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(Created page with "Freedom man that's what it's all about [Music] give Dr groove on Freedom by the good book says [Music] welcome you are listening to what on Earth is happening this show will d...")
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Latest revision as of 20:49, 6 May 2023

Freedom man that's what it's all about [Music] give Dr groove on Freedom by the good book says [Music] welcome you are listening to what on Earth is happening this show will discuss the topics of human consciousness mind control natural law the occult and all issues that affect the freedom of the people of Earth what on Earth is happening will endeavor to shine light upon the darkness of our world and to offer empowering solutions to the problems we face as Humanity approaches its critical moment of choice and now here is your host mark passio [Music] welcome one and all you're watching what on Earth is happening I'm your host mark passio my website what on Earth is happening.com ladies and gentlemen government is slavery and here on what on Earth is happening we are ending slavery one mind at a time welcome and thank you for tuning in today today is Sunday April 16 2023 we're live here every Sunday from January through June from three to five eastern this is show number 270 of what on Earth is happening and please keep in mind that what on Earth is happening is a show of cumulative information so if you are a new viewer or listener to the show you should not watch from this point you should go back to show number one and listen in order at your own pace we are going to be doing a show on updates regarding what I have been up to and doing uh during the process of my move and some events that I have coming up and then we'll be taking calls for the duration of the show and there is a small technical issue I have to begin the call in telegram so just give me a moment so that people can connect in there this will take one second to do all right excellent the call is started so that'll give people time to join into the call room as you can see I'm in a new location I have a slightly new setup my desk is different so I am using a laptop on my left hand side so if you see me turning to view the laptop that is the reason uh let's jump over to my announcement slides all right thank you to will Keller for the great artwork as always and again this is show number 270 of what on Earth is happening we are on a two hour format for this season next season I will most likely go back to a three hour format with a full production crew will be basically you know organizing the logistics for that and getting that set up I want to talk about you know a little bit later or actually in a few moments uh my whole move process and getting reset up here I'm now in the outskirts of Philadelphia in the suburbs and uh the move went pretty well so um it should allow me to go back to a full production team uh next season of the show but for this season uh you know I'll be still producing here at my desk at my new desk and again we're on a six-month schedule because I'm focusing exclusively in the second half of the year on how to become the True Media which is up next to talk about give me one moment folks there we go okay so how to become the True Media seminar for 2023 is Raising toward us this is one that people are not going to want to miss I'm really going to get into all the details of how you can become a content creator put the word out to the public again one of the main things that I ask people when I speak live in person anymore is what are you doing to morally educate the public yourself what information are you putting out there into the world that is morally educating the public and I mean in a public way not in a private way just speaking to people in person I'm talking about what do you put out publicly out into the world that morally educates other human beings this is what this Seminar can prepare you to do so this is an online technology skill skill sharing seminar and it's 23 weeks long 23 individual classes uh once a week three hour classes each week and this is hosted on the telegram platform every Monday evening from 8 pm to 11 pm eastern U.S time starting Monday July 10th and going all the way through till the end of the year Monday December 11th of 2023 for a total of 23 class sessions there is limited seminar space available enrollment opened on April 1st that is that was my actual like actual moving day where I moved the remainder of my things and uh came into my new home here so um I opened the seminar enrollment on midnight April 1st so it has been open for over two weeks now and we already have some enrollments uh I encourage people to enroll as early as possible do not wait to enroll because you could get shut out of enrollment if I reach the number that I'm planning on cutting enrollment off at so I don't want the the uh amount of people in the class to become too unwieldy because then it becomes difficult to manage the whole thing and difficult for people to interact um you know in a in a group environment so I am going to cut enrollment off at a certain number so do not wait and get shut out of the seminar this year enroll now if possible you can go to howtobecomethetrumedia.com for all the details for the approximate course curriculum on that site and if you click to enroll the enrollment buttons at the top and bottom of the page that will take you over to gifts.water on Earth is happening.com and you could complete your donation process to enroll in the seminar for 2023 mm-hmm I'm announcing today that I will be speaking at the great create which is the libertarian party of Georgia uh convention coming up may uh 12th and 13th I believe I'm going to be speaking on I think the third the 13th let me check that for you give me a moment this yes I will be speaking on Saturday May 13th and again this is called the Great create I'm not on this poster yet I probably will be added to it I'll be added to the website I actually just accepted uh this past week to be a featured speaker at this event so again May 12th and 13th it's in just outside of Atlanta Georgia in Perry Georgia it's called the Great create and you can visit the website thegreatcreate.org to check it all out and uh check out all the other great speakers that that are going to be participating in it now yes folks this is a political convention for the libertarian party and I am an anarchist I am not I have no political leanings but what I am going there to do is to give a talk called government is slavery where I'm going to explain that there is no moral pathway if it involves government that government is violence the government is coercion the government is duress and that ultimately government is slavery and I think this is what more people really need to do they need to go to the people who are fertile ground for delivering this information that already have a mindset of freedom and they need to take them all the way they need to help them to go all the way by giving them the information that they need to understand true Anarchy to understand that no government is ever moral because it is based on duress it is based on the implied threat of violence should one not comply and that's not a moral path no matter how minimal it is no matter how allegedly minimalistic it is menarchist in other words so this is what I think more anarchists more voluntarists need to do the people who understand that Anarchy slash voluntarism is the only moral pathway in life need to speak to the people who are on the fence need to speak to the the monarchists in our world and bring them all the way over to the truth so this is why I'm going to the great create that's why I'll be speaking there so if you're in the area around Atlanta Parry Georgia again is the uh the city where this convention is taking place I will be attending and tabling and I will be speaking on May 13th so check it out thegreatcreate.org is the website one of my largest seminars uh in person uh on par with things that I've done like the natural law seminar and demystifying the Occult and uh StreetWise spirituality and New Age [ __ ] I will be two masks same face the dark occult origins of Nazism and communism I've been planning this for years I'll finally be delivering it this year in the fall October 21st 2023 at the Exton Hotel and Conference Center in Exton Pennsylvania we'll have all the details I'll be making a large poster for the event putting it on the uh what on Earth is happening website and tickets will be going on sale for two masks same face the dark occult origins of Nazism communism on May 1st May 1st 2023 tickets will be available at what on Earth is happening.com I'll put a button up there that links to gifts my gifts area where you could donate to attend live okay so let's see what's the actual day of the week May 1st falls on a Monday so May 1st at midnight tickets will be going on sale for two masks same face the dark occult origins of Nazism and communism really looking forward to delivering this presentation in the fall of this year what on Earth is happening donation gifts has a new uh category called technology donations now I have really great news about technology donations today so um you could see it there I'll be leaving it in the categories whether there is anything in there or not uh and what this is is this crowdsourced funding for expensive equipment that is required for What on earth is happening now um I'm in my office as you can see my newly set up office and I'll be delivering the show from this office probably for the duration of this season next season I'm going to be setting up a permanent studio uh in you know this home and uh probably working again with a producer so I require a Mac Studio in order to do that and we were doing crowdsource funding because it's an expensive item that I don't want just one person to buy but we have actually reached the donation goal of four thousand dollars for this new Mac Studio for my actual permanent studio in my new home and uh we have reached the goal so I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone who donated especially people who made large donations thank you for making this possible I'll be ordering this Mac Studio this coming week and hopefully it will be here you know within within the next week or two and I'll be setting up the studio again probably for this season I'll probably be continuing to do the show here in the office but we'll see I mean we'll see how it goes Let's uh let's take it one step at a time I'll procure the necessary equipment and we'll see how the setup goes and we'll see what people's availability is uh who knows maybe we could do it sooner but uh not promising anything but you know I do eventually want to go back to a multi-camera uh you know a produced show instead of producing here at my desk although it's been going well producing at the desk you know I I think uh there's still higher production values and quality to the show when it's produced by a separate producer uh you know working the software so I could just focus on what I have to say in my and paying attention to delivering the uh the content so that's uh the technology donation section again thank you to everyone who donated for that Mac Studio for my actual uh permanent setup television Studio here in house the one great work network still going strong at onegreatworknetwork.com 70 awesome content creators definitely going to be adding more 100 going to be adding at least one new content creator this coming week so stay tuned for that check it out onegreatworknetwork.com please make sure that you donate to all the great content creators on the one great work Network my Channel at band.video is at band.video slash Channel slash mark Dash passio I have not had the time to add many new videos I will be making this a priority since my move is complete I'm still unboxing a few things but it's about 95 percent there and just minor ancillary setup work needs to be done you can see I've done a lot of of setup here in the office I'll set up a uh a server room for What on earth is happening and one great work network uh going to be working on setting up the permanent Studio next so I will be making band dot video a priority and I may even do I'm not promising anything but I may even do a separate uh you know maybe a one hour podcast exclusively for band.video I'll have to see what my time schedule permits but I want to make exclusive content on band on video and not just post things that I've done in presentations or on what on Earth is happening I am going to do some exclusive videos for Bandai video so watch for that in the future not right away I want to still post more of my uh presentation content there for the time being but in the future I will be doing some exclusive work at bandop video don't tread on Philly Meats uh every second Wednesday of the month this past Wednesday was an awesome meeting I mean it was packed in there there were great people I had a good time um uh great discussions um awesome people turned out so um I want to thank everyone for attending if you haven't been part of the don't tread on Philly happy hour that happens the second Wednesday of every month in South Philadelphia you don't want to miss it if you're in the area it's just an awesome event um you know like I said we had a packed room this uh this past Wednesday night so it's the second Wednesday of every month six to nine pm at the dive which is a a bar in South Philadelphia we meet on the second floor and it's always free to attend for more information visit don't tread on philly.com and you can join the Facebook page uh to get event notifications there uh it's just don't tread on Philly on Facebook inquire an inspired documentary nights every third Thursday of the month uh at Arnold's Family Fun Center in Oaks Pennsylvania again if you're in the area of the suburbs somewhat Northwest of Philadelphia this is one that you don't want to miss either because um Jeff hipoff who I interviewed a couple a few weeks back he hosts these and he's showing some great films uh this um coming Thursday um is going to be a documentary about Kathy O'Brien and her survival of Satanic ritual abuse so if you're in the Oaks PA area this next Thursday actually what is it this Thursday I'm sorry this Thursday uh you don't want to miss this one because um it's an incredible story and um I'm sure there'll be a great discussion following it as well so inquire and Inspire check it out inquireandinspire.com Arnold's Family Fun Center third Thursday of every month in Oaks Pennsylvania oh the water on Earth is happening ipfs project is still underway we have three nodes online we are going to be adding more um for more information go to waternearthishopening.ipfs you need at least 200 megabits of Upstream internet bandwidth in order to participate in the ipfs project I will be getting back to people after you know things settle down here um to uh continue to set up more ipfs nodes I know that I've basically stalled on this project completely but you know I've been moving so um now that the move is complete I will be getting back to this as well so if you want to help make the content that I have delivered here as part of what on Earth is happening all of my presentations Etc all the interviews that I've done if you want to help to immortalize that information online and help to make it censorship proof this is the project that you would want to participate in by basically hosting a an ipfs node which is basically an independent computer that serves that content out to the internet through the ipfs network ipfs stands for interplanetary file system it's part of web 3.0 which is uh you know the permanent web the uncensorable web so if you do want to participate and you do have at least 200 megabits or greater of Upstream bandwidth check out what on Earth is happening.com slash ipfs fill in the form you'll get the preliminary uh requirements and instructions for participation call into the show today at Water northishappening.com call I apologize for getting the call started late uh I was busy setting up the new uh you know set up here and it slipped my mind to actually begin the call the call has begun on telegram so you could join in on it at what on Earth is happening.com slash call we'll be taking calls for the duration of the show essentially I want to talk about a few things before we do that Arc 2.0 is a tremendous opportunity for an abundance of knowledge it's a storage drive that you purchase and send to me I fill up with all of the data that I've collected over the years all of the best data that I've collected over the years I should say and then I ship it back to you um so the arc 2.0 drive consists of over 26 000 audio files 9500 books 3 400 videos from my own personal Archive of research and data gathered over the years for this opportunity you can visit what on Earth is happening.com slash Arc for the uh shipping instructions which are rigid because I want to protect your property and I need to set it up in a uh sort of uh you know regimented way if I'm going to protect my time and my resources and my energy so that's why you know there is a rigid set of shipping requirements for the arc drive please respect them because I'm asking out of respect for my time and my energy that you simply follow the shipping directions as presented in the PDF document that you can download at this site what on Earth is happening.com slash Arc arcs still come in just about every single day it's going really well with these we're pumping so much data out there to people um and uh hopefully they're becoming are truly enlightened through it so check out the arc 2.0 drive if you wanna pick up items hard copy items such as the one great work collection drive with all of my data on it all of my my work that I've ever done uh t-shirts promotional t-shirts uh flash drives stickers keychains DVDs buttons you name it it's all there gifts dot what on Earth is happening.com uh great items that you could pick up to give the family members uh any time of the year and folks please remember making donations through gifts helps continue the work that I do here and the one great work Network as well so please visit gifts.watt on Earth is happening.com and uh you know get some items for yourself your friends your family members gifts thought what on Earth is happening.com If instead you prefer to make a straight donation to support what on Earth is happening and one great work Network you can visit what on Earth is happening.com slash donate many many donation methods there including cash app gpay wise many different cryptocurrencies and our Amazon technology wish list the wish list has some items on it now that are required in the new space so if uh people are you know uh amenable to uh pick up those items there are some there on the wish list if people don't pick them up after a while I'll usually just pick them up and uh that's fine but uh donations through technology are one way that you know where your money is going if you donate there is no question about what it is being used on and the items the you know you basically buy the item and then have it shipped directly to me so that's all available at water on Earth is happening.com slash donate now uh briefly what I would like to do is let me go over to my laptop again hold on one moment let's switch over here I'll step out of a laptop I want to talk about the season of sacrifice for a little while before we go to calls because uh this is incredibly incredibly important information and for people who have not basically learned about the season of sacrifice yet through my work I'd like to reiterate this during this time period every year so um the occult has many different holidays during the course of the year and they split the holidays up at equidistant points during the calendar season the calendar year basically they split the calendar into quarters with the equinoxes and the solstices so the equinoxes are the beginnings of spring and Autumn and the solstices are the beginnings of are summer and winter and that forms a cross on the year uh if it's depicted as the zodiacal houses the 12 zodiacal houses you can look at as 12 months and um if you split them quarterly then you have the equinoxes and the solstices if you then split each of those quarters into eighths at their midpoint you have what are the high holidays the the solstices and equinoxes are ancillary holidays they are considered important but less important than the four major sabbats they are called the lesser sabbats the equinoxes and solstices are referred to as the Lesser sabbats and the greater sabbats are the midpoints of the seasons of the year the midpoints of uh the quartering of the zodiac they are the um midpoint of winter which is um known as candle mess or in bulk uh February 2nd the midpoint of autumn which is sowin or hollow mass or Halloween which is October 31st the midpoint of Summer which is llamas day or simply mid-summer which is August 1st and the midpoint of um spring which is the most important one of all which is MayDay or Beltane or Val purgis knocked depending on the tradition that is naming it so may day is the midpoint of spring now from the Spring Equinox to the midpoint of spring is called the season of sacrifice so if you begin at the Spring Equinox March 19th 20th and then you proceed to May 1st that approximate 40-day period is known as the season of sacrifice in the world of the dark occult again dark occultism wields the knowledge of the occult world for manipulation control and ultimately to bring people into slavery there is a positive side to the occult of course because it's simply neutral knowledge and it's how it is used that makes a difference it's how it is used that matters so of course occult information can be used to uplift humanity and Enlighten people and help them to understand how things really work in the universe that is the light occult when I'm talking about the season of sacrifice I'm not talking about the light I called I'm talking about the dark occult I'm talking about Satanism dark luciferianism the dark aspects of occult knowledge being applied for manipulation and control of sacrifice is when we can expect to see Mass ritual murders in order to frighten the population into giving up their rights and they've been doing this for not just decades not just years not just decades not just centuries for thousands of years thousands of years this has been going on this is what people have to understand that this cult that runs our world is ancient tyranny is ancient this has been going on since long before any of us were born long before anyone we know was born millennia okay and what you have to understand is that they never alter their tactics because they don't have to the public is just as stupid as it has ever been the public is just as ill-informed as it has ever been in our world they still don't understand the season of sacrifice they don't want to understand it they don't want to believe that there's a cult that runs everything they don't want to believe that they have sick twisted Psychopathic beliefs and practices and that they murder countless people just to frighten other people into giving up their rights and depending on them for their protection and safety which is nonsense so we are smack dab in the middle of the season of sacrifice right now and I want to point out a couple of dates that are coming up that you're really really going to want to pay attention to and watch very closely because these are the dates first of all they've already done several sacrifice rituals already in this very season of sacrifice in 2023 centered largely around mass shootings and mass shootings that are uh also centered around gender gender identity which they want to build up into a bigger and bigger divisive issue which should not be considered a huge divisive issue people have to let this go stop focusing on this and start focusing on the people who are really dividing and conquering us and wise up and become StreetWise to their methods and become StreetWise to their sick religion so the dates you're going to want to watch that they love they love to pull out mass killings on April 19th and April 20th it's their probably their favorite two days during the season of sacrifice other than the opening of March 19th March 22nd they love because that's Skull and Bones day of 322 and they love May 1st itself sometimes April 30th the the eve of May 1st so you know you could really say there's six days that are really days that you want to watch March 19th March 22nd April 30th into May 1st and in the in the middle part the the very meat of the season of sacrifice the most important two days April 19th and April 20th and one of the main reasons in the modern world that these two dates are so significant is April 19th is the beginning in Earnest of the American Revolution the shot heard around the world on Lexington Green took place April 19th of 1775 and they like to do ritual murders on the anniversary of April 19th and that is to you know symbolically ritualistically quote have vengeance upon America because the crowns swore Eternal Vengeance on America for the American Revolution so you want to watch April 19th that's coming up this Wednesday in three days it's going to be a day you're going to want to definitely pay attention to for the possibility of false flag events of ritual murders ritual sacrificial murders the day after it is the birthday of Adolf Hitler who was one of their lap dogs slash puppets slash you know dark occult uh you know order followers who gave rise to a whole Army of order followers and you know it's absolutely one of the faces of the uh the two flip sides of the political aspects of the occult you know far right extremism leading into fascism slash Nazism the other arm of course the other wing of that great bird of prey of course being communism starting with Marxism slash socialism and then proceeding into outright abject communism they're both political aspects or faces of the same cult which is you know the dark occult ruling class it's a cult without a name people want to call it things like the Illuminati you know whatever whatever I think it's a terrible name for it I think it's it's a joke kind of a name that has become a joke in our culture I personally hate that name because they're not enlightened they're not illuminated they're they're sewage that's what they are they're the lowest of all Vermin they're the lowest of all parasitic life forms they're trash to call them the enlightened ones is a laughing joke you know the people who are truly enlightened as to real spirituality and real morality and have attained a true level of Consciousness they're the Illuminati you know they're the enlightened beings not these so-called rulers you know like I like to say they're they're the ruler of nothing but the bottom of a you know Cesspool of of a trash bin covered with slime so why would anybody want to refer to them as Illuminati the enlightened you know they're nothing of the kind they're just verminist trash that's all they ever have been you know you're you're sewage members of a death cult and you want to refer to yourselves as like the greatest of humanity you're garbage you always have been so are any of the people who follow them so are the people who fall victim to their [ __ ] mind uh control manipulation methods they're just dumb you know they don't want to pay attention to what's really going on and see the pattern because they just don't have a lot of brightness in the mind that's all really comes down to and that has to be worked you know that's why the how to become the True Media seminar is so important it's not just about learning computers folks if you think that seminar is just about learning computers you don't even understand what it is it's a life seminar it's a seminar about persistence it's a seminar about how to work your mind it's a seminar about work ethic it's a seminar about never giving up it's a seminar about finding what you need to do and [ __ ] doing it that's what it's about it's a seminar about stopping making excuses [ __ ] excuses you know It's A Life Lesson seminar as much as is a technology seminar believe that know it and you'll find out if you take it you'll find out what it will impart to you anyway uh you know so this is the occult holiday calendar you know make note of it and I'm telling you right now watch April 19th and 20th this Wednesday and Thursday you're going to want to want to watch those dates so I want to move to another slide briefly give me a moment and switch back over here I'll just move to it the slide that I wanted to bring up all right let's switch back so these are season of sacrifice blood rituals and dates I made this slide back in 2017 to incorporate a lot of the events of the modern world they start in the modern era in the 1990s really about you know 1968 with the assassination of Martin Luther King uh March 19th uh you know the IRA bombing in Belfast Ireland right on the at the beginning at the opening Waco Texas Mass Massacre was on the anniversary of the American Revolution in 1993 on April 19th and there's a whole slew of other dates Columbine was done on Hitler's birthday the Columbine school shootings in 1999 Donald Hitler's birthday the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to pollute the whole Gulf region with that oil spill was done on Hitler's birthday in 2010 April 20th and you can just go on and on March 22nd was the Brussels bombings in Belgium on 2016. March 22nd the Westminster attacks in London uh you know so the dates that I'm talking about they're all over you know it's just it's just people have to stop trying to make excuses stop trying to like say this is just a coincidence no this is a cult this is a cult that's murdering people all over the world every year and you just can't see the pattern you don't want to see the pattern because you're a child that's all it really comes down to and I'm going to try not even to get upset about it I'm just going to try to deliver the information I'm going to try to really work on focusing in on the delivery of the information and I'll say a lot of harsh stuff but I'm going to try not to go nuts and yell it and get really loud but people have to wake the [ __ ] up you need to wake the [ __ ] up you know and you need to really start paying attention and understand these people are sick twisted religious Psychopaths with Twisted religious cult beliefs you know and they're running [ __ ] they're running things and you need to get StreetWise to it because you're very very very naive but most of my listening audience has picked up on this most of my viewing audience I hope they're not naive but the bulk of the general population are still walking around like blindfolded naive [ __ ] children let me tell you you know so I just wanted to you know get into the season of sacrifice a little bit and tell you really be vigilant this coming Wednesday and Thursday on April 19th and 20th because that's the days they like to really bring the big guns out and murder a lot of people all right so that's all I wanted to say about that and I'll take calls for the duration of the show so let's jump over to Telegram hopefully we have some people waiting in here looks like we do not many though so hopefully uh people are going to call in if not I'll just uh rant if I have to but uh let's jump over to uh let me get my headset on that I need to wear to take calls hopefully we're in good shape with people's ability to hear me all right hopefully everybody can hear me in the call-in room uh we're going to take calls for the duration of the show let's hear from Conrad Conrad you are live on what on Earth is happening welcome Conrad go ahead and unmute yourself you're coming in loud and clear good to hear from you yeah I yeah great to be here I got some delay so I'm just gonna do my best I'm trying to work out the technical stuff no worries but uh what I wanted to talk about I just dropped my video about the whole Covenant school shooting and the called season of sacrifice in general and I I like that you started out with that because that's that's an obvious one right there so regarding it go ahead and give your website again I'm sorry I spoke over here there is a little bit of a delay that's okay we'll work around it yeah I'm not able to get you on telegram so I'm listening on YouTube and trying to trying to get it get it done but so my findings I'll talk about it and again the website is truthandlaw.com um my you if you just scroll down you'll see all this stuff so uh the people have mentioned the 33 you know they've mentioned the 33 I talked about that about how people just hear 33 and they think it's the highest level of Freemasonry and that's it and that tells you the whole thing is a hoax that tells you crisis actors and so on and so forth I know people are big on Gematria and you know that's a big rabbit hole too the Gematria is there but obviously like you've said they require real sacrifice right so so people will say this is all a hoax and you got uh because she's got her pant leg rolled up or something like that that tells you that this didn't occur and people do not go into looking all these different events and seeing that they the real blood is required for these people so they're not going to go there and that's one of the cul-de-sacs that's holding people back from seeing they're actually killing millions of people they've done it time and time again they're going to continue to do this until we wake up to them at the dollar that's right and you know there there's not much of a sign that people are really understanding their belief system and their patterns of behavior and their their methods that they bring people into fear through um it's uh it's it's a few and far between really understand it deeply more people are slowly learning it but it's not at a fast enough rate and a fast enough pace of understanding to get this out in a wide way to the general public that's why more people have to start educating people we need more public Educators out there for all of the things about the control system we need far more Educators about objective morality and natural law you know all of these things have to be really talked about in a public uh fashion and people have to learn how to do that and get outside of their shell and get outside of their fear in order to do that so um you know I I definitely agree with you Conrad that we not enough people understand their methods um what were some of your findings regarding that particular um school shooting and give me the location of it again I cursorly researched this because when I hear about these things to be quite honest anymore I just go yeah and and it's like oh there's another one there's another one oh wait a minute it's seasonal sacrifice well right on time you know like right on time right on schedule like clockwork this is how Brazen these people are they're so Brazen they're like we can do this every year and you'll never see it that's how stupid the public is that is what they think of the public and they're right Unfortunately they are correct the public is that stupid but uh tell the the viewing audience some of your own personal findings regarding that shooting that you were talking about foreign so here's here's my big one and this is all kind of this is the final one her last name Aubry Hale it's a reference to the hail Bob Comet and specifically the Heaven's Gate cult and that was on March 26 where they committed mass suicide 39 people are called led by Marshall Applewhite whose father was a presbyterian Minister and this Covenant School was with it was a presbyterian school that had a Presbyterian Church in it and to March 26th which was 26 uh years ago was the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate cult and this is March 27th this is the day after and it would have happened on March 26th but that's a Sunday so they can't shoot up at school on a Sunday they did it on Monday and her last name is Hale and the heavens gate called was when they discovered the hell Bob Comet and Marshall Applewhite had this cult where the people believed that there were aliens behind it and so forth so then 39 people they committed mass suicide on that day March 26th right at the start of the cold season of sacrifice you know without a doubt I mean like I said three nine-year-olds so there's a three nine right there they they put it out there in plain sight they just um are so Brazen that they will do these things and they don't even try to conceal them you know let's see did I get the uh the hell Heaven's Gate cult suicides in Rancho Santa Fe California yes March 26 1997. there it is right in the middle of the list there on my own um uh aggregated uh season of sacrifice blood rituals and dates um right in that period from the Spring Equinox to the midpoint of spring on on May 1st uh you know this is the bloodletting season they believe that they have to uh spill blood onto the Earth and that is what ensures that life continues and that their rule over life on this planet continues that's their belief system in the dark occult world this is how sick and twisted and absolutely Psychopathic and what lunatics these people are and um you know you know we're you know they were basically doing uh you know a sort of a mirrored repeat of this uh what what city did this uh recent shooting take place in and there were a few of them but uh the big the big one that Drew a lot of the news attention Nashville Tennessee that's right yeah so um I mean I don't know what do you think Conrad we could do to get people to understand that this is a religious sick religious cult practice that is actually happening just about every year um how could we possibly wake the general public up what would have to happen you know how obvious would it have to get or or what methods do you think we could use to get these people to pay attention and and see the pattern foreign ly you know this isn't a great answer but I think the best the best thing we've got is repetition and I'm watching your uh I'm watching on YouTube right now so I'm seeing the chat I know I know we don't like repetition but that's really the best thing we got because repetition is how we people have all gotten worked into this state of [ __ ] ignorance they've been getting repeated lives over and over again and people don't like when you repeat things but unfortunately that's the way people are going to get it so they can get that and maybe something will click in their head that they have to raise their level of action and their level of Consciousness and their level of knowledge so if we've got to bang our head against the wall and repeat I think that's the best thing we got and that's that's what I'm doing right now you know um people will often say to me oh this isn't anything new you're not going over new things you're not presenting new material folks there is nothing new I've told people what they need to understand regarding human slavery and how to create human Freedom there's nothing new you're not going to see any new grand Revelations we have to get the information out to the public you see you're waiting for something that isn't coming you know the apocalypse has occurred past tense you know apocalypse means the great revealing it doesn't mean anything negative that's Armageddon or Ragnarok the Hammer of the Gods right that that is when that's destruction that's the destructive period which we're entering we're entering Ragnarok we're entering the uh um uh the the the season of total Annihilation because we've failed in our mission to morally educate the population and make them fully aware and fully conscious of what's really going on we still have the opportunity to do that we still have the ability to do it or I wouldn't be saying a word people ask me all the time do you think it's possible to turn this around sure it is absolutely possible will it be done as a whole separate question now if you ask me will we turn this around well I don't know that's up to the will of each individual person each individual a unit of Consciousness that is alive during this time period how will they activate their own personal will what skill sets will they develop will they improve themselves will they improve their level of knowledge and understanding will they step out of outside of their comfort zone and fear to learn what needs to be learned to do what needs to be done that's a whole separate question that involves free will that involves personal sacrifice that involves personal levels of discomfort that one may not want to go through but will they conquer it will they conquer their own ignorance their own apathy their own laziness their own cowardice I don't know I don't have the answer to that only each individual has the answer to that do I see it going in that direction no I don't see it going in that direction I see people being ignorant lazy incompetent careless not really caring about Improvement not certainly not doing the the work there are some let me qualify this there are some right there's very very few it's a it's a pissant poultry few that is not good enough it's not enough it's not if you know a certain amount of water is going to be necessary to put out a massive fire before it consumes an entire building and you have this much water you got one jug and it's not going to put that fire out and that's all you have you would go that's definitely not enough that's done that's where I think we're at could it you know eventually change and turn into something that is positive and you know defeats this evil yes it's possible is it looking like we're heading in that direction not right now because there's not enough effort the effort has been not good enough the effort has been not large enough and that's the problem that is the problem and people need to hear that it's not berating them into inaction by me saying that it's someone telling somebody your effort has not been good enough thus far it's a fact it's a factual statement that others need to hear and recognize as true and then that needs to motivate them that negativity in truth needs to motivate them to change their behavior to improve and do better you can't keep telling somebody oh it's going to be okay it's going to be okay I'd be lying to you your effort has not been good enough and it's gonna be [ __ ] up if that continues that's the reason things are going to go in a [ __ ] up Direction and I'm not talking to you Conrad obviously I'm talking to the general population of people who are within the sound of my voice you as in the aggregate as a whole if you take everybody that has ever heard what I've had to say and even just the whole world in general into account their effort has been a massive failure it has not been good enough it has not been wide scale enough it has not been enough period and you can't lie to somebody and tell them it's gonna just work out no it isn't just going to work out it's going to get worse and worse and worse and worse when before the whole [ __ ] pandemic happened I was telling people they're going to take our freedoms on a scale you've never seen before and this is coming and things are going to get worse because you're not doing enough and then that happened I didn't call the exact method by which they were going to do it a Health crisis a alleged Health crisis but I called exactly what they were going to do I could I told you that they were bringing those methods to instill fear and take people's rights and it happens like clockwork because the general population isn't doing what the solution is which is to morally educate the population and make them aware of the control system make them aware of how absolutely sick twisted evil and immoral that it is teach them true morality and get them to start teaching other people that those things that's the answer that's the solution this whole show has always presented nothing but the solution and I still have [ __ ] writing to me saying you don't present any solutions Mark hold on let me give you a picture of them I actually have an email a video email was sent to me right and um this video email actually contains a viewer telling me that I don't present Solutions here it is check this out okay this is it right yeah there he goes I mean I mean that's one of them right this guy he here uh here's another one that's like Mork Mark you don't present any solutions man I mean that's a [ __ ] oh you're just talking about in problems and you don't talk about Solutions it isn't like your whole Show's bitter solution the entire time it's been on the air right no you don't you don't mention Solutions about telling people objective morality you don't mention the solution that you gotta publicly speak out and to take a stand against this evil by speaking the truth and telling people what's going on no no no you don't tell anybody any solutions you know clowns each and every one of them utter clowns it's a clown world and we're just living in it that's it you know imagine that you know you know my show has been nothing but a solution since day one and there are people who will write to me and say you don't present Solutions I did a whole [ __ ] practical year on nothing but Grassroots Solutions but see the thing is they get this much information they get a sliver a tiny little sliver that they listen to and they don't hear what they want to hear in that sliver when I've done so much work you can't you you couldn't climb to the top of it and you've listened to this tiny little paper-thin [ __ ] sliver of it and you think you know the totality of what I've said over the years see this is people who are lazy they're lazy they're foolish they're incompetent and they're just dumb you know it's all it really comes down to yeah let me uh I was gonna play the clown music but here's what it really just ultimately just comes down to it just comes down the bottom line of all of it is just this right here you know Fred Sanford said it all back in Sanford and Son TV show and you know he he just he just would say to his son when you know he was acting like a fool you just dumb son you just dumb and that's that's all it really comes down to with most people you just haven't learned what you need to learn it's just it's just pure stupidity enacted into the world and then you want to think that you know what the answer is when you haven't done the homework when you haven't done taken in all of the knowledge this is the the main thing that it all comes down to is most people don't have the completeness of the information that they require that's why I tell people the number one thing that people can do to get that completeness of information is to get the art drive from me and go through it until you really really really know what's going on then you have the information that you could base accurate decision-making processes that you formulate in your your your mental you know state of awareness that you've accrued from taking in that information then you understand what is necessary to do then the third step is doing it you know so it's knowledge first that's your grammar then logical processing upon all of that information so that you fully understand it and know what it means then you act rightly upon what you have come to know and understand that's the Trivium process and most people don't have that process in hand and they largely the vast majority of the people who don't have the process of the Trivium in hand don't have it for the reason that they don't have the step one of the Trivium in place which is the Gathering of Knowledge from an Eclectic variety of sources of information they don't have their grammar down you know that's the main reason that they don't understand the patterns all around them that are practically smacking them in the mouth Conrad if you have anything else go right ahead uh if not I'll say goodbye to you and take another call but if you want to wrap up with anything else uh go ahead and shoot real quick I'll say this you you just talked about it is that unfortunately negative reinforcement is what gets people to take action that's how it happened with me I was one of these dumbasses that thought they knew everything and then I heard you and then you're the only person out here telling people that they're [ __ ] up they're lazy and cowardly and they need to change that and unfortunately just like with addicts you need to have they need to have bad things happen to them for them to change the way they act and they behave it won't happen through a little soft love and niceties being said it's through harsh things being said and that's what gets people to change and that is how people are going to change so I'll just say it again truthandlaw.com please check me out I've got the whole Covenant breakdown it's an hour and a half uh you know there's there's a lot there man thank you for having me I appreciate you taking it absolutely thank you so much all right folks so uh Conrad uh I definitely want to onboard you on to one great work Network my friend um we are going to make this happen um I am just you know setting up and you know getting all of my things you know getting all my ducks in a row as they say and um either this week or next week I'm going to reach out to you and we're going to get you onboarded so I'm definitely gonna on board at least one person this week hopefully a couple here's a person from one great work Network Mr Logan Hart Logan welcome to what on Earth is happening hello hello how you doing yes we can loud and clear great I'm doing good man I appreciate that and I'm glad to hear that you got moved you know and uh hopefully everything went well with that you're all set up in your new space it was a laborious process and I had a lot of help from many different people I want to thank everybody who helped me with the move uh I couldn't have done it without you guys uh so um and it was uh over uh a few weeks that that it took place uh I have unboxed about 95 of things uh and set up about 95 of things again there's just some ancillary things that have have yet to be done and I'll be working on those over the course of the next week or two and then hopefully maybe I'll even do a little uh housewarming party here and invite some people out so uh thank you uh Logan for for asking that and uh for your well wishes uh and the move has gone well and it is largely complete yeah that's good moving always sucks so it's good that you had some help and a little bit of time to kind of to get it all done not overwhelmed and everything it's a it's a really different environment out here in uh Suburban uh Pennsylvania than in the city of Philadelphia and uh you know I'm definitely adjusting to it and uh you know realizing there's a whole different Dynamics involved you know I've never really had a law in my entire life now I have a huge one uh you know that I'm going to probably try to grow some food out here uh it's uh going to be a a you know a nice environment I think I'm already making the adjustment pretty well and um I'm liking it so far that's awesome so uh yeah I had a I had a topic I thought would be good to touch on sure um so you know I like I launched my weekly live show which is going very well a couple months back and uh you know right after our episode that we did together tell the viewers the name of the show your your time slot uh give them all the information they need to tune in yes so I'm on the wizard Factory that is my channel my platform I'm on YouTube and odyssey and Facebook those are that's where I put the live out and um I do kind of focus more on YouTube um well you know we'll see how that goes maybe I'll get rug pulled at some point but uh you know it is what it is I'm definitely trying to get the best Outreach to people that aren't privy to this information you know but yeah I'm live every Saturday at noon Central so I invite anyone you know to uh to come and join in to conversation awesome but uh yeah so last uh well you know yesterday I had a show and I was joined by Will Keller a good friend of mine and awesome awesome fellow content creators many of you know definitely and we we got into the topic of AI which you know has been a really big kind of hot button topic lately and we wanted to kind of bring a really balanced perspective and of course kind of talk about some of the dark side of of it but also you know the potential uplifting and uh liberating aspects to it you know it's particularly how you can use it to create programs and applications without knowing a single shred of coding uh you you know it could build out stuff for you I know you're always railing about how crappy you know software should become so like this will give those tools to more people to actually build quality stuff and then also particularly using it as a tool for Content creators you know I've been using chat GPT to help me write posts and copy and uh research for my upcoming presentation for funnel on mind control definitely um it saves me so much time aspects to all technology negative aspects to all technology I plan on using uh you know AI chat to uh generate imagery for slide presentations in the future I'm absolutely and describe scenarios that you know I might have to pay an artist to paint or take a long time describing something to somebody where I could write out a paragraph and have the uh you know the the chat AI spit something out that is perfect and can be put in the presentation and there's no quote copyright or you know uh any uh resources needing to be exchanged to do it and I don't see a problem with that there's no problem with that morally that's using a piece of technology that's been developed for educational purposes in a moral capacity so um you know everybody that thinks oh that's only one direction of things they're the same kind of people that think that the occult is all evil no it's knowledge and it's what we do with it that converts it into either good or evil that was exactly my take on the show I even shared one of your quotes about knowledge and just replace the word with AI but just to get the point across because knowledge like anything is just a tool and the only way to ensure that there's not going to be that power differential is to spread it far and wide and make sure everyone has equal access right just like guns or anything else like that so yeah it's I think you know it's a real big opportunity for Content creators especially doing the one great work you know to have a leg up on the competition be ahead of the curb and you know or maybe you could even incorporate a touch on that and you're becoming the True Media you know as a tool because it really can save you so much time you know it can give you information depending on what you're looking into but like I said I'm doing stuff on on mind control for funnel three and it's given me tons of great information to you know just ask it like to condense the work of Fritz springmeyer for example and it'll give you bullet points and you you can just kind of rewrite it and and put it in your own words so really powerful tool I agree I fully agree I think that this needs to not be looked at with such fear and trepidation um obviously if Technologies like that are used for the purposes of control and manipulation then we have to be very concerned about it but um you know the human mind can invent uh powerful tools and we can use them for the right purposes uh and it's about being vigilant and not letting it fully slip into the wrong hands and be used for purposes of control and manipulation as I said so I think that is a very balanced approach to recognize the the evil that can be done with it but to make people aware of how that technology works and use it for the right purposes and morally educate them to use it for the correct purposes uh if we do that and take that balanced approach I don't think it will be a a long-term extreme problem right you can literally ask it you know uh what's what's some strategies to actually bring the message of freedom to the masses in a very appealing way and that can give you new ideas that you wouldn't have thought of right you know I'm thinking about eventually when I get some extra Capital running YouTube ads to promote the channel and that can write your your whole script for you you know just stuff like that it's it's a tool it should be let me add an addendum to this and give people a little uh piece of insight they'll maybe let them think about this differently all this is is the amalgamation of human knowledge really right so if it's going to be this negative evil evil thing then that is what Humanity has become right if we even allow it to be used like that then that's just reflecting like our our Mirror Image back to us from the mirror right it's the law of course that's all it is the universe is still working perfectly right whether AI exists or it doesn't exist if we're moral we're going to receive morality back if we're immoral we're going to receive immorality back it's very very simple the universe is a huge reflecting mirror and it operates according to the principles of cause and effect on correspondence and many others and it's it's not that hard to figure out actually that's something we touched on was this concept that came across of kind of treating it like uh like a child that we you know it's looking to us as parents to model its behavioral and it's literally a learning model it's like the more we feed it the more it's it's learning and growing just like a developing we're giving it all the information that it you accesses and uses and uh that's all coming from us from who we are from what we want to put out there in into the world and into a piece of technology like that and uh it's ultimately going to reflect back to us what we put into it that's all it is yep so yeah I know I encourage anyone who wants to kind of dive into this philosophically and we I think will did a great job you know as um you know conversationally we really got into a wide array of uh kind of perspectives on this so you know anyone that's got your interests peaked with this dude go check out that episode on my channel definitely absolutely appreciate you mark for uh you know taking my call today you got it Logan thank you always great to hear from you my man always man take care of yourself bye-bye awesome all right let's see who else is holding on the line let's hear from Jackie Jackie you are live on what on Earth is happening welcome hi how you doing I'm pretty good how are you not too bad actually um you know a little bit of an adjustment getting set up with the show here in the new location but I think it's going pretty smoothly overall that's good um I just got done with a move myself and I know how it is it's really strong sure well speaking of the season of sacrifice there's something that I've been wondering about um with all the documentaries on 911 that I've been watching on the arc um something I'm always curious about I want to see what you think is when there's actual experts all over the place with this like in the field of the theme that is going on with the event um what's going on in their minds because you would think with 911 that every architect and engineer and pilot would just be like this is ridiculous and like like I've always wonder what are they T what would they have been teaching and the architecture schools back when that happened like it is not so much that they are teaching them any different laws of physics or Dynamics or uh you know mechanics or anything like that um it is purely because let's face it every scientist could pick apart 911 in an hour if they wanted to yeah every engineer could do it um every pilot as you said uh cake like again I broke out old High School junior year physics textbooks and laid them out on the dining room table in my mother's home sat there with a scientific calculator and a tablet of paper and went to work on proving unequivocally that it couldn't have happened the way the official story presented proved it according to the laws of physics with just a few equations you know like a couple of Newton's General laws of motion and a quadratic formula that's it that's all that was required this is stuff that they teach junior year of high school sometimes even earlier in better high schools you probably get stuff like that freshman and sophomore year if you're in a pretty Advanced school that starts children into uh you know those levels of math and physics early but uh in general that's around junior year of high school that you get stuff like that uh so yeah I remember so imagine professionals at their level of knowledge and understanding of Dynamics they could pick it apart in minutes probably and um they're not doing that and they haven't been doing that since it occurred so why is it a lack of knowledge is it something that they're teaching different now nowadays than they were back when I was in school no it's not it's 100 percent pure cowardice and every one of them has to look in the mirror and just acknowledge one thing and they should just say it out loud you should all of you scientists engineers Pilots physicists whatever who you won't look at something like that and say the truth about it you should all go and look in the mirror go in your in your bedroom and if you've got a mirror in your bedroom go in your bathroom you probably have a medicine cabinet mirror and go and look at yourself really really really deeply and say this to yourselves I'm a [ __ ] coward that's what you need to go look right in your own eyes and say right to your own face looking in your own eyes because it's true it isn't that you don't know it's that you're a cowardly piece of [ __ ] and I'll say it right to your face I'll say it right to their face right to the their face it isn't that they don't know they're just low-life cowards and they've always been because they're probably the kind of left brain Eggheads that were just cowardly little you know runts in school and even if they're not those type of guys they're still cowards to stand up to Authority they're cowards to stand up and speak out in the public because they're worried about losing money or tenure or Prestige and all that is is you're you're just a coward deep down inside your heart and your guts that's all it is and guess what people like that are just verminous pieces of trash that that they don't do any good for anybody in the world I don't care what they do it doesn't matter what they do what they make what they create what they invent they're just low life pieces of trash from their Inception as a human being and only internal self Shadow work can ever correct that nothing else can correct it they're not working upon themselves as a being in consciousness they think oh my contribution is in whatever field of endeavor I'm involved in making money or teaching or whatever no no it isn't because you're not telling the truth that's all it comes down to they're just cowards who won't tell the truth because they're worried about what might get taken away from them if they speak the truth you know sometimes it seems like they really believe the narrative though like I had a um my younger sister had a doctor yelling at her like a maniac for not getting you know the job and it was it did seem like well then people like that are morons the people people like that just are literal brainwashed morons who believe religiously in what they've been taught because they have such an investment in it and again it all comes down to money and uh position in in life that's all really ever comes down to you know money and station and that tells you all you need to know about a human being they won't do the right thing and speak the truth because of their money Prestige and station that they've already acquired in whatever field they're already in and that's called being a cult member what what do you think the cult members of the whole big cult that runs the world are like they don't want to step outside of it because they already have all the power that they could ever dream of they consider themselves in a position of rulership over other people and they don't want to lose that you know and that's what makes them verminous trash I mean like that what needs to just be said to people like that is no you are incorrect you don't want to acknowledge it because you fear that you have something to lose you're a fearful little child and it makes you a piece of trash as a human being not to speak the truth in a moral capacity that's all it comes down to that they don't want to do the morally right thing and say what's true because their trash as a human being nothing can undo that except them looking in the mirror analyzing themselves from a psychological point of view and acknowledging what a horrific human being that they are nothing else can do it this is what I had to do to come out of Satanism there was nothing anybody was going to say to me that would have changed it I had to sit in them in front of the mirror and say what a piece of garbage you are and and only until I acknowledged that I was a gigantic piece of [ __ ] garbage could I acknowledge I'm making the world worse by how I'm behaving and thinking by how I'm thinking by how I'm feeling and how I'm behaving my thoughts my emotions and actions are making the world worse and worse and worse I'm contributing to that problem I'm part of that Dynamic that's what I had to sit in front of the mirror and say to myself to come out of it and it was years of work it wasn't it wasn't a day of work or a week of work or a month of work it was years of doing that nobody's going to come out of that in a couple of days that's a deep intensive psychological Shadow work that has to be done upon a human being by themselves they can have help from others but they can't do that work nobody can do that work for them except them and most people will never do it they'll die in that condition that they will consciously accept I'm too big of a piece of dirt to do that I will never look at those things that I'm uncomfortable with about myself and I will die in this condition of incompleteness Slash uh ineptitude slash unworthiness however whatever adjectives you want to slap on it you know um inadequacy they know that they're all of those things and they don't care they want to stay there that's what a verminist piece of human garbage is you know it's it's just got and if more people would just say it to people like that we maybe snap more people out of that trance but most people want to be super nice to people they they care about what they think of them I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody thinks of me anywhere ever I don't care I'm going to say what's true I don't care who it offends because it's still true I'm still correct I'm saying something that is factually correct and right and morally right because it's the morally right thing to do to change things for the better in other people and I'm going to influence that change I am not influencing negative change by saying those things I'm influencing positive change by saying the truth about what other people are and how inadequate they are in changing themselves more people have to do that the problem is most people won't do it because they want peace and quiet and comfort instead of rocking the boat and having tension between people and having people maybe potentially get offended or angry or scream at them and I don't care about any of those things I'm simply going to say what's right and true I hope that makes sense yeah and I'm glad you do that because I think that if you had been really sugary sweet about it in your podcast I would have maybe still now been working at a government job I was at and then it took somebody really telling me you're a piece of trash for me to leave um but I have known other people that I've talked to about some of these issues and they seem to just shut me out when I'm a little bit more aggressive right and then they seem to open up when I'm nice about it yes that can happen there has to be a balance there you can't totally berate somebody into uh submission they're not going to respond that well to that agreed um however if we're too uh nice and we do not do not put any pressure on people which is what most people are doing now they're not even challenging them on these things nothing will ever change you know that's that's a huge part of the problem so there does have to be a balance exerted there and uh you know that's that's up to the the practitioner of influence upon others to learn that balance and again when I was first doing the show I thought that um I was too nice um and I I obviously want people to give me a chance and listen to what I have to say I don't want to come out of the gates you know you know swinging vicious uppercuts but um at the same time even if you listen to show number one I tell people I will not be an apologist for Humanity throughout this podcast series I'm going to say speak harsh truths and tell people what's really going on and I will not be an apologist for people who are doing wrong things and not improving themselves Etc so uh you know and again I still felt feel like I was just being still overly nice to people and sort of wearing a mask and not saying the things that I really wanted to say then I went into a period of like just I mean like just swinging uppercuts all the time you know because of look at what happened with the world I'm trying to tread that balance Now by saying it in a more calm and just a forceful way but not go way overboard and it's hard it's hard because I'm angry all the time you know like I said in my sacred gift of anger presentation one was uh you know playing the uh the Hulk from The Avengers where Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk on on command and they were like you know how did you do that and he's like well that's my secret I'm always angry you know we should always be angry about Injustice if we're not angry about Injustice that means we don't care about Justice yeah yeah I know oh well thanks for taking my call absolutely uh Jackie great points that you brought up uh especially about you know how hard we need to go on people and uh know when to you know if they're making strides to improve know when to you know take it easy on them as well so great points thank you thank you you got it and Jackie uh we're also going to work on your onboarding onto uh one great work Network this week as well all right let's hear from um let's hear from John John you are live on water on Earth is happening welcome John you're coming through very very very muddy if you can get maybe closer to the microphone it may help all right I got airpods there you go that's much better that's much better yeah better okay hey first of all thank you for letting me speak and uh I just wanna man ever since I came across you I mean just another synchronicity um you mentioned the the patterns and I mean it's kind of like a fun game but at the same time it's like I know it's God just putting me on this path and um to speaking the truth and uh isn't synchronicity like that amazing you go from thing to thing to thing just as you need it to unfold I mean it's it's amazing when you're on that path yeah it's like you're playing Legend of Zelda for real you know and um which leads me here I mean even earlier I went outside to just it's so nice outside right now and a freaking ladybug landed on the table next to me and I'm just like I'm signing up to talk and um there's been some beautiful spring days this season especially here in Pennsylvania time for some spring cleaning of these evil bats running around getting away with literal murder and um so I'm I'm chiming in today for two things um one to ask how I can be of help and service to with your situation and just spreading the truth and I believe I can already do that I'm already doing that with the I have a YouTube channel as well great uh it goes by Johnny arcade it's in my bio and telegram but um cool Ark like like Noah's Ark and again that wasn't intended initially but just another synchronous awesome and um and I've been saying it from the get-go like uh you know I'm building an ark get on the ark and everyone laughed at Noah that's right and um with my personal situation this is where I'm asking for help um I'm kind of at a standstill I've been going through a divorce and custody battle with my son and I'm a thousand percent sure that my ex and her entire family are all involved in the dark cult um this all started when I was down multiple rabbit holes about Witchcraft and everything else and um I was raised Catholic um devout Catholic mother devout Catholic sister my other sister pretty questionable on her Christianity under my father's hardcore Bible and I'm kind of a mixture of everything and um and the Bible is just another freaking you know the synchronicities and um so since I filed for divorce I was because I I noticed satanic symbols in my son's behavioral books wow and um and when I brought it to my wife's attention at the time um that's many questioned about and I already knew she kind of dabbled in dark stuff but I asked her straight out if she practiced Witchcraft and her response was yes and um and this was after asking her if she knew because she suffers from quote unquote bipolar um and so the years of me knowing her and then being married to her and then deciding to have children with her um you know I became a different man I bottled the old self up and I wasn't I wasn't myself I wasn't happy I was working countless amount of hours just thinking I was living the American dream and um God had different plans for me and so when I saw these symbols like it was it's a series of books um which we had a few more so before I even brought it to her attention I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy looking into it too much and um pulled out the other books from that series definitely found more symbolism and um decided to bring it to our attention and when I asked her if she knew that there was symbols in these books her response was of course there's satanic symbols in those books like what do you want to do about it do you want to throw these books away do you want to burn the books and I said no that's what Hitler did Hitler burnt books like I have a YouTube channel like I can show this to people and some people might be okay with this but I definitely am not and parents can use their own discernment but if they don't know it like these are books that therapists would recommend to parents who are biting or hitting or and the book was called Hands Are Not For Hitting and the cover of the book has the kid doing the two six six sixes like a Batman mask and that's what I always thought and I'm the one that bought the freaking book for her um she was a preschool teacher when I met her and I am fully convinced that the preschool she was working at which is now under new ownership New Management um the teachers there I mean literally she would tell me horror stories about how one of the teachers could even read she would make up the words and the stories um because she did know how to read um like things like that one teacher like choking out another teacher and um and she drove a significant amount of time to get to this school and we had countless in that conversations about why don't you work closer even if you got less pay you'd be home longer you could sleep in longer and uh she always fought me to it and um see uh occultism is there's far more widespread in general than people believe that it is then people are even comfortable accepting that it is um my friend Jay Parker talks about this a lot um where he believes that there are millions of dark occultists worldwide he places a pretty sizable number on it and you know thinks that there are many many more percentage-wise of their Minions that are just you know at their beck and call and you know working for them and uh you know I was even reluctant to think of it as that widespread many years ago but I think it probably is much more widespread than any of us would like to believe the thing we do also have to be uh you know careful about is not necessarily ascribing every aspect of the occult to the dark occult because sometimes there is information contained within occult knowledge that is not necessarily just there for nefarious purposes was there anything that led you to believe that um you know uh you're is she now your ex or you know uh was was involved in the dark aspects of the occult not just the occult in general because even if someone you know claims that they're into witchcraft does not necessarily mean it's a dark aspect there is dark Witchcraft and light witchcraft um it's uh it's simply knowledge that can be worked in One Direction or another specifically anything that led you to specifically believe that there was involvement in dark occultism yes yes and to add to that since this the the I filed for divorce in 2020 I was going down Rabbit Hole after Rabbit Hole prior to that when I had the opportunity to work from home as a outside sales rep and so it wasn't until I filed for divorce and I mean the attorney I hired who was recommended to me by an ex that I knew who had gained full custody of her son I now just seeing how everything is connected um I believe the attorney I had hired is part of it my ex is part of it her family is part of it my exes are turning the one who I am still currently trying to divorce is part of it the priest at the church that I was that I chose for us to become parishioners at is part of it this preschool that we signed my son up for it is part of it all because they have all literally been working against me including the multiple I'm on the my fifth judge I believe now um and all the things that I am trying to stop at affilia child trafficking abuse uh substance abuse suicide are all the things that they are painting me out to be and so not only her and her family everyone associated with her entire family and now I'm finding that like the louder I speak up about this and defend myself personal friends are kind of coming out of the woodwork that uh I never would have thought like literally everyone that was pretty much in my wedding uh on my side and there's uh seems to be part of this and trying to keep it hidden it's it's very it's very possible you know that it is uh you know generational occultism I mean that's what you see in certain family uh Bloodlines um you see it being basically taught and passed down generation to Generation Um it's an interesting you know story I'd like to check out more on your YouTube channel and um you know again it brings to mind someone like Jay Parker who has um you know a personal involvement in family bloodline uh occultism you know Satanism in uh specific uh who I'm gonna try to have on the show really soon to discuss some of that stuff so um you know uh What uh what is your your channel again it was giant arcade it's j-o-n-n-y Arc like Noah's Ark Aid um like the video games it started out with me reviewing Lego sets and building arcades um and it has that you if you go there now you'll see that it's a majority of me um I have since started reading tarot for healing helping people through their situations and uh and their Dark Knights of the soul and kind of helping them find their purpose that's definitely a good transformational Tool uh from the the positive side of the occult to use the tarot in that uh in that capacity for shadow and healing work John I will definitely check out your YouTube channel and I want to say uh thank you for calling in and sharing some of your story with us um after I got rid of my attorney I started representing myself and I've gotten more accomplished in the last eight months representing myself by using chat gbt to translate my words into legal leaders which has I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they offered me a job by the time this is all over we have to we have to fight this battle on all fronts so that's another positive aspect to using something uh technology like that so that's great oops sorry I accidentally muted either go right ahead yeah so uh yeah you could wrap up um I said that's a good way of using technology to uh you know uh fight the battle on all different fronts well well John thank you so much for the call and I will definitely check out the YouTube channel and check out more about uh your story and some of the occult uh teachings that you have up there let's see who else is hanging on the line here let's hear from let's hear from Andrew Andrew you are live on what on Earth is happening welcome Andrew go ahead and unmute your mic there you go hey Mark how you doing sorry about the problem I it's a pleasure to speak to you um I've just been I've been following your work now for I want to say since 2020. um you really uh I I have to be honest I'm not fully up to uh speed with all of your episodes I believe I'm on the like episode 97 but um that's what a lot of people tell me that they're they're catching up they may have caught me in a later episode and then they go back and start listening to the whole thing and I think when they do that they're going to get maximum value and they're going to understand the full tapestry of this information yeah and I kind of branched off and and went into um like other areas uh you know Gematria like um Conrad was talking about earlier yes um and there's just there's so many rabbit holes oh sure so um I'm sorry I'm just oh it's okay take your time and formulate your thoughts whatever you want to ask about go right ahead well um before you started off talking about uh the show we're talking about the transgenderism yeah they seem to be bringing that out into the uh season of sacrifice events with um these uh you know gender identity uh inspired related uh shootings unfortunately it's a it's a terrible thing to see and uh it's uh you know it's it's something that people have to you know realize is part of their whole manipulation and um you know realize that uh they can't make this a big divisive issue you know where we're fighting each other on you know how people see themselves uh you know from an identity standpoint it's just one of the ways that they divide people and uh you know then inject fear into the population uh you know and then have them fight each other as a result uh you know of all that uh it's their masters at manipulating people and getting them to fight each other and instead of recognizing who they are and what their beliefs and practices are Masters at it absolutely yeah and the thing that you know obviously I was raised Christian um and thanks to your work mostly um you know I've come to realize that it's it's you know the truth is more esoteric than it is One Singular ideology um all these religions it's it's I always tell my girlfriend you know it's so funny excuse me they all say this is the way to heaven you know this is the this is this this religion this is the one that's gonna save you and they follow those beliefs and they truly believe that this is what's going to get them into heaven and that if they oh if they if they eat you know if they eat peas on it it's it you're damned things that have no bearing on true morality that's uh this is what religion is a Master System at doing it's a Master System formulated by occultists by dark occultists to confuse people regarding what true objective morality is by giving them all of this ambiguous morality that does not actually align with natural law and if you can get people believing that those are the real laws of God if you can get people believing that the true seven deadly sins are Pride gluttony sloth lust anger jealousy and greed and they don't understand that the true seven deadly sins are murder assault rape theft trespass coercion and deception then they're off on an immoral path in their entire lives you know how many religions have ridiculous rules and Dogma that have nothing to do with real morality you know and then when you tell people that has nothing to do with morality that may be a voice that may be something that you don't really want to do all the time because it could debase you as a human being personally but it's still a vice you know if you drink too much alcohol or if you do too many drugs it's still advice you know if you inject the drug into somebody else's arm that undermines their health that's a crime you know especially if you do it without their consent you know it's like things don't forced on other people without their consent that's crime you know because it's violation of their rights as an individual you know that's why it's called violence because it violates rights I I left a good career with FedEx uh you know because they uh wanted me to have a mask slapped on my face and I even gave him a doctor's note um saying that you know because of my asthma uh you know it's not good for me and they literally put me on ice for six months and then when they removed the Mandate they uh said come on back and I said did you see my note and they said oh uh we don't need to see that anymore you can you can come on back and I said no you're gonna look at the note and then they fired wow so it hey you know it's that you know you talk about you know being a coward standing up for stuff you know it is that was my my moment I could say oh it's just a mask let me just put the mask on and then oh it's the shot oh it's just no you know enough that's right and that that inner strength that you know you talk about you know that that's just so important but um there was the transgender thing I hate to go back to that I the one thing um like I said being raised a Christian um and not really I love the teachings but I do not call myself a Christian name but as far as that goes I understand that you know if you're not hurting anybody who cares but the things they're pushing now you know people uh in the work uh work work from home uh office work whatever you know sometimes you'll get an email and someone's got pronouns in there and it's like oh so am I supposed to be doing this as well and you know there that's where I believe it gets confusing for people you know on that issue a big part of it is they're trying to push it upon the young that is you know too um undeveloped to make truly informed choices regarding things like that if people are adults yes they could do whatever they want to their own bodies uh I I personally don't think it should be you know pushed or forced upon children certainly that's that's where I would draw the line uh as far as anyone's gender identity that's their own business you know but I think children should be certainly left out of that because they they have to develop naturally and then make an informed choices and as an adult um with what they want to do regarding anything like that but I don't think that that's should be a divisive issue in our society period you know it's like uh you know I have gay friends I have transgendered friends it's it's neither here nor there all that matters is do you understand more reality are you a good person are you for Freedom are you for other people's freedom you know that that's all that matters to me you know I I don't I don't make race an issue I don't make age an issue I don't make uh you know nationality an issue I don't make gender identity an issue I don't make sexuality an issue it's like all that I care about is do you understand morality are you a moral human being are you for True Freedom do you understand that volunteerism Anarchy these are the only true moral Pathways in life because they're not based on coercion and violence and pushing what you want other people to be like upon them you know uh that's what people have to just understand and stop getting divided and conquered you know but that's what they want to do is take people into smaller and smaller and smaller boxes of identity and hold them there and then just try to make them fight everybody else and it's like you got you got to be more Street wise than that and understand this is a manipulation tactic by the occult yep and and you know you mentioned the kids earlier uh you know them being the targets of it um it's again I always tell my girlfriend you know like you have to look at the parents right I mean if the parents are allowing it then then what you know it's like that's the parents job if the parent says okay this is something I want to do yeah I mean a lot of them fall into a lot of the uh mental manipulation and then somehow think that they're doing the right thing you know it's like right the parents job is to teach and protect the child till they're of age to make their own informed decisions most parents aren't doing that most parents are failing miserably at that unfortunately you know that's why they would even take their child into some sexualized location you know it's like right you know there's no problem with sexuality it's just you know like you know children don't really belong in that environment you know it's uh I would draw the line certainly there and people should be Drawing the Line there and unfortunately many of them are not but great points though that you've brought up thank you for those hey thank you so much absolutely you have a great one YouTube all right let's see if we could sneak in another couple calls let's hear from let's hear from Ron Ron you're live on water on Earth is happening welcome hey Mark yes I can loud and clear welcome oh man good God this is amazing uh it's an honor to speak to you to be perfectly honest thank you um I just want to do uh I just wanted to tell you man on you know I've been listening since 2015 and you know all the times that you have gotten extremely angry and you're screaming and you know it's Justified anger I just want to let you know that there's people like me and my wife who are sitting in the living room watching you on YouTube loving every second of it because we have done the work we have listened I mean I've listened to the natural law seminar alone eight times wow I believe my my all-time favorite is dissidence and duress I mean that's a powerful it's a hard-hitting powerful presentation if you really pay attention to it and you absorb it yes oh my God and just you know this the quote that you have from Sam Adams you know I'm just I'm just sitting there just with chills going down my spine you know just loving every second of it I agree the annual is Justified I wanna I wanna try to bring it into balance though and sort of uh for my own uh health and you know staying in in a good state of energy uh not get totally give in fully to it and because it's easy to it's easy to go Ultra nuts with it you know sure uh but again I'm still gonna say absolutely powerful and even harsh things to people in a very of you know straightforward hard-hitting way I'm just going to try to temper it a little bit but uh thank you that uh that uh that still resonates with you you know because I I've I've gotten it out there and had to get it out there cathartically in many cases uh because of what was going on in in society so uh I appreciate that you're able to uh to hear that in in the correct spirit oh absolutely Mark yeah I loved every second of when you were I will burn this man but I just wanted to bring some humor to the show I you know I don't want to take up too much time let other people talk right but you know I've been listening for a long time brother and I'm gonna continue to and uh thank you for everything you've done I've done last year 2020 man when you were doing all that uh I just decided [ __ ] it I'm gonna do the same [ __ ] thing and uh I think I have two friends left I had about 20. well like I said if people aren't resonating with the truth and you're trying to give them the truth uh trying to explain truth to them to help them then they were never really friends and maybe if maybe they were if they come around to it at some Future Point that's what turning the other cheek is all about if someone does come around to the truth you say okay I'm glad you you know better late than never you came around and you know we we can still be on good terms that's what the real turning the other cheek is actually about so I'm sorry to hear that you lost friends over speaking hard truth to them but maybe you planted some seeds and they will come around at some Future Point yeah absolutely Mark well thanks man it is a pleasure uh and an honor to speak to you Ron thank you for the call you have a good one take care you too all right I think we can get at least one more in let's hear from let's hear from Xena Xena you are live on what on Earth is happening welcome Xena go ahead and unmute there you go how you doing not bad yourself I'm doing great driving down Livernois Avenue I'm from Detroit Michigan cool um my family immigrated here in the 70s from the Middle East wow and uh and I grew up you know in a place and at a time where uh I started watching my parents like viewing War happening on the television right back home where we know where we come from I'm like okay you know and then um growing up Catholic pretty interesting yeah I hear that I know you do I know you do so um lots of lots of guilt guilty feelings that I had to kind of shake off and uh and grow grow through but um anyway I have a hard time around here finding people that are not drinking the Kool-Aid so to speak especially in the uh in the Detroit area in general yeah yeah yeah they target they target major cities big time I mean it's like that in Philadelphia you know it's like that obviously in New York and DC you know in Chicago uh Detroit would be no different um they uh they have their tentacles out into the population centers more than anywhere else certainly more than you know even uh Suburban or certainly rural areas now that's not to say that there aren't good and bad people everywhere it's just I I hear what you're saying it could be even difficult to locate people who are awake and aware and conscious and uh you know understanding objective morality in a city a a fully urbanized area like that um it's challenging have you checked any uh like meetup groups or Eventbrite groups or things like that because that that might help you to locate some people in your general area that are talking about these types of topics and themes I can't say that I have um I'm kind of new to navigating or using the internet in a more like productive way instead of mindlessly you know I don't know shopping or something but um so there's something I could definitely help you with because I can show you all about how to locate resources and things like that online that's a big part of what I teach in how to become the True Media but um you know my initial recommendations are just even on your your smartphone just try to uh go to download the um the apps uh meet up and uh and Eventbrite more people probably using event right now than Meetup which is a little bit older where you can you know just search themes you know uh you could search for you know Freedom or libertarian or even stuff like documentaries you know and just see what's going on what events are being held in your area or meetups held in your area and who knows you might find some really good events and you might find some people that are very uh you know um into uh you know these type of of topics and get together and you know uh be able to work together network with each other and uh even make some friends along the way who knows did I lose you looks like we may have lost Xena but Xena if you could still hear me uh that's what I would um highly recommend you know you want to try to really uh get together with people in your area by finding them online it's going to be difficult to do that just in person randomly bumping into people so I'll just again say uh you know Eventbrite app and Meetup app and just you know put in a general theme of what you might want to meet people that uh you have in common and I'm sure you'll find a meet up in your area yeah let's see uh we're almost out of time let's hear from Lloyd Lloyd take us out we got 30 seconds you have to unmute all right um let's go to uh Marta Marty you have 20 seconds to take us out before the uh title card drops now how about Christopher Christopher 15 seconds go hey yeah oh there is the end there's the end of the show ah all right catch you next time you got it that's all the time we have for this edition of water on Earth is happening ladies and gentlemen remember government is slavery I'll see you right here next week [Music] [Music] bye foreign