'm not kidding I'm looking you square in the eyes and say take the hit suffer in the short term to do something that is going to contribute in some way this is what I'm asking I feel perfectly Justified for asking that and perfectly Justified for saying if people can't be bothered to do that I can't be bothered to do all of the [ __ ] Tech hassle that it is to set the show up each year and actually run it so I'll go into an extended Hiatus in January for as long as it takes until the five nodes I want go up and maybe we'll do this every year five more nodes don't go up every year what on Earth is happening doesn't come back in January oh [ __ ] well it's no skin off my back I've done everything that is expected of me and I've said everything that needs to be said if I shut my [ __ ] mouth and never said another word for the rest of my life I'd still have done more than just about every person on this planet would do in ten thousand lifetimes combined okay so everybody can shut the [ __ ] up about me not doing enough and me needed to do more more go [ __ ] yourself you do more loser that's the answer I don't want your [ __ ] criticism skank how about that you want to get nuts let's get nuts you want to see Rage or I'll show you [ __ ] rage don't tell me about what my work is to do you don't know anything about what I do loser nothing you haven't done it a day in your [ __ ] lazy loser [ __ ] life jerk off that's the whole [ __ ] problem is people don't know what the [ __ ] I do they have no clue what I do on a daily basis [ __ ] zero and then they want to make complaints that I'm not doing enough why isn't there a whole lot of new material because all the [ __ ] materials already spoken in the podcast dunce and now is your time to [ __ ] act and maybe act by trying to help me get the [ __ ] help that I need instead of putting out Tech fires all day that's it that's all I [ __ ] do I can't get to my real work can't get to any of my real [ __ ] work I gotta turn [ __ ] interviews down I got I can't make slides that I need to make because I'm sitting wrestling with a [ __ ] loser [ __ ] laser printer and I got nobody over here who who at least has the [ __ ] competency of being able to troubleshoot something like I can although it'll take me a few hours I'll eventually find a workaround and get it working problem is that takes me all up off of off of what I need to be doing during the course of any given day that's the problem if you don't have the bandwidth buy the [ __ ] bandwidth if you don't have the [ __ ] money to get the computer work and save the [ __ ] money and buy the [ __ ] computer how about that how about you force it to happen you don't sit back and go well I don't have that I'm not I'm not I am not getting on the people who have actually expressed interest in trying to do that I'm talking about this is what I hear from hundreds of people well I'd like to help you don't write to me and say you'd like to help but you can you are hurting the effort by even wasting space in the inbox don't waste space in my inbox unless you could actually do this do you understand don't write to me and go well I don't have the resources to do this but I want to just say I wish I could that doesn't help loser that doesn't help what that does is you make me have to take longer to go through the [ __ ] inbox to find the [ __ ] people that are ready to start don't write to me unless you're ready to start do you understand I'm just saying there's just people who are dumb man they're just [ __ ] dumb they just don't understand they have no life skills they don't know how to do anything they have no [ __ ] common sense why if I told you only put click this email that I don't even want to have to put out there publicly because most people interfacing with them I have to interface with a [ __ ] dunce and I don't want to have to even communicate with the [ __ ] public because they're losers for stuff that requires me to interact with people I don't want a bunch of [ __ ] dross nonsense little [ __ ] [ __ ] toddlers saying to me I wish we could help don't you understand that all that does is add noise to my day and yes it needs to be said people go don't worry about those people no no people need to learn this is not normal thought process I'm asking specifically for only the people who are ready to contribute to this project to use the resources that I've allocated to this project including the email don't write if you're not ready to start should I have to scream that into the camera it just shows you we have a society of loser dunce children with no common sense no skill sets nothing their parents [ __ ] them up from Jump Street and yet it's not your responsibility that you were [ __ ] up but it is your responsibility to fix your [ __ ] upness that's your responsibility not somebody else's five nodes go online by the end of the year or we are in permanent Hiatus starting January 2024. join the telegram group to uh listen in Via uh to call into the show sorry what on Earth is happening.com slash call is the URL that'll take you into our telegram group if it's installed on your desktop or mobile device telegram's a great platform that's why I'm using it for interviews and calls this season I've dumped Discord I use Discord for basically nothing anymore because they're a loser company that are dirty rotten [ __ ] sucking Nazis Discord your dirty rotten [ __ ] sucking Nazis every last one of you and you're too dumb to even understand that you're Nazis and you Nazi [ __ ] losers that's how [ __ ] dumb your dumb loser animals that's what you are the people at Discord are dumb loser Nazi animals you're trash your parents raised a piece of [ __ ] trash because they were trash they were probably Nazi authoritarian trash just like your Nazi authoritarian trash you [ __ ] loser monkeys that's what you are you are loser degenerate primates the people at Discord every last one of you all of you okay you you you give human ancestry a bad name if you even want to consider that that is our ancestry but monkeys in a zoo would fling their feces at you the people at this court that's what you are that's how low life you are your scumbag loser low lives they're censoring Nazi trash and I just want to say that and that's why I don't use that platform anymore [ __ ] Discord [ __ ] you all the people that use Discord come and see me about it we'll talk to it face to face Arc 2.0 still available what on Earth is happening.com slash Arc all the information you need to wake the [ __ ] up all the way to wake the [ __ ] up all the way and most people aren't there yet thankfully people are still requesting Arc drives from a almost daily because God [ __ ] knows you guys need it you guys need it that's all I need to say about it give stop water on Earth is happening you could uh put in a donation to receive physical items like DVDs flash drives t-shirts keychains stickers Etc and you can make technology donations there if you want to make a straight donation which 100 goes to the cause of what on Earth is happening one great work Network water on Earth is happening.com slash donate thank you to everyone who uh purchased the tech items from the Amazon wish list there as well from the bottom of my heart thank you guys they were on there for only a couple of days and people immediately bought and sent them I love that some people are contributing through resources like that if you're not going to contribute through your own voice contribute through your resources at least and um uh people procured the storage drive that we're going to need for the Mac Studio we're going to step up from a four terabyte solid state drive that we're using in the existing Windows PC that we're currently using to an eight terabyte Solid State Storage Drive beautiful so that gives us a lot of Headroom as far as storage is concerned on our server uh so thank you to the individual who helped us to procure that through our Amazon wishlist people really like donating that way and if we have any other items that we do require I'm not going to just uh throw items that we don't need up there folks when I put an item up there we are in pretty immediate need of it and I only put I only use that Tech list when there is really an item that we need to have to do the work that we do I don't just throw things up there that I want if there's something I just want I buy it with my own money I don't I don't use what on Earth is happening resources that way so if I need something for the doing of the great work as part of these projects then I throw it up there on the wish list so it is used sparingly but thankfully when I have put Tech up there you guys have come to the call and you've donated so thank you for that especially to the people who again may not be doing something themselves as far as putting content out there into the world but at least you're supporting content creators monetarily and through technological donations I have no problem with that if you're not going to be directly involved find a way to get ancillarily involved so without having been said those are all the slides I have I apologize to my guest for taking that long and ranting that long let's uh go over to my special guest of one great work Network cat Waters and Cat just give me one second to get you framed correctly in here I apologize again give me one second because the framing wasn't correct I'm going to just switch back here until I get this framing correct on the laptop and then I will be immediately with you okay there it is ladies and gentlemen my special guest one great work Network content creator Catherine Waters cat Welcome to what on Earth is happening now hold on one second let me see I don't think your voice is coming through on the broadcast give me a second again more Tech problems here it's so much to remember and that's the problem uh one moment all the steps to set up the show are so much to remember and I'm here you know myself and it's it's difficult uh but just give me one second say something please yeah so it's coming through here but we're not going out live hold on I I actually tested audio earlier and it was working fine let me just play a video no that's not going to do it let me play a video hold on yeah so that is that's coming through I I don't I can't tell whether you're coming through cat it doesn't look on my um side like your voice is coming through say something again no it's not coming through uh no no give me a minute say something again let me quit telegram here and relaunch it I'll be right back all right let's see if that worked go ahead no sorry see again um this is the problem where I don't even know whether we should put this episode out whether we should just record separately oh and and put it out as a podcast uh again my frustrations at an all-time high and it just looks bad it just looks bad you know I'm uh I really cannot do this alone is all it really comes down to and I really don't care what that sounds like to people you can interpret that any way you want but what it really shows is other people's complete lack of care and action to actually learn how to do something and get involved and help and then show up and that's the problem so again I'm sitting wrestling with tech problems instead of interviewing a guest cat you're going to have to just sit tight until I get the problem corrected and if it gets corrected we can do the interview and if not we'll have to just do this another day and that's just how it works you know and again I'm I'm in a rage over this I'm in a rage because I I think the people in this entire Community are basically absolute losers the people in in the freedom Community are absolute uncaring children losers your their parents [ __ ] you [ __ ] them up and they don't care enough to get actively involved and that's all it comes down to that's all comes down to let me try this one more time let me look at settings in here and see and again uh let me just switch the live broadcast over to the logo while I troubleshoot on the laptop and you know what this is folks is this is this is the community not stepping up not being men not being women I can hear you through telegram but the problem is unfortunately it is not coming through on the stream your voice is not passing through to the actual what on Earth is happening stream so let me try a couple of other quick things hold on foreign cat say something again no no good yeah we're just gonna have to abandon this I think I I cannot get it working I'm having nothing but technical problems this is um this has been a um what I would have to say borderlines on uh some type of an attack um then I don't want to get in I don't want to get that paranoid about it but uh you have no idea over the last several weeks what I've been dealing with as far as Tech problems are concerned is this technology all just falling apart because programmers are losers and can't code anything properly because their mental thinking is all [ __ ] up and clouded and they don't have any Common Sense yeah probably it's a big part of it but what I mean it is beyond over the threshold of that I really know what I'm doing and I cannot balance it and juggle it anymore certainly not by myself there's literally not enough hours in the day um hold hold on hold on I'm not hearing you correctly because again now my uh output through my headset is not working correctly so give me a moment cat uh I again I apologize but it's like hold on one moment I'm still not hearing you correctly say again see again you're coming through my I'm sorry I have to stop it you're coming through my speakers instead of coming through my headset and I never I the settings are not set that way again you could do everything perfect in software anymore today and the the settings simply are not respected that's that's the bottom line of the problem is that almost all software is coded incorrectly and unless you have a team of people that are willing to work on that and troubleshoot it I can't sit here for eight hours before I have to go on the air by myself with no help and troubleshoot all of this then my computer crashes and then that that sets back what I'm doing and set resets the settings I can't do this myself I just I have to abandon this format and I'm gonna have to go to a pre-recorded podcast format that's it so what I'll probably do is keep the this amount of the show that we did to show people what's going on and then I'll do a whole a whole other show with you another day I I can't do this today I need time I'm too internally wound up and I'm I'm going to develop health problems if I have not already I haven't really told people that I actually kind of have uh there's there's a couple of things that have already occurred that thankfully you're very very small but they could easily build up into very big health problems and that is largely because I'm taking the burden of Care on my shoulders and trying to do too much myself while other losers out there just don't care and that doesn't mean that I'll stop caring but it does mean that I may have to back off my effort until I have the help that I need like I had to before and again uh I don't I want the help on my own terms I'm not asking for somebody to give me remote help I need ass in chair help in my studio here so that when problems like this happen I could sit back and focus on focus on what what I'm going to talk to my guest about or what slides I need to make and somebody else can contribute the time as an expertise as far as resources are concerned to help be in studio I shouldn't have to do it all no one should content creators should be supported by people in an ancillary capacity volunteering their time and expertise if you don't think so [ __ ] you and get over it that's the truth of the [ __ ] matter so I'm gonna sit here and attempt to fix this until time of the show runs out which is an additional 45 minutes from now so guess what that's what the [ __ ] show will be and then I'll interview cat another time if I can't get it up and running that's it we'll do a pre-record and we'll release it like that but guess what this is what people have to realize is really going on I'm sitting here spinning my [ __ ] Wheels because I have no help because this town is a [ __ ] garbage communist [ __ ] controlled captured loser Center and there and even the people who are Freedom oriented they are [ __ ] in diapers toddlers who never learned a [ __ ] thing about how to publish or communicate through technology that's the bottom line is that we have children who will not Buck the [ __ ] up and learn what's needed to put out the work publicly and that's why we're not going we're not changing enough people's minds that's why we're going to lose I'm going to try this again give me a minute see I probably have to quit my streaming software and then that would necessitate starting the show again so I the it's just not coming into the stream and I don't think it's going to um let me try this one more time hold on say something again cat say something really loud speak directly into the mic now it's still it's still coming in all hold on a minute so I still actually cannot get you through my headset I can't hear you here which is where I need to hear you I can't have I can't have your voice coming out of my speakers and then going into my condenser microphone and that's what's happening if people had heard any of that you're literally coming out of my laptop speakers which is sitting directly here in front of me and you're coming in in a very very low way through this mic which is that's not that's not acceptable first of all I need to hear you here secondly I also need to hear you in the streaming software on this computer and you're not coming through there and I don't know whether this is a bug in telegram I don't know whether this is a bug in my streaming software I don't know I would need time to technically trace it and again uh I guess I'll just sit here and do that when I need you to try again cat I'll ask you but uh I'm gonna I'm gonna let this be this will not be the podcast episode I will probably take the first part of the podcast and I will attach it to our interview that we'll do separately another day this week and then I'll release that as the podcast later in the week however for this stream it is automated to go off after two hours we're sitting at the one hour and 18 minute Mark so for the next 42 minutes I'm not going to do anything but troubleshooting this is this is what I do all day this is what I do all day long because I've asked for help for doing this for over a decade and not one [ __ ] person bothers who really has the skill set can be bothered to show up a couple of people showed up and like I said either they don't really have the skill sets required or they they show up they see how much they're going to be [ __ ] doing and they say [ __ ] this I'm out because they're little [ __ ] children losers who who can't Buck the [ __ ] up as a man and get their hands dirty and do what needs to be [ __ ] [ __ ] that's it that's all it is it's a little [ __ ] baby running away because they can't be bothered to actually learn and master a [ __ ] skill set that takes time to learn and master they'll do that with any other number of things but not with technology because God for [ __ ] bid that's how the voice gets out to the public how is the voice going to get out to the public ask yourself how the [ __ ] lie gets out to the public the LIE gets out to the public through [ __ ] technology and you can't figure that the [ __ ] out that the LIE gets out to the public through technology and that's how the truth will have to get out to the public no people can't put that together because they don't have the [ __ ] logic in their [ __ ] brain they don't have a high enough IQ they don't have enough logic in their mind they don't know the Trivium Is What It ultimately boils down to I'm going to completely reset up loop back and see if that helps if I accidentally typed that into the chat I did a search for loopback and accidentally hit that that's all right all right let's see all right cat say something one more time and you're you're you're you're back to being perfect in my headset but I still can't get you into the stream which is bizarre it's amazing that one week I could have the software set perfectly and it works and then the neck literally the next day I'll open it nothing will have been changed in the settings and it doesn't work and we didn't I'm going to reboot my laptop and I'll be back so let's try rebooting which again shouldn't have to be done but again this is the quality of where software is at these days I keep harping on it people don't understand because again they're just ignoramuses that never use anything they don't use it you know so let's reboot this is all I do is boot computers up and down don't actually get anything done and again this this whole Community is the problem this whole community of so-called activists and Freedom Fighters you ain't nothing of the kind you're a bunch of [ __ ] children who sit there doing nothing almost all of you and then even the ones who do do things you don't know what the solution is and you're off pursuing a solution that can never actually lead to freedom because you don't have your priorities and you don't have your [ __ ] principles in order you think that you're going to do 3D worldly things and that's going to lead to freedom and it doesn't work that way you have to convince other people to think differently than they're currently thinking and if you're not actually involved in that work you don't know what's going on you don't know what the solution is you're actually ignorant of what can help and that's the problem people are all playing to lose playing to lose means I'm gonna get the next the next intentional Community working for after the collapse I'm gonna get this new food growing system up for after the collapse I'm gonna get all these uh you know uh I'm gonna put together a uh uh uh a militia that's going to like actually defend all of our food stores after the collapse it's called playing to lose you're not playing to win winning is there's not going to be a collapse because humanity is going to actually succeed in defeating the dark occultists we're going to actually succeed in ending slavery we're going to actually succeed in not making a collapse happen that seems inevitable we're gonna avoid the actual collapse and we're going to actually change people's minds they're going to think differently about morality and they're going to create real Freedom that's playing to win and which require what are the requirements for that is it stepping outside your door with a [ __ ] bull horn is it is it [ __ ] writing things down on paper is it talking to your mom and dad no it's putting your voice out in a wide free way on the internet where it is formalized and immortalized then you can reach people you never met who might be on the fence and you push them all the way toward the truth you influence them with the power of your voice and again I'm not giving up folks I'm going to still try to get this [ __ ] thing working if it kills me I'm gonna get it [ __ ] working and that's the problem I have to do that myself I'm the only one driven enough to do it and no I'm not harping I'm not complaining I'm saying exactly what's true about the willpower of this loser Community I'm talking about my own people shut the [ __ ] show off [ __ ] you [ __ ] everybody you know [ __ ] all the activists in the anarchist Community [ __ ] you all you're almost all losers almost all of you are losers who don't know anything who don't know how to do anything you're just [ __ ] Dross you're not Warriors who are capable of changing the dynamic of the situation and therefore you are useless your useless people this is how the dark occultists think of you as well and I'm not going to make no bones about it it's a very similar mindset to how they think about you that's why they want you dead that's why they want your families dead I don't want that I want you free I want the people you love to be free but I'm also going to say you don't really deserve that freedom because if you're a loser no nothing morons with not enough care to actually learn the requirements and the skill sets that are going to be needed to help you don't deserve anything good you deserve nothing but suffering and that's a hard [ __ ] thing to say to somebody but it also happens to be a true statement we want to believe that we can do no part of the requirements that are necessary to truly have freedom to truly have prosperity to truly have an Awakening that doesn't lead to a collapse and we want to believe we could do none of those requirements and we can still have the good results get the [ __ ] out of here child it doesn't work like that the universe doesn't work like that that's all you need to [ __ ] know you're off in dream world believing and imagining in a distorted [ __ ] world of Illusion that the Universe Works a different way than it does loser I have not been able to successfully bring my [ __ ] guest on the show because of [ __ ] technology and losers who can't program anything right and I'm not supposed to be [ __ ] angry about it begging people for help for 10 years everybody Pat me on the [ __ ] back saying oh you do such a good job go [ __ ] yourself I'm not interested in people thinking that I do a good job I'm interested in [ __ ] help scumbags I don't give a [ __ ] what I [ __ ] sound like either I'm gonna get as angry as I want to get no you're right I'm not controlling my [ __ ] anger and rage I shouldn't have to after begging for [ __ ] help with people telling me Oh you're the best you're you're you've you've helped me you you helped me wake up you help me change the [ __ ] course of my life what the [ __ ] are you doing the [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] out of here not interested in your praise go praise somebody else I don't want your [ __ ] praise I don't want your tap on the [ __ ] back I need help scumbag yeah and you still don't understand people still don't understand they still want to spout a bunch of [ __ ] because they're too dumb to understand they're too lazy to [ __ ] help they don't want to sacrifice anything and they want to think you can have the result you can have the positive result nothing's in your future but [ __ ] suffering because you believe you can have the positive result without taking any of the [ __ ] action and you can't the creator of the universe will not allow that that is not how the laws of the universe are set up to work and you still don't understand that yet because you're too dumb that's the problem that's the problem is that people don't understand those [ __ ] laws and how they work they haven't listened well enough they haven't listened to the voice of creation by quieting their mind I have and I do know the truth of the matter the only problem is is that I'm such in a [ __ ] rage because I'm practically alone there and I'm trying to step up my [ __ ] effort to the best of my ability and I can't make the [ __ ] Tech work by myself I need help no matter how good I am there's there's always going to be problems without a team I need a [ __ ] team doesn't matter I'll say it until the day I die and you losers won't do anything because that's all you are and that's what's going to happen you're losers who were born to lose that's what this whole [ __ ] [ __ ] Community it's not a community it's a [ __ ] collection of largely dumb individuals with some intelligent individuals scattered very sparingly in it and it's largely loser egotistical know-nothings who want to sit back and watch other people do all the work and contribute nothing to the effort because they don't care enough because they're scumbags they're [ __ ] underachiever low lives and I'm the only one in this whole community that will tell people that you're know nothing you don't care enough and you're [ __ ] lazy [ __ ] that's it I'm gonna tell you that I'm going to tell you that if you're not making an effort in a similar way to how people who are putting their voice out publicly has have made their efforts I don't care whether you put it out through poetry whether you put it out through [ __ ] writing whether you put it out through [ __ ] music or what or art if you're not creating something putting your name on it first learn the truth of the matter then create something and put your name on it and I'm I'm still not giving up I'm I'm gonna reinstall software uh I'll [ __ ] reboot this machine again if I have to I'll go back to it and we'll try to get this working so the whole problem is software is written like [ __ ] because we have [ __ ] software developers out there with burnt brains they don't have balanced minds they're largely all left brain all up in their [ __ ] head eggheaded losers and that's a big part of the problem I talk about that Dynamic a lot I'm going to relaunch Telegram and let's see if this fixes it and the weird thing is is all my settings are perfect and have not been touched cats say something let's see if it comes through uh cat go ahead and say something let's see if it comes through check one two check one two we have succeeded see this is what I mean by persistence see this can I tell you something no I just want to say something this is all I do all day every day is fight to keep the information continuously getting put out there that's all I do all day every day so how about this cat I'll tell you this let's do what we can until the end of the show and then I will interview you for an additional hour and we will add that as an addendum to this show and I'm going to let this show be what it is it's going to go out it's going to go out it's going to be what it is I will edit the end of the show and I will tack the other hour onto the show okay that's what I'm gonna do so it'll be a three hour show okay and I'll tack the other hour at the end of the podcast and that's it I'll just have to edit it in post-production and release it like that because I want people to see what I have to go through and the amount that I have to force everything and people don't understand you're wrong when you say it doesn't require Force [ __ ] you you're wrong and here's why you know what they've bought and I'm gonna I'll open it up talking to cat like this let me let me make you full screen let me go to our in window interface here because it should be working now hold on all right cat Waters of one great work Network cat let's hear your audio so we know that we're definitely in check one two check check one two beautiful beautiful okay oh yay so I want to open up with people don't understand that sacrifice and persistence and discomfort are going to be something you are going to have to allow to exist and fight through and force is a part of that why are people so obsessed with the idea that nothing requires willpower and force force is not necessarily a negative thing if we the sociopaths know how to force that's all that's right two is force force force and we're not talking about the initiation of violence again Force versus violence is a huge important part to discern when it comes to natural law force is required violence is never should never be enacted but to force something to work to force something to happen to force an eventuality into place to try to even attempt to force influence upon somebody when I say we need to be forceful with our words I mean we need to keep saying the same [ __ ] thing to people until they walk away from us until you actually shut my voice off or walk away from me I'm gonna force my voice upon you you have the choice not to [ __ ] hear it but you're gonna have to [ __ ] walk away or shut it the [ __ ] off but when I say I'm gonna Force out there and that's the whole problem is people don't want to do that they want a [ __ ] foot around they believe this new age [ __ ] that somehow that's not acceptable or good to do and as a result what's happening in the world we're going deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into [ __ ] slavery and bondage well that's where the fitness comes from like that's where the the guts and the courage comes in I mean like that's you know basically I mean you know natural law and what it's all about is pushing up against things and and people haven't done it in so long and this is why I go on and on and on um you know literally for decades about Fitness physically psychologically and spiritually because you literally have to push up against something and you know like because the lines have been so blurred also so people get confused they get disoriented they don't know if they're pushing up against something too much or too little but you know because the sociopaths that be again have um been you know for decades and decades pushing Way Beyond you know where lines where the people literally should have been drawing lines and pushing back up against them so now you know the goal post is so moved and people get like so disoriented they have no idea how much the goal post needs to be pushed so much further back and again like not just pushing up against the sociopath but pushing up against the sociopaths conditioning that are that is within um like the majority of people I mean exactly like they have the willpower to continue to enact what they say that they want and how they feel and what they want to see occur in the world and I I've I've described it to people when I was involved in the dark occult I described it to people like this imagine 100 or more people in the same room that not only have the intelligence the the IQ the um the willpower the skill sets that I have and and they have the dedication and the persistence and the drive that I have to the point where I would look around the room and say in this community I'm very average now amplify that by hundreds of thousands of people because that's at least how many dark occultists are in the world there's there's at least a probably a couple hundred thousand of them or some people think there's many more picture even 100 000 people with my intellectual acumen understandings from from a systems level perspective my skill sets and my willpower all working to the same task working to accomplish the exact same agenda that's who we're up against we are up against people with that kind of willpower that is set completely against us and most people are still sitting on their hands and they don't understand that this is who we are up against I'd like you to speak to that Dynamic and like when you are involved in content creation when you first got involved it wasn't a comfortable thing for you you didn't like having to do it I don't even need to ask you that to frame it as a question nobody wants to do this like this isn't something we go oh boy I can't wait to get out there and tell people about all the evil in the world and how they have are going to have to fight it could I um I just want to say uh one thing again is that most people do not fully occupy themselves so um you know it's not even so much about the a dark cultist it's about just fully occupying yourself and fully being present inside of yourself because the the system has so occupied people in inside of themselves so what they really need to do is just you know be healthy I mean it's literally that simple I mean it's just a matter of being healthy and fit physically psychologically and spiritually and and living and and functioning um to the point uh you know that that we you you're just living to your Healthy potential and if most people did that it would naturally push and and would have kept the sociopaths at Bay all these decades but the people have been so conditioned to live so shrunken down to literally allow that people are under an occupation they're occupied internally yes exactly they don't occupy their themselves they don't I mean this is why I've been doing Fitness and literally talking about this really you know uncomfortable stuff but like you know um to me I like Fitness and I think being uncomfortable is like good um because when when when I I I don't understand it I gotta tell you like it it's so satisfying to you know to be yourself to stand up um you know to to score a goal and and uh you know to to get something right uh you know rather than um surrender that for like a paycheck or you know to to to follow orders or something like that like to me there's nothing more satisfying than you know being fitter you know and so um you know again like if if more people were just fully present inside of themselves and and new built up exercised who they authentically are and and know the difference between where they end and you know the programming inside of them uh begins um then I mean you know there just isn't it there's nothing that that being closer to Health Fitness and nature can't solve and I think that's the very definition of it that's where it starts see I think this is such an important point that it really Bears fleshing out even more because this is what I've been saying a lot is that real Health slash balance slash true understanding of where we really are at which will then immediately tell us what our work is really to do we will not be confused about anything we will not hesitate we will have drive and determination it starts with full presence with full present moment awareness yes I've said this to you before and you know I gotta tell you like I'm a little bit glad in a way uh you know like you know covid the these jab injuries I mean know I you know I'm sorry for people that get get injured by all of this stuff but it really has been making my point um you know about health and fitness in that um you know be like being disabled like people don't even realize how disabled they have been made to be a long long time ago and if you're walking around the earth I being a disabled person and not even knowing that you're disabled and thinking that it's normal then we can't even begin that's right to move towards um any you know and like I mean it's like it's so simple like uh it was so obvious to me as a young person and I mean I gotta tell you and people made a really really really good effort in um you know doing a number on you know I mean my health Everybody's Health um I think maybe would happen to other people like maybe they get this stuff a little bit more covert and they're ingesting it and you know in their nervous systems and they're not really paying attention but in my circumstances you know starting in you know the early uh towards the the later part of the 70s it was not subtle and you know my body had a violent reaction to um right like just basically having your health rewired I mean it was just obvious like what was going on and and how our health the mind-body connection and how we're meant to function in this world being smart being a dissenter and it was everybody around me it was the so-called family system so-called neighbors and relatives I'm just gonna you know put everybody in there who they're all part of it they were the ones wrecking your health their own health is wrecked and and it's really really tragic for for people to accept being on this Earth and living so so far away from the Magnificent fully you know you know occupied person you know them occupying themselves that they're supposed to be and it's just literally that simple it's just like a major major spiritual and mental Health crisis and it's really sad I I like what you were saying that if people believe that they're okay and they're they're not really doing anything to contribute they think that they can just absorb stuff kind of know what's going on in sort of a almost nebulous way and they can't really explain anything to anybody because they've never actually tried to do that they've never really tried to reach anybody they've never formalized any of their thoughts and then put them out there to others and most of all people as you said I I really believe true health and fitness can not begin without 100 percent full mental presence and this is what people will say they don't even understand what to be fully present means they don't even understand what present moment awareness means and this is one of the actual cruxes of my work is to explain to people you need to have laser-like Focus you can't be pulled off of a task you can't be focusing on six things at a time like when I'm trying to fix the technical problem I am the fixing of the technical problem there is nothing else in the universe that is the only thing that I am and they don't understand that they think oh look that's some strange identity crisis or something no it means that with the totality of my being and my soul now my attention is focused to a single point and I will continue to focus in on that until the task is accomplished this is who we are up against people who know how to do that in the instantaneous moment that they are in and they could put the entirety of their Drive their effort their willpower the very essence of their being itself into the accomplishment of their goal and their agenda and their task at hand and we cannot do that our people our team whatever you want to call it our community of so-called freedom-oriented individuals if not learned their scattered beings and they're not they're not scattered meaning like your your left hand is over on street number a your right foot is on Street B your head's down on on the Avenue or the parkway no that's not what I mean you're scattered inside there is no internal integrity and that's where all Health begins it's also because right um so many people like you were talking about it before when you were talking about force and how people think force is bad so um you know the the like that it's healthy like you know we need to know what's healthy we need to know what's fit you know and and what separates that from uh you know like a pathology and people have been so conditioned to you know to believe that their descent that their their strength their power um their their smarts it is bad you know they they've they've cut it off or that they don't have it at all or that they don't have those things at all yeah and then and then this you know the sociopaths that be they get to take that energy and use it against us because uh you know people are so convinced that like these healthy vital parts of themselves is you know is bad I mean people I mean I've like been saying this stuff for decades yeah kids like this is how I uh you know like just like woke up like so early because I mean I knew I was born a healthy person I was I was there was nothing wrong with me but because um everything that I was saying and the healthy adverse responses that my um you know body was having that was uh reflecting back to the you know people in power and other people around um you know that they were the ones that were um deviant and misaligned and they were the ones that needed you know to step up to the plate and do better so you know they make you the healthy one something wrong with you like they they make you they try to make that's right you ill and believe that you that your health is is wrong folks People Like Us the problem is not our anger if you think the problem is my anger you are a [ __ ] dog adult I mean I don't know I don't know what word I could use to even insult someone more you're a mental [ __ ] adult if anybody believes my anger is a problem my anger is purely Justified cats anger and sometimes frustration is purely Justified we have been saying these things and the society will not really truly listen and improve itself we think we're going to remain stumbling little [ __ ] know-nothing children and we're gonna win our freedom the effort is garbage the effort that has been made is such garbage compared to where it has to go and then we have people telling us we're not correct about what we're telling you we have it analyzed to the point where we know it inside out backwards [ __ ] forwards and exactly we could spell every [ __ ] character dot every eye cross every [ __ ] T we know the totality of it and we've been trying to [ __ ] give you that voice of wisdom for decades and you're too [ __ ] hard-headed and you're too [ __ ] lazy and you're too [ __ ] cowardly what can we do to help these people [ __ ] get out of their lazy their ineptitude their cowardlessness their know nothing [ __ ] attitude people need to exercise their anger more you know I I um I equate it to like you know maybe driving like a really hot car it's like um you know the more you feel your anger and and allow yourself to just like experience it the more you'll be able to master it I feel like so many people again for a really long time have been conditioned I mean you know of course this is not everybody but it's a lot of people um you know to suppress their anger um to not exercise it and they're so afraid that if they feel it you know it's gonna like run them over or something or like you know they'll you know crash with it or something like that um and you know your anger is your is your power I mean your anger is alerting you that you're being trespassed and if and if you know um you know people believe like you know anger is so bad uh then you know exactly it's like you know the they're literally fighting you know their bodies healthy you know input healthy feedback and you know this is why um like I've always believed that that psychological Health was so much more important to understand even more than physical I mean sure a physical Health's been you know completely wrecked um but you know but at least physical health um you know I mean if somebody had cancer or they were in a wheelchair or had a heart attack or something like that I mean it got acknowledged I mean it wasn't like something that people were being denial about but if you know um I always saw psychological health emotional health no different than our physical health and you know when you're having an uh a legitimate emotional feeling uh you know it's it's your body doing the same thing that your body is going to do you know if you had a physical disease ease or a physical injury it's going to have certain normal responses but if the people around you are so deficient that they cannot like the problem is we live in a debt Society everything is dead it's all debt perpetuation and so there's so many people who are are so emotionally deficient and cannot afford another person you know to be feeling and expressing their legitimate Expressions so they get sent into like this bankruptcy um you know like well I mean I mean this this is how everything gets started again in the family system you know it might be like healthy children having um you know I'm just going kind of back to where the discrepancy kind of begins you know in in the family system when children respond with you know completely you know normal expressions and when when the the so-called you know adult parent is deficient or an adult child and they go into you know bankruptcy when their child is is having uh you know Expressions that a parent emotionally should be able to afford like they shouldn't be getting sent into you know psychotic bankruptcy um you know when their child is healthy and yet they do and then you know the child gets put into a deficiency and um and then you know they have kids and it's just you know and then it's just like everybody sucking the energy from other people rather than healthy people who can afford it giving other people and you know an allowance to you know to have like these healthy expressions and and so you have like so many people just walk around um you know psychology magically like you know constricted and holding everything in and you're not allowed to just feel what you feel we're running out of time for this episode we're going to do another hour tell people where they can find your work oh just yeah it's on your uh one greatworknetwork.com under creators and yeah I mean I'm I think at asking for money but I have to really cut that out and and really ask for support because visit cats page everyone at onegreatworknetwork.com and please donate to her she deserves it and I will come back and do another hour since we took so long to get set up so stand by we'll be right back why [Music] why [Music] it looks like we are going to continue to stream and we're back so we will be continuing to stream on some platforms even though we did the outro of the show I'll just edit this podcast in post-production and um you know release it as a three-hour podcast uh because I didn't want to cut your time short so um my special guest today is cat Waters of onegreatworknetwork.com we were saying before you can visit cat at onegreatworknetwork.com click into content creators and then click cat Waters and uh you could then um see all of her content up there and you can contribute to her uh through a donation as well all the content creators deserve to have donations sent their way uh please support them we have the network up to do just that content creators should be supported in their efforts especially by people who are not creating any content themselves to try to educate Humanity if you're if you are not an educator of humanity regarding morality and natural law and psychology and Fitness in general to to get the body and mind fit so that we can fight the people who are trying to completely destroy our freedom and again that starts with ultimately a healthy mindset you know yeah okay we can talk about physical fighting too which may be required but unless we understand objective morality don't expect to win this expect to it to get so bad that we're going to be an unbelievable suffering far worse than we are now far worse bodily far worse as far as resources are concerned war is beyond hell and I've been trying to avert it going to that by attempting to teach people true objective morality under natural law if we learn that it won't come to collapse if we learn that it won't come to war if we don't learn that objective morality if we don't learn natural law War collapse and death are assured they're not just possible potentials they're definitely coming our way so cat what I want to continue to focus on is and you you were just getting into the our whole system is ultimately it's it's been debt based and it's been rewarding the weak rewarding the people who are unhealthy rewarding the people who are truly imbalanced and only care about themselves only care about their money only care about being rewarded for their days of pittance work that they receive their pittance pay for and they believe they're going to just continue to live like that and somehow any goodness any Prosperity any real Freedom will ever truly manifest in their lives it's delusion that there is no such thing as continuing to completely exist within and work within the existing structure that the absolute satanic Psychopaths have set up for Humanity and somehow a different outcome is just magically going to float along and drop in our lap life does not work like that ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry life does not work like that the laws of creation do not work like that you have to get involved and put skin in the game to change the nature of the reality that we are living in to change the condition of the reality that we are living in the nature of the reality we are living in is it is sculptable it is shapable it is changeable we can create the experience that we want to have we can create better levels of Fitness we can create better levels of Health we can create better levels of freedom and prosperity Etc the the point is we need to do our own internal self-improvement and then help others to improve themselves if we're to do that go ahead cat people need to understand that they are here you know to be their full authentic self you know not to be uh just you know like this Cog in the wheel follower you know just getting a job type thing um like what I wanted to say I have like sorry I I have like a couple of different things oh no you're good go ahead flush it all out no problem you know you were saying before too about like not having help and um so you know also part of Fitness too you know like not just being fit you know here physically mentally and spiritually uh one of the things I've been going on for too long about um my husband the family system and having a healthy fit unit of you know a you know a circle at least of people that you know do work together that are there literally for the best interests of one another and um you know I didn't know it seems to be uh you know quite a a problem um you know in this country the uh the dysfunction in the family system and how people in my experience um people see the family system as people to you know to throw under the bus rather than people to you know to actually be on your side and it was so strange to me like so early on this this strange um Dynamic that was going on with with the people around me um it was it was as if like they expected me to somehow on my own be able to kind of do things or or um like have this value that they would then regard and then value me and I was always like well wait a minute you know you're supposed supposed to be the people valuing me instilling this value in me um by the way that you treat me and then that's how I you know have get established and have this value in life it's like people were so removed from how nature you know farming uh you know cultivating new human beings in the world is supposed to function and I mean so if the family system is that inverted where um I'm just going to say like this is just like one simple thing that that has been like a constant in my life and it's still a constant was that um you know again like you know you're I was so you know healthy functioning the way that you're supposed to really early on so I couldn't help it that my body as a teenager just really uh blasted the abuser back and just spoke truth to them and um so what ended up happening was you know everything got inverted I was the one that got like shamed and criminalized and you know the uh you know the frauds I'm just you know telling it like it is you know the Fraud's in power were the ones who got excused and then enabled for decades and decades to this day it's like still going on this Society rewards people for being totally unfit this Society rewards people for being weaklings and losers and people who don't know anything the resources are generally flowing to people like that instead of flowing to people who are strong and who do want real freedom and do want to truly morally educate people especially the youth you know and we don't have real families anymore we have atomized people that we happen to know who were biologically related to and that's about it I I can't I could not tell you that I have a true family my family are the people who really genuinely fight for human Freedom that's my real family but as far as the biological people that we grew up around that were related to I don't even know if we should use the word family to describe that because it's not exactly that has no part of the definition of what family is or is supposed to be so um I mean this is kind of leading me to make this this point I I've done like a like I've been kind of a bit obsessed with this issue like and maybe like the last of couple of interviews that I that I did on um you know the the the case of the good nurse and this the killer hospitals and um you know I only say these things because when I watch like the the documentary it's called capturing the killer nurse I mean it's just making the same exact point that I have been like saying since the early 70s about the family system and um you know for people to expect to go to a hospital and and you know like a caregiver uh nurse or doctor or whatever you know if if they're inverted and they poison you know maim well of course you know this guy Charles Cohen killed like oh you know up up in about like 400 or so people but and you know it also came out most important point of the documentary is how nine hospitals plus a nursing home literally enabled this guy because of course like they suspected what he was doing and instead of stopping them uh arresting him anything like that uh they would just kind of quietly send him on his way for him to just go get a job in another hospital and just continue doing the same thing so um you know the real issue that I you know was was these the hospitals are killer and um and so it was it was making my point that I have been trying to make for such a long time about abusive uh caregivers and um and how this one nurse was basically a symptom of the larger system that is um you know it's not just hospitals it's the entire system it's all about money and um so I just kind of sit back and and I feel my load getting a little bit light lighter but um I I'm not gonna stop um really trying more and more to bring the focus on the family system because I I just feel like it is the most important thing to look at it doesn't get the focus that it needs it doesn't get taken as seriously as it should be um you know child abuse I mean so so you could have this you know nurse that's maiming and harming people you know you could have big Pharma um maiming and harming people but you know in a family system with innocent children that are supposed to be protected and defended so fiercely like a parent should really be a fierce freaking Warrior you know and um and and like the complacency and the slacking of uh you know parenting is literally just utter it's it's abysmal the you know the the standard of quality of of you know the people that are uh bringing lives into this world and um and and you know I mean it is extraordinarily confrontational to say this stuff but if if any human being especially a parent has even like a shred of decency within them they will be the first to admit yes like I you know sucked like I failed my kids like I should have been doing like a way better job I mean like for the longest time we should have been moving in the direction of building health and fitness physically psychologically and spiritually and instead the bar I mean you know right like spouses being you know I mean whoever talks about like being a better spouse working on being a better wife or husband or parent or anything like that most of the things that people work on you know is money related like that's all they're obsessed with they're obsessed with just acquiring enough physical resources to literally keep food in the house that's about all people care about and it's like if you just throw some food on the table or in the refrigerator then all responsibility is met and that's not responsibility that is not the definition of responsibility and that's the problem is that that's what that's what we in in modern culture believe somehow is the definition of responsibility within a family unit and it is not because ultimately you're not instilling principles in the child you're not instilling Morality In the child you're not giving the child enough information from a factual point of view about what's really going on in the world and then you think that that's going to somehow inform their spiritual makeup you think that they're going to be psychologically equipped you think they're going to go out and actually develop real skill sets to try to improve anything in our world all they're going to do is grow up and become the safe same self-centered loser that their parents were which is all I give a [ __ ] about is me and my creature comfort and as long as I have a job bringing in enough money to put food in my belly [ __ ] everybody else [ __ ] their rights even [ __ ] my own rights [ __ ] my own Freedom that's how they think these people the monetary system to me is it is like the the it is it is worse than the jab I consider it and and have considered it um for decades it's like it's more toxic and poisonous than the freaking you know I just call it the jab in in how it has wrecked peoples and people allowed it to wreck their health they've put it first above health and fitness and I mean for so long and I was like early on kind of doing this sort of experiment but you know by myself and you know because everybody around me was always like oh you know a job a job and oh you can't oh you're never going to make any money doing that and I was always like well like nobody even raised me excuse me like you're being extracted from you're not being you know invested in and I mean this endless push to just completely skip over your CH you know your a healthy childhood and then just rush you out to to just get a job and I was like what in the freaking hell like how am I supposed to do anything and be of any value to anybody in this Society with this horrible you know environment that now I need to basically spend God you know I mean it's turned out to be a lot longer than I expected to be working on myself to recover from you know so that I can you know be you know do something good for people in the world like like so I was trying to talk about all of this pollution essentially like so I call my podcast you know on your one great work Network um I call it the family industrial complex because the family system literally has been like this kind of scaled down corporation that all it does is it's like Chevron it's like BP it's like Dupont I mean it just dumps its pollution on the Next Generation abuse I essentially just consider it to be pollution that that contaminates you know the very people the very you know inner Landscapes a parent should be defending to the death and instead spewing its pollution and then saying and when your body has a a healthy adverse response to the freaking toxic [ __ ] being dumped in it it's like how dare you yeah I mean exactly so when like you you're your immune system naturally is telling you what's toxic and poisonous and then other people are going how dare you have that response you need to take more of this [ __ ] you need to take in more of this toxicity because this is what's normal no because people have no so freaking worth they have no self-worth they have no self-esteem and like I mean to me the family system parents and other adults like Aunts Uncles or whatever they do more damage to people than big Pharma and Dupont and Chevron and any of these people what team because they tell people that you have to stay within this toxic poisonous destructive absolutely satanic system and they don't encourage people to think differently to get out of that to explore what true morality is and you know what else they do parents do this relatives do this teachers do this they instill in young people's thinking false stories about who the young person is in their own mind so that the the person is thinking false stories in their own mind about who they are and what they're capable of achieving and what their characteristics are and what they're capable of doing in the world and how much they're capable of affecting change they want us more than anything else they want to give us viruses in the form of words that we tell ourselves stories that are false that we tell ourselves these are internal mental viruses that get installed by family members by Friends by teachers by pastors by relatives and then the child is going to grow up telling themselves stories about who they believe themselves to be I'm not smart enough I'm not capable I can't do this I can't put my my head to this and come through and actually do it and Achieve and and affect other people and and change myself Etc a million different false lies false stories about who they are and what they're capable of and then they just accept it they swallow it they believe it and then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because because they believe it for the reason that they believe those stories that is actually what they then become in their physical world manifested condition the LIE becomes the reality and that's why we need good psychological Fitness especially in the form of how parents attempt to build up their children that's what raising a child means you're raising them up you're building them up to be strong fit individuals psychologically physically and spiritually exactly we should we should be uh going like so deliberately according to you know healthy child development and what a child needs you know at various stages of their growth and development I mean again like so you know adhering to it like as you know closely as we possibly can and instead I mean the complete disregard I mean I swear to God it's like who needs enemies what you got like family and neighbors like I was just like saying it for decades um you know like the things that people have been saying to me um it's just like and you know people that are like supposed to have one another is back be on one another's side and instead is functioning completely the opposite and if the family and the community function completely the opposite of how it's supposed to you know I I it's like how dare people expect you know doctors or nurses or big Pharma like I mean you know you know like what people used to just shame this [ __ ] out of me you know since I was young trying to freaking talk about being you know completely mistreated and abused and having your health desecrated you know in your own house and yet what do I hear you know today it's like oh you know some some inverted caregiver nurse like killed people and and and and and you know who got um you know killed and who died suddenly from the you know the dab and and I'm like you know I've been trying to talk about you know parents literally maiming the [ __ ] out of children for for decades and and and people like still think that that you know they they should be able to take for granted that you know big Pharma is looking out for them or these parents are now doubling they're doubling tripling and quadrupling down on the toxic poison that they've allowed their children to take in like saying that oh they shouldn't be held responsible for that or oh how could they have known her Etc it's like what negligence parents have been and you know it's not just quote biological parents okay I'd like to say that we have all largely as a human species been negligent about just the future Generations period doesn't matter whether you're going to be biologically related to children that come after after us how many people can say that they fought tooth and nail and gave 100 of their effort to ensure a future for children that are going to come after us and then people will say that isn't somehow their own responsibility it's all of our shared responsibility it's every single one of our shared responsibility to bring a world into manifestation that is better for the the next Generations that come after us and what we're leaving them is a squalid ball of [ __ ] in the form of this planet and the condition that this planet is in I mean we we might as well like hand them a bag of feces and say here that this this is what our Legacy to you is I mean and that's terrible that people should literally so be ashamed of themselves for what we are allowing to happen in our name that we have to go through the period of Shame see we're we're not in the apocalypse anymore the apocalypse is over that's why everybody's saying when's New Revelations coming hey you didn't pay attention they already came and it's it's all out the Revelation the apocalypse whatever you want to call it all the bursting forward onto the world of all the hidden information has occurred past tense we are in post-apocalypse right now this time period that you are living through is post-apocalyptic already post-apocalyptic does not mean the total collapse has occurred and everything is in a state of complete destruction that's post Armageddon if you want to be technical about all your uh terms of uh chiliasm of end times of you know Millennial millennialism whatever you want to call whatever it's referred to eschatology it's been called many different names the study and Analysis of the quote end times of the breakdown of civilizations and the destruction and cycles of Destruction and Rebirth of civilizations you can call it a million different names and it's been called a million different names the bottom line is at least in biblical prophecy the the Revelation or apocalypse the great revealing has occurred you're not going to get anything new we are not discussing anything new this is stuff that everybody should already know and have been discussing and have been communicating to other people it is not new information I want to reiterate all the people out there saying nothing new no [ __ ] dumb ass this isn't anything new this is stuff that's been going on since the dawn of human civilization everything on this podcast that is discussed discussed is nothing new it was just new to you when you were a dumbass and you first heard it now you're sitting back not doing any action not taking any behavior and you're going where's the new stuff coming there is no new stuff coming if you don't know what the [ __ ] is going on by now and you're not taking action you're negligent you're negligent and part of the problem so to mention Fitness again I mean you know how many bicep curls you have to do in order to get like in pretty good shape and then when you get in in shape you know you still need to do repetitions in order to maintain that's right so you know exactly um so so much for like it I mean it really is very very difficult going up against um the the you know the programming that's been that so many people kind of have and don't really realize that they have um sorry I'm gonna kind of just skip a little bit um I wanted to kind of just mention because just two days ago I was able to go it's it was called the belmarsh tribunal you know it's basically about you know Julian Assange and and how you know telling the truth has been uh criminalized and this guy has basically been getting persecuted for telling the truth and I just kind of wanted to mention something that um one of the speakers Jeffrey Sterling who did some jail time he worked at the CIA and um you know he you know he said you know um like people at like the CIA you know they're not going to you know look at themselves you know you know they're not going to police themselves um like I just can't again get over like how much um the the the topics of Health and and nature have been so mangled I like I I just these are power Paramount to the solution if we don't have these in place we cannot enact the solution they're they're foundational to the solution our whole system is ragingly dysfunctional it is ragingly sick it has been mentally ill for decades and decades and decades and for the people to be constantly staying down here and the sociopaths to be constantly Opera you know occupying the upper echelons and for people to be walking around like that's normal and then for the young clean people being born that are supposed to grow and clear out the you know that that upper you know occupation that the psychos have been in for so long that never gets cleared out never gets replaced never gets you know freshened up and so this the the darkness that these people are and at the expense of the healthy fresh people that are supposed to be getting cultivated and then ultimate I mean you know you can you can look you don't even have to look at you know that Dynamic on this macro macro level you know I mean when people go into like law enforcement I mean when I joined um Emergency Medical Services for FDNY in the 90s it was like the same thing um every fresh newbie that comes in instead of freshening the place so just ends up catching the becoming part of the disease exactly because it's the system itself that they believe they can enter and they think they're going to change a completely rotten corrupt satanic system from the inside I keep explaining to people and I put this forward in my presentation at anarchopoco which I hope everyone will check out when it comes out that you the the solution does not lie in creating any new dynamic in the world nothing new needs to be created except telling people what the problem is through things that we create but I don't mean a new system needs to be created content yes content in the form of the truth being communicated and published that is something that that knew that needs to be created but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about we don't need a new government we don't need a new monetary system we don't need any new technology that we don't already actually possess to have different systems of organization and ways of doing things what are niceties they are things that we could cultivate and develop but none of that is needed to end slavery of human beings none of that is needed to end the existing slavery system what is needed is to cease and desist behaviors I I tell people say what's the solution you don't talk about Solutions I've been explaining what the solution is since the first day I came on the air it is not about making any new system on the Earth it is about getting people to discontinue the conducting of behaviors that they are currently conducting let me say this again and I want to get your take on it but folks should listen very attentively there is no new thing or system that needs to be created it is the solution does not lie in anything that is active the solution lies in ceasing and desisting in actions that we are currently doing that we do not have the right to do as individuals or as whole groups of people cat your take on that why can't people understand that the solution lies in stopping behaviors they believe it's about creating a new system a new system will never work in a state of immorality a new system will never work in a state of complete mental and spiritual dysfunction which is what cat's talking about you got to build up your Fitness level first in every aspect of the being then something that you create can work but you can't put the cart before the horse and you can't try to create the new system while you have all of this psychic and spiritual dysfunction you can't succeed the universe by law is not going to allow you to be successful and prosperous while you're still contained within a completely immoral satanic system why would you believe that to be so oh the free energy movement things we just need all these new free energy devices well we're all going to be sitting on the earth with free energy devices still enslaved by satanists and suddenly that's going to solve the problem of everything on Earth well oh you'll have some ability to have some some free energy or renewable energy but you're still going to be a slave all the people who oh it's about permaculture and it's about going out into the Wilderness and growing our own food so we don't have to be dependent on the food the big Agri system well you could do that and you're still going to be enslaved you're still going to be a [ __ ] slave just growing your own food is not going to make you not a slave anymore the only thing that's not going to make you a slave is when we get when we smash into people by whatever means is required to do it by whatever amount of force is required to do it the understanding of moral law the understanding of objective morality under natural law and ceasing and desisting the behaviors that are not in alignment with more moral Behavior that's it and I'm talking about real moral Behavior not conducting murder assault theft rape theft trespass coercion and deception the true Seven Deadly Sins Not the [ __ ] morality of [ __ ] religion [ __ ] religion is another thing that is [ __ ] people's minds up like a a [ __ ] mental virus and made people have a completely erroneous notion of what real morality is and that's another big part of the problem cat your take on all of that um well just listening to you what you kind of reminded me of that really used to bother me a lot um you know uh in like the last uh decade or so more than a decade uh you know with you know rallying protesting Occupy Wall Street and things like that um and they would always like use these terms non-violent Pro like the people finally standing up for what's right finally exercising what they should have been exercising decades ago and they always had to put the label you know non-violent like you know doing what's right um I mean like why would you have to you know put that term and stress being non-violent when um you know again it's like uh I mean you know because people have been so um you know slacking in doing it for so long you know sure like it's possible for this tendency for now the people to just like which you know not for nothing but who cares um you know if the if the people are unskilled in the you know the fact that they're finally rising up you know they're rising up and they should have the room to be unskilled because the sociopaths have been you know um so out of balance for so goddamn long any you know so like it really used to annoy the crap out of me because again it's like pathologizing um and and criminalizing you know people you know fine you know taking their first toddler steps in you know finally standing up for themselves which really they they should be allowed to be unskilled you know in in that process and so like that's kind of um like you know like what I was hearing you say and in in this need to real I mean we we I think we have a really short window if the window hasn't closed by now um because the the the amount of Leverage the amount of Weaponry that the sociopaths have um is just like ridiculous I mean they could take us out and um I mean I hope I'm answering your question um I mean could you imagine the amount of people that still don't understand that the older followers or the bad guys that that people can still try to instill in their children that the police and the military are the good guys that are trying to help Humanity could you imagine any human being could be that [ __ ] stupid at this point by now not by now that's don't you think that that's just evil that like they're willfully evil this is the whole thing the whole idea of ignorance in ancient cultures the Egyptians said willful ignorance is the epitome of evil now today you if you just say oh somebody's ignorant they're not thought of as a bad evil person for I mean they're not even thought of as a bad human being let alone purely evil the the the the ancient commission culture in in Egypt said what we now call Egypt one of their main teachings in the spirituality of chem of chem was if you are willfully ignorant you are the epitome and essence of what it means to be evil think about how far off we are from that teaching in the world today or do parents teach their children that if you're willfully an ignorant human being especially when it comes to morality if you're willfully ignorant of what real morality is do parents teach children that that's what actually defines you the core of your being as evil do you ever hear that from parents teach trying to teaching their children that hardly ever hardly anybody in the anarchist Community is telling people that I'm one of the only people saying that this is the core aspect of what it means to build up strength internally in an individual which is what the core aspect of ultimately of the concept of Fitness is all about how many parents are actually doing that how many people are actually putting those ideas out in the world just with their voice a paltry paltry paltry paltry few a piss ant amount that's not a good enough effort I'd like to hear your thoughts when it comes to where are we societally as far as the karmic retribution that we're accumulating and and taking in upon ourselves and what you see happening in the next let's say one decade if we have that long what is your take about where things are going to head in our society uh speak to that for a few minutes and then maybe we could take uh phone calls for the last few minutes remaining so I can't leave this interview with you Mark and again I want to thank you for you know letting me speak because I literally have been criminalized since the 70s and uh you know made to feel like you're healthy descent is like you know again a freaking disease so I need to mention um the issues of like child trafficking uh interviews I've done um numerous times with Max lowen Rachel Vaughn you know Jamie j Heidi on Satanic ritual abuse of children and adrenal Chrome and this stuff there's no question about it it is real and you know I I think about the the child abuse that I um you know was trying to speak about you know that I experienced and you know regular child abuse in the family the system you know only over the decades to come to learn of child trafficking and and the the torture of children the murder of children uh raping of children I mean you if you know you want to talk about the Bad Karma being built from allowing sacrificing um I mean so my like this is what I believe with every like it's like I know this with every cell of my being that adult children are they they've they're replacing real children you know like adult children are the new children so you don't need real children anymore um I mean there nobody needs to be raised and cultivated because this the Psychopaths they occupy you know they they own the whole world and so were there Perpetual children that they get to dictate to how life is going to be that's the world that they want yeah you know and and right and and and and then and then you have the adult children you know right doing the bidding of the satanists against the real children the healthy people that they should have been defending um with a Vengeance not only are they letting that happen to the actual biological children but they're then telling the actual psychic adults the the the intellectual adults on the planet you're not correct we as the infantile psychic children as the intellectualized totally infantilized children of the world that we know better than the real adults in the room that's why I'm saying I will not be told what I know I will not be dictated to by some [ __ ] loser child who's a biological adult but you haven't grown up as a [ __ ] real mental psychological and spiritual adult and that's what we have we and and that this is in the anarchist Community this is in the freedom Community we don't have real adults we have stunted children in our presence that cannot act as real Warriors because they are still stunted children psychologically and spiritually because they've bought into all of the viruses that are mental viruses all of the things that make them completely unfit psychologically and then lead to unfitness in a billion other ways and they will not pull themselves up from the boot traps because they don't have enough internal self-respect they don't have enough internal self-love they can't learn the basic premises of real spirituality and real objective morality and understand the importance of taking action in their own lives not looking to an externalized figure even myself or yourself we have to do our own individuated speaking out efforts that is what the great work is if you're not lending your voice to that grand Voice of Truth that is going to defend truth and freedom and take the world back from the Psychopaths and the infantilized adult children that are out there you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem everybody please go to Kat's page on one great work Network please contribute to her she's been one of The Originals in this battle Kat's been doing this back when I was still a Satanist just think about that think about that for a second so if anybody is worthy of respect that is this woman please check out our content on one great work Network and support her work through donations what do you say we uh go over to some phones in the last we have about 13 minutes remaining let's take a few calls all right let's hear from let's hear from uh Gilbert Gilbert you are live on what on Earth is happening with my special guest today Kat Waters of one great work Network welcome uh hello can you hear me yes hi yep can you hear you awesome hi Mark hi Kat how are you I just want to say a couple of things I think your right cat about healing our bodies first and foremost if people don't if they're lazy lethargic sitting on the couch they're not going to be able to even think properly is I think people should at least do cardio first and I mean weightlifting obviously if you're a man I mean that's going to help you physically even boxing it's like MMA yeah I mean same thing yeah and also also I was gonna say Mark I want to congratulate you on being on band.video thank you I think that's a really big platform and it's really gonna I think make a big difference we'll see I'm I'm optimistic about it we'll see I I don't know how much their um you know the audience there is going to appreciate my work and what I have to say I think some will but we're dealing with a very very religi a religious uh religiosified if that's even a word a a a a culture that is deeply entrenched in religiosity and that's it's going to be a tough uphill battle because I'm not going to back down from my position regarding religion and religious hypocrisy but I want to try to help them to understand that there are core similarities in the understanding of natural law and any religion any all religions have this at their core the problem is we got to break through the dogma of what's not true in religious programming to get to the core of what is true and that's very difficult and that's why religions were set up they don't understand people like this unfortunately are still too unread they are not knowledgeable enough they don't have the grammar they haven't aggregated the grammar unfortunately to understand that all of the religious systems not some of them all of them no matter what they are what they are called were set up by satanists to block people's understanding of the truth in some form or fashion and unless you can cut through the dogma of the religious tradition you can never get to the Core Essence of the truth that the original intent of the religion was attempting to convey when it was first made they were all co-opted and directed in a certain direction by the dark occult to act as something that actually restrains us from moving forward and penetrating that dogma and actually getting to the true core truth of the matter which is natural law and objective morality and until religionists begin to see it differently and stop Clinging On to all of the Dogma that is holding us back from the truth that we will not make progress as a species it will not occur sorry all of your religions are co-opted and controlled by the dark occult no one's religion is insulated from it yes yours yes yours yes yours yes his yes hers yes there's yup all of them I'm not incorrect regarding that the problem is most hard-headed [ __ ] don't want to hear it and are never going to hear it and are never going to listen they're going to die in ignorance unfortunately almost all of them but here's the thing I will keep saying it even if nobody is listening because that's the correct thing to do so cat you can chime in on that if you wish if not we'll move on to another call I was just gonna say um and I I hope this is um answering his question um so like you know I'm you know Mark you talk about natural law it's what I've always spoken about all my life and um so what we were saying before about the healthy adverse responses you know from the body from you know like a child's body and the feedback that you get that's natural law like that's what adults should be responding to so um you know like when we when we do like Fitness or something like that or Sports and the idea is to you know score a goal exactly I mean you know when you when you make the goal you know you made the goal and when you missed the goal you missed it um so people need to take that ex that that same uh mindset and apply it you know to child rearing I mean when your kid is giving you you know certain feedback you know you need to use that to adjust yourself um you know rather than just kind of like running a person over like I think you know that can also you know be be called natural law um you know but again if the the the parent isn't healthy enough they are you know they're gonna get like disoriented and not um be you know not really be healthy enough to do that and you know I hope that made sense that cycle will perpetuate itself if it's not improved parents who are going to do any child rearing have to realize you got to become conscious yourself of so many people are just just spitting out you know their children and they're spitting out other children you know before people even consider becoming a parent become awake first get awake get healthy mentally understand the dynamic that's really going on then have a child and really truly raise them in a conscious fashion uh let's hear from we're running out of time we have about less than we have about six minutes left let's hear from Jennifer Jennifer you're live on what on Earth is happening with our special guest cat Waters Jennifer uh you have to unmute your mic from your end you're unmuted from our end all right we'll move on folks if you don't unmute your mic I can't hear you so I unmute it from the server end then you must immediately unmute from your end be ready to do that all right let's try Jennifer again Jennifer are you there hello there we go Jennifer can you hear us oh yeah I have a question sure go right ahead because people are this naive and people don't want to wake up what are we supposed to do just stay in the stagnant area forever the only the only thing that can be done is that people have to teach them it is the huge it is all human beings who are even somewhat aware to teach other people who are still in a state of ignorance so I'll I'll answer this and then I'll hand it over to Kat if we are not involved in the job of Education of the masses of people does our freedom not suffer so you're coming in really low just speak directly into your mic please she just muted okay I think she was you're yeah you're coming in real low on your mic you have to get closer to it if you want me to hear your feedback But to answer your question then I'll hand it to cat if we're not directly involved in education and we do understand that other people's ignorance directly affects our own freedom and the freedom of everybody else around us how can any of us actually say we're contributing to the solution cat your take on that um I was going to give a pretty simple answer and just say people are going to be forced whether they like it or not you know either by the people around them or you know the psychos like they're they're gonna just learn the hard way suffering is going to be the teacher which does it does not have to be that way anybody that believes that that's how Karma works and it must be that way and it must be through suffering that human beings learn you are delusional and you are incorrect it can be learned the easy way if we cease and desist the behaviors that are contributing to the continuation of the karmic cycle if you understand natural law and you truly understand Free Will and you truly understand the programmability of the being as being the innate condition of humanity the innate nature of humanity then you understand that that programmability is mutable it's changeable we can change it through an act of our will and we do not have to go through the hard put suffering that is going to be a post-armageddon experience it does not have to occur that way but we have to force through the force of our words not violence but through the force Power of our words to use the force as it said in the Star Wars Universe the force is going to come out through the Voice through the words yes go ahead our inner currency I just want to stress the inner currency it's like it's made me really sad again over the decades seeing people value man-made death notes over what has real value you know themselves that's right their health their authenticity like I you know if people are not raised and instilled you know by healthy people to you know to have self-worth to you know to to you know you know value themselves and and who they authentically are like you're just gonna get taken like no matter how much money you have like you're gonna get ripped off like to me it's like the biggest rip-off in this world is to be here and not be who you are authentically are supposed to be right Cal I think that's about all the time we're going to have for this edition of what on Earth is happening thank you so much for being a guest here tell everybody uh where they can find your work one more time everybody go to cats page on the network and please support her work it's great work and she deserves the support can't go ahead and tell them where they can find you yeah it's a one great worknetwork.com under creators and all my links for patreon sub stack Odyssey bit shoot um are all on there and Facebook cat I uh apologize for the technical difficulties I hope everybody understands what I do here on a daily basis to continue to persist and Kat's been doing that for even longer than I have so again please support her at onegreatworknetwork.com on the cat Catherine Waters uh content creator page and do uh contribute to her efforts through donations uh and I hope people appreciate the persistence shown here and uh cat I again apologize for the technical difficulties but I'm glad you were willing to stay for another hour and we can get your really really great contribution in here today so thank you very much everybody that's all from one on earth is happening we'll see you here next week thanks again thanks for all you do mark